Dr Giuseppe Delicati On How Flu Vaccines + Covid Vaccines Are Trouble
This Italian Doctor is talking about the same things that Dr Judy Mikovits was talking about, how flu vaccines would drive COVID-19
I uploaded the video to my YouTube channel and made it private because I knew that would take it down. The only reason I uploaded it there was to try and download the sub-titles.
They did a little more than take the video down, they took my whole channel down! hahahaha So you know the information is correct if I had to be CENSORED that heavily!!
I have my first big boy BADGE OF HONOR!! Thank you for that Google!
My YouTube channel was removed because I uploaded this video.
I’m making the call to STOP USING GOOGLE PRODUCTS! Start migrating to other platforms that run by THE FIRST AMENDMENT!!
- In place of Google Search use DuckDuckGo.com
- In place of YouTube, use Rumble.com
I’m going to make a list of other social media platforms that do not censor people. But for now back to the topic at hand.
Dr Giuseppe Delicati
Here is the video and transcription from Dr. Giuseppe Delicati, the first of a series on the flu vaccine and Covid-19 vaccine.
My name is Giuseppe Delicati. I am an ex-medical officer in the Air Force, and now
I am a family doctor, also active in the hospital field.
So I wanted to make a request of you for the next anti-flu vaccine
Given that Dr. Tarro, Professor [Guilio] Tarro, actually,
has revealed an interaction between the anti-flu vaccine
and Covid-19, I’ve made two requests to ASL [Azienda Sanitaria Locale]
to be able to talk about this interaction.
The director of ASL has not yet answered me,
and it is known with certainty from a Pentagon website
that the virus, the Corona Virus, undergoes an activation
by the action of the anti-flu vaccination.
And it has been revealed, in fact, that of the deaths in Bergamo last year,
everyone had been vaccinated withe the anti-flu vaccine and had also received
anti-pneumococcal vaccine.
Now, given that I have sent two requests to ASL
to be able to do this disposition and received no response
I am making this video to raise awareness
with everyone given that…
this vaccine has been solicited this year, certainly with great anticipation.
Normally, the vaccination campaign begins from November 15th
and goes until December 31, considering the influenza
reaches its peak in January, January or February.
So this year, it was anticipated that from
26 or 27 October the campaign for vaccinations could begin. This raised my suspicion.
And moreover, at the same time the vaccination
for Covid was also proposed. Now it is known with certainty that the
American researcher, Judy Mikovitz, demonstrated

first of all, that the virus, practically speaking, never having been isolated,
let us say in this case, that it is not a vaccine,
which as far as Covid is concerned, the vaccinated virus is attenuated…
as with influenza, but from fragments of RNA,
which combined with our DNA,transforming itself into trans-genetic organisms
and provoking terrible auto-immune sicknesses in the vaccinated subjects.
Now, returning to the initial discussion of this interaction between
the activation of Corona Virus and the flu vaccine,
I wanted to propose to you, colleagues,
the analyses of some samples of these vaccines that will arrive
which we [unintelligible] possession on the part of Dr. [Stefano] Montanari.
Considering that this researcher discovered in the anti-pneumococcal vaccine,,
for example, DNA from aborted fetuses.
If we were to find, in the next flu vaccine,
these quote “impurities”, it is clear that would make us responsible
for a crime,
for an injurious act on our patients,
and we clearly would be legally punishable.
So I wanted to clarify for everyone, let us proclaim ourselves united
and to disseminate this video to be able to
precisely, ask all [unintelligible],
to examine these samples, these samples of vaccines.
Another thing that I wanted to bring up is that, unfortunately,
this…this, let us call it this…pseudo-pandemic Corona…
Covid, because the numbers aren’t there to call it a pandemic
compared to the Spanish flu which caused 50,000,000 deaths,
compared to the Asian flu, which caused 2 million,
this pandemic — we call it a pandemic — piloted, planned pandemic,
has caused less than 400,000 deaths in the…
and what makes you think more, what makes you mad is that
many…practically, consider as infected
those subjects that are simply given swabs that test positive.
Now, over 80% of swabs are swabs that are giving false positives
and in 15% of cases, results that are false negative.
Therefore, it is clear that that the swab “campaign” should hold off
just a bit, and hold off just to provide evidence within the population,
the presence of traces of RNA, for which
establishment of historical data cannot be determined with certainty, while it would be
more important to do a blood test for
the detection of IgG-IgM anti-bodies
to have a better diagnosis, and especially to be more datable.
We will be in contact again, because this will only be the first
of a series of videos that I will continue to make.
Good day, colleagues.
Peace, Love & Blessings To All!