Ibram X Kendi The Anti-Racist
Ibram Henry Rogers claims to be “Anti-Racist” and if you don’t use that word instead saying NO, I’m not a racist, you are a racist, according to his delusional self. He’s from New York, surprise, surprise, no wonder why he’s so confused!
Ibram, didn’t like the name his parents gave him, Ibram Henry Rogers, Honor Thy Parents Ibram, oh that’s right he’s a Marxist, no God in that house. So he took his wife’s more African sounding last name, Kendi and the X, well we know where he borrowed that from. He says it stands for “Xolani”…that must be what Malcolm Little, I mean Malcolm X’s last name was too. No, that’s not true, Malcolm X had balls, he realized the truth and that’s why Louis Farrakhan and the Muslim Brotherhood had him X’d out.
Ibram, in July 2020, assumed the position of director of the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University…BU, that figures. Somewhere in his research, maybe when he was looking up the word “Anti”, he figured that was the correct way to say “No, I’m Not A Racist”
Amanpour & Co Interview Of Ibram X Kendi
Ibram was being interviewed on Amanpour & Co, don’t ask me, I’ve never heard of them…it must be a leftist type of show, otherwise why would Ibram X go on there? Why, because he new he wouldn’t be challenged. I digress, he went on there to explain why it’s better to say ani-racist as opposed to “no, I’m not a racist”. The poor guy had to read it from his book, by the way, it seems as though Ibram didn’t do so well with reading while in school.
Amanpour & Co is on PBS, that figures as well. PBS a great idea, polluted by large donators…Like George Soros. If George Soros were a king, he would probably be Herodes Magnus (Herod The Great)…he’s probably King Herod reincarnated…still negatively polarized eh, Georgie? Enough about that swine.
Watch the video from Amanpour & Co. and let me know what you think. The segment below is from him reading what he should know by heart, you would think.
You can very easily tell that Ibram X. Kendi is a good person. How can I tell? My Heart is open! “Open your heart Judas, not your mind, open your heart and eyes.”
The fact that his Mother, his wife AND he are battling cancer is rough. My sister died August 3rd, 2020 of breast cancer, a demon she had been battling for half of her life! For him, I can’t even imagine what it would be like. It is a gift from God, I think, a way to show “His” Glory. But how to utilize that gift without being another divisive tool.
We are living in a dualistic society. Those who would like to keep us divided, do so at every chance they get. One of the biggest divisors is RACE. Look what happened after George Floyd was murdered. I thought for sure that Derek Chauvin was going to get off. It just seemed like something the leftists would have made happen. If you think the OJ Simpson trial outcome was bad, if Derek Chauvin was set free, it would have made the OJ trial look like he was in court to fight a j-walking ticket!
You’re A Southie, Huh?
I grew up in South Boston, Massachusetts or “Southie” as it’s known by most. Side-note: I left South Boston when I was 18, I moved to California, where I’ve lived most of my life. Once in a while I would meet a person and when they found out where I was from they would say: “You’re a Southie huh?” What?? “No”, I would say, “I’m from there”, I would continue. Then I would ask them where they were from. There is one friend of mine that comes to mind, his answer to that question was “Utah”, to which I replied “You’re a Utah, huh?”…’nuff ced!
Growing up in South Boston in the 70’s was a very racially charged time. I was 10 when forced busing started. Needless to say I was very influenced by what was happening around me. I bought into a lot of the racist ideas that were floating around. I thank God that was a short-lived period of my life. I have Alex Haley to thank for that. My heart and my eyes were opened.

This is a famous picture that was on the cover of Time magazine. It won a Pulitzer Prize, I think the category was “Media Deception”. The man waving the flag is a friend’s older brother. Everyone who sees this thinks he was actually going to spear the man with that flag pole and the man holding the black man was holding him so he could do just that. The TRUTH of the matter is, he was just waving the flag back and forth and the man holding him, was just trying to get him out of there before somebody hurt him and it WOULD NOT have been the man holding the flag. The protest took place at City Hall Plaza.
I remember in 7th grade, a kid in my class, who happened to be black, was a friend of mine and there was a black girl I had a crush on. One day I was walking home, there was a girl, who was also in my class, who started giving me shit about who I chose for friends…she called me a “Nigger Lover”. I just shook my head and kept walking. If you asked me at that point in my life if I was a racist, I would have said the same thing I would say at this moment in time “NO, I am not a racist”.
Candace Owens Invited Ibram To Her Show
Ibram thinks just because a person doesn’t aggressively denounce racism, that the person is a racist. Candace Owens invited Ibram onto her show to discuss his revelation about the way you should say you are not a racist…I mean, how you are anti-racist. She reached out to Boston University, where he teaches his ideas, she reached out to his publisher, sent him a message via his personal email and also tried to contact him by his personal cell phone, NO REPLY!
It seems that Ibram, unlike Malcolm X, “no tiene huevos”. Candace made some very good counter-points about his thoughts of not being racist:
- How it is not good to NOT be a racist? Of course it’s good to not be a racist.
- It’s a good thing to NOT be anti-semetic
- It’s a good thing to NOT be a serial killer
- It’s a good thing to NOT be a bank robber
- It’s a good thing to NOT be a child abuser
- If you are not going out and aggressively confronting serial killers, then you are a serial killer…
Ibram X Kendi Is A Marxist
It turns out that Ibram X Kendi is a MARXIST! Now it all makes sense! BLM is a MARXIST organization and what do they do that is good? NOTHING! If you’re Patrisse Khan-Cullors, BLM is great, because you take all the donations made by unsuspecting fools and go on a home shopping-spree in Florida. Who’s a big supporter of BLM? George Soros.
I have a suggestion for you Ibram, why don’t you give the money you make from Boston University, from your book sales and from your speaking engagements to the poor! That’s what a Marxist would do, wouldn’t he? THE ONLY REASON why you think Marxism works is because you live in a CAPITALIST country!! Go ahead Ibram, donate your money to the poor, that’s what God wants…oh wait, do Marxists believe in God? Oh, that’s right they don’t.
Peace, Love & Blessings To All, Especially Ibram X Kendi And All Like Him!!!