The Goal Of Socialism Is Communism – Vladimir Lenin
Black Lives Marxists
This Girl Speaks The Truth!! Something good out of New York, after seeing Andrew Cuomo, Chris Cuomo, Anthony Fauci, Bill de Blasio, Leticia James and all the other scum in politics there. It was very nice to come across this woman’s video: Dear BLM: BYE
When I say “something good out of New York”, I hope my friends realize I’m not talking about them, they know what I’m saying is true. Here’s one I wrote a post about: Chocolate Girl. She makes INCREDIBLE chocolate, I suggest you try some.
Back to The Marxists
For all those who support Black Lives Matter, are you aware that they are a MARXIST organization? If you are aware of that, are you Marxist, or COMMUNIST?
Marxism is a social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx. It examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism.
Who benefits from something as ridiculous as Marxism, Socialism or Communism? Those in charge, THAT’S IT!! If you are a “Marxist, Socialist or Communist” right now and you live in The United States, ask yourself why it works for you? I’ll wait…hint, the answer lies in the question Why? It’s because you’re in The United States you knucklehead!!
You can play revolutionary all you want, when you’re at home, when you’re at school or when you are at your CAPITALIST job!! If you’re not working then you are most likely collecting unemployment…I know, blame it on the covid FLU! I had the fucking thing, it lasted 4 days and all I had was a cough!
You know, if you clean the sand out of your vagina, you’ll be ok. Just to be clear here, I’m mostly referring to men when I say, “Clean The Sand Out Of Your Vagina”! A clean vagina is a happy vagina! I think everyone can agree with that!
Socialism DOES NOT work! Do you think if the US went Socialist, that it would be a better place??? NEGATIVE! Then you would have people like Nancy Pelosi (Criminal from a criminal family, look it up), Nancy would then have more power to make our lives even more miserable. Why do you think she tried to impeach President Trump TWICE? “One” of those times it was done illegally because he was out of office. She just wanted to eliminate the chance of him running for President again. He’s Running In 2024!!!
Black Lives Marxists
Black Lives Matter was started by 3 SELF-PROCLAIMED MARXISTS, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi, they DO NOT give a FUCK about black lives…I take that back, they do care about black lives if they can make money off of them, like George Floyd. Who else does that sort of thing…Jesse Jackson (GUILTY), Al Sharpton (GUILTY) and Louis Farrakhan (GUILTY , he also was involved in the plot to assassinate Malcolm Little, a.k.a. Malcolm X).
The internet is a wonderful thing, USE IT, to do the research! I can hear the knuckleheads now, “It must be true if it was on the internet”. That phrase sounds like something the CIA would create, just like after President John F, Kennedy was assassinated, they came up with the phrase: “Conspiracy Theorist”, to make ANYONE who came up with a story that differed from their “Magic Bullet” fairy tale.
The EXTORTIONISTS mentioned above are COUNTING on your laziness and their RIDICULOUS weapon, “White Guilt”, to make you side with them! If you weren’t so lazy, you wouldn’t fall for bullshit like that! Why would ANYONE feel guilty about something they or their family had NOTHING to do with? Don’t get your panties in a bunch Jethro, there was nothing good about slavery, but to use it as a weapon against people, just you can get money or to make people feel bad, is just EVIL!!!
That’s like me saying there’s such a thing as “Black Guilt” because of affirmative action! If you think the bar is too high, you better RAISE your standards so you can compete.
Most of you who no me, know I was in a motorcycle accident 23 years ago. My right arm is completely paralyzed…I’m a CRIPPLE! Call it whatever you want, but the fact remains, that I am a cripple. Do I get money from the government because of it, NO!!! When it first happened I did try to get help until I was back on my feet…I was rejected several times before I had someone in Disability who actually could see that I wasn’t trying to pull a scam like 90% of the people I saw in the waiting room…I was disgusted.
I was a bartender before my accident…so what now? A friend of mine had an old Windows 3.1 computer that he gave to me and that was it, the clouds parted and God shone a light on me that still shines brightly, I became a digital nomad!
Briefly, A Digital Nomad is someone who can work ANYWHERE on Earth, as long as they have an internet connection and Smart Phone or laptop. I was in love, the last several years before I moved to Mexico, I made more money than I ever had in my life.
Raising The Bar for myself enabled me to do that. I HAD TO raise it higher than most, because I’m a cripple. You should ALWAYS believe that you CAN…we in North America have it in what we call ourselves: CANadian, AmeriCAN & MexiCAN
The word inspire is normally used in a good context, but it works here too. The word Inspire usually has a Devine influence, hence the “SPIR”, which comes from the word “Spirit”. It works in this context because there is still spirit, but it is negative. There is nothing good that BLM does, therefore the inspiration is from negative entities. I may be wrong about that, but as I always say, if you have any evidence to the contrary, please, post it in the comments, so I can post it here.
If this post ruffles your feathers, walk away for a bit and come back to it. If it makes you angry because you feel that I am attacking you with too much truth, remember this: “You Are Never Angry For The Reason You Think”
“Open your heart Judas, not your mind. Open your heart and your eyes”
Peace, Love & Blessings To All, Especially BLM And Those Involved In That Mess!!!
He said when they attack a farm they’ll tell the farmer:
“If you don’t tell us what we want to know, we’ll rape your wife and two year old daughter and then kill them in front of you.”
These sick fucks do it for the “fun of it”.
Nick Cannon, Louis Farrakhan, Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad
I want to clarify the title, not because I feel that’s it’s racist, because it’s not. Nick Cannon may think differently. He doesn’t even know who he’s trying to be. He follows Louis Farrakhan (Louis Eugene Walcott), the man who had a hand in the assassination of his Muslim “brother”, Malcolm X (Little), for pointing out that the leader of the Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad (Elijah Robert Poole), was knocking-up his teenage secretaries, that was in direct opposition to what he was preaching, no sex out of wedlock!
Elijah Muhammad had a third grade education and also had MANY Children: at least 23, (15 illegitimate, 8 legitimate). Elijah Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan, Nick Cannon are ALL HYPOCRITES! Following Farrakhan and the NATION OF ISLAM is the root of Nick Cannon’s problem! The root of anyone’s problem who follows such hate and ignorance.
I had no idea who Nick Cannon was until I saw the video of him incoherently rambling about “melanated people” and how white people are savages and animals because we’re not “melanated”, that is, until we get a suntan Nick, we also lack compassion, because we’re not “melanated soul brothers”, because white people have no souls. In his Looney Tunes mind, we fear them, rape their women, steal and do the things that people like George Floyd did. I don’t know if George ever raped anyone, he probably did in prison, but he WAS a career criminal and drug addict….oh stop, what’s the matter? Too soon?
George Floyd
George Floyd did, in fact, point and press a gun against a pregnant black woman’s belly, after he and his black thug, savage friends, forced their way into her home pretending to be from the water company so they could rob her house. WHAT KIND OF A CRACKHEAD DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT?? ANSWER: THE KIND THAT GEORGE FLOYD WAS. Don’t hold him up as a hero or martyr, stop letting Black Lives Matter and people like Nick Cannon fill your heads with BULLSHIT. He got fired for being a dumb-ass!
Nick Cannon Speaking With Professor Griff With First Two minutes Transcribed Below
This is the first 2 minutes of the clip transcribed of Cannon’s Class with guest, Professor Griff. I left Professor Griff’s comments out, because he wasn’t saying much in the beginning, it’s mostly Nick Cannon rambling on, who seriously looks like a little boy making up a story…they was he talks is the same. Trying to punctuate it was a bit senseless. Every word is EXACTLY how Nick Cannon said it. Nick, how about the millions of Black people, men, woman and children who are bought and sold as slaves in Africa right now!?
Nick Cannon & Professor Griff
Nick Cannon: “…when we talk about the power of melanated people, when we talk about who we really are as gods and, and melanin is so power and it connects us in a way that the reason why they fear black, the reason why they fear us because they, the lack that they have of it, so then when you see dr Francis wasn’t talked about is that fear and that, that genetic annihilation.
See you’d have a person that has the the lack of pigment, the lack of melanin that they know they will be annihilated, so therefore, however they got the power, they, they have the lack of compassion, melanin comes with compassion, melanin comes with soul and we call it, we call it soul, we soul brothers and sisters, that’s the melanin that connects us.
The people that don’t have it are, are a lit- and I’m going to say this carefully, are a little less and, and, and where the term actually comes from, because I’m bringing it all the way back around to Minister Farrakhan, to where they may not have the compassion or the, the, when they were sent to the mountains of Caucasus when they, when they didn’t have the power of the Sun that was that the Sun then started to deteriorate.
So then they’re acting out of fear, they’re acting out of low self-esteem, they’re acting out of a, a deficiency, so therefore the only way they can act is evil. The only way they can make, they have to rob, steal, rape, kill in order to survive, so these people who didn’t have what we had and when I say we, I speak of the melanated people, they had to be savages, they had to be barbaric, because they’re in these Nordic mountains, they’re in these rough, ah, torrential environments, so they, they are acting as animals.
So they’re the ones that are actually closer to animals, they’re the ones that are actually the true savagesand they built up such, this, this, I want to say warrior but they built up such, this, this, this conquering, barbaric, mentality that they’re coming out of Europe they then said, in order for us to survive, we have to take what’s not ours and then they went into the land that actually where we are originated instead trying to make friends, they said, we want what you got.
Because there’s this mentality of the where it’s the Ceasars, or, or even that, that we have to conquer, so I say all that, to say the context and when, when we speak of whether it’s Jewish people, white people (but that’s redundant – my comment, not his), Europeans, the Illuminati, hmmm, they were doing that as survival tactics to stay on this planet…”
You can listen to the rest in the video. That is just the first couple of minutes, of this 4 minute clip. I have the full podcast, that I will be posting, this weekend. Both the men in this clip are obviously not well and they need more Love, send them your Love. All of them need more Love…they are confused.
Nick, who is the black savage that shot and killed, MURDERED, 3 year old Mekhi James over Father’s day weekend June, 2020? Here is a list of HYPOCRITES that don’t give a fuck about black lives or any lives for that matter, but their own. They only care about black lives when they can EXTORT money and emotions from other black people and all the RETARDED, politically correct, apologetic white people, who think they owe an apology to black people for something they had NOTHING to do with.
Black Lives Matter
Louis Farrakhan (Louis Eugene Walcott)
Nick Cannon
Professor Griff
Colin Kaepernick
Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
Dave Chappelle
Elijah Muhammad (Elija Robert Poole, Deceased, he finally knows the truth)
Wallace D. Fard (Muhammad) Founder of the Nation Of Islam)
This list could obviously go on forever, especially when we started adding all the corrupt politicians, white and “melanated” (For you Nick) and “religious” people. I wanted to create this like some my other posts, that show the hypocrisy of many people in positions like Nick Cannon, Nancy Pelosi, Shifty Adam and everyone on the list above.
Plaasmoored The Killing Fields Documentary By Katie Hopkins
This post is also about Katie Hopkins and the documentary she made called: “Plaasmoorde, The Killing Fields.” It’s about white farmers in South Africa that are being brutally murdered, their wives AND SMALL CHILDREN, as young as 2 years old, are being brutally RAPED and murdered. They are being MURDERED by Black people, EXACTLY the way Nick Cannon describes all us white folk from the Caucasus Mountains.
So Nick Cannon, who is acting like savages, acting animalistic, barbaric…I DARE EVERYONE who thinks the way Nick Cannon, Louis Farrakhan (Walcott), Colin Kaepernick, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Black Lives Matter (only when they can extort money out of people), thinks, to justify these horrible crimes taking place in South Africa, perpetrated by black, barbaric, animalistic, savages doing the bidding of their dark puppet masters.
Plaasmoorde The Killing Fields Katie Hopkins
Lucky, A Farm Attacker – Plaasmoorde The Killing Fields
This man, “Lucky”, recruits farm workers so they will turn on their boss and tell him where the money is, if there are guns in the house, etc…
He said when they attack a farm they’ll tell the farmer “If you don’t tell us what we want to know, we’ll rape your wife and two year old daughter and then kill them in front of you.” These sick fucks do it for the “fun of it”.
Colin Kaepernick protested celebrating the Fourth of July He was protesting FREEDOM, he also must have been protesting the fact that he’s being paid millions of dollars to play a game and even more millions for endorsements.
Don’t These Black Lives Matter To:
The Black Lives Matter organization, to Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Lois Farrakhan, Colin Kaepernick and the rest of the extortionists? Lois Farrakhan should especially be interested in this because his Muslim brothers are being enslaved by other Muslims. But, I don’t think he really cares about them, because like the other extortionists, he can’t make money from them…or can he? I know Blue Lives don’t matter to them.
Malcolm X (Little) & Louis Farrakhan
Maybe the reason why Black Lives Matter, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Lois Farrakhan, Colin Kaepernick and the rest of the extortionists never say anything about modern day slavery in Africa is because, like Louis Farrakhan being complicit in the assassination of Malcolm X (Little), they’re all involved in the slave trade?? Just a plausible thought.
Don’t These Black Lives Matter? Slavery Is Still Alive. Modern Day Slavery In Africa
Colin Kaepernick protested celebrating the Fourth of July He was protesting FREEDOM, he also must have been protesting the fact that he’s being paid millions of dollars to play a game and even more millions for endorsements.
I’m sure he thinks it’s not fair that he make so much money in a country that celebrates its Independence, while so many in the “homeland” are enslaved by other black people…literally 40 million people, one quarter of them children…10 million Children are enslaved around the world. 21% of those children are sexually exploited) in a Twitter post and Instagram message that shows him traveling to Ghana, Africa, with a camera crew no less, and visiting a former slave ship post. Great photo-op, eh Colin? “How can we truly celebrate independence on a day that intentionally robbed our ancestors of theirs? To find my independence I went home.”
“What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence?” – Frederick Douglass. In a quest to find my personal independence, I had to find out where my ancestors came from. I set out tracing my African ancestral roots, and it lead me to Ghana.
Upon finding out this information, I wanted to visit the sites responsible for myself (and many other Black folks in the African Diaspora) for being forced into the hells of the middle passage. I wanted to see a fraction of what they saw before reaching the point of no return.
I spent time with the/my Ghanaian people, from visiting the local hospital in Keta and the village of Atito, to eating banku in the homes of local friends, and paying my respects to Kwame Nkrumah’s Memorial Park. I felt their love, and truly I hope that they felt mine in return. I wonder where he was staying when he went home?
Colin, first off, Frederick Douglass, had a reason to say that. You are AMERICAN, you are FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, NOT AFRICA! If you were from Africa, you would most likely be one of the many thousands of people presently enslaved by another black person!
“I set out tracing my African ancestral roots, and it lead me to Ghana.” You mean you set out to find someone you could pay to trace your ancestral roots. Did you visit any of the thousands of people that are enslaved in Africa, in Ghana RIGHT NOW?? No, I didn’t think so. You, like Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Black Lives Matter and all other extortionists like you, are HYPOCRITES!!!
The hypocrisy of these people is equal to or exceeds that of Nancy Pelosi. Louis Farrakhan was interviewed by Mike Wallace in May, 2000 where he admitted on camera to Mike Wallace and Malcolm X’s daughter Atallah Shabazz, who was 6 years old when she watched her father, Malcolm X, get shot and killed…MURDERED, by his “Muslim Brothers”.
Three men (patsies) with ties to the Nation of Islam were convicted in the slaying and served prison terms. Farrakhan said: “I may have been complicit in words that I spoke leading up to February 21, 1965…I acknowledge that and regret that any word that I have said caused the loss of life of a human being.“ There’s a lot of “sub-text” in that statement…
Louis Farrakhan Complicit In Assassination Of Malcolm X (Little)
A year earlier, Malcolm X’s criticism of Nation of Islam spiritual leader Elijah Muhammad in 1964, when Malcolm X revealed publicly that Elijah Mohammed, the leader of the Nation of Islam, was guilty of impregnating several of his teenage secretaries, in direct violation of his own preachings against sex outside of marriage, had caused a bitter split with church leaders, including Farrakhan. Farrakhan called Malcolm X a traitor and wrote, two months before the killing, that “such a man is worthy of death.“ Farrakhan called him a traitor because he ruined it for all the pedophiles in the Nation of Islam!
The Slavery In Africa They Choose To Ignore
Every day across the African continent, black men, women, and children are captured, bought, and sold into slavery with the Western world paying little to no attention. Human rights groups have marched and battled against abuses noticeably less cruel and evil than human bondage, yet no major organization has attempted to free today’s black slaves, much less taken meaningful steps to raise awareness about their plight. No major organizations, you mean like Black Lives Matter?
Forced Labor Slave
In Mauritania, although slavery has been legally banned five times since 1961, it nevertheless persists with tens of thousands of blacks continuing to be held in bondage. While it is forbidden in the Qur’an for Muslims to enslave fellow Muslims, in Mauritania, racism over-powers religious doctrine, as it did in the West, as Arab and Berber Muslims enslave African Muslims. Where’s Louis Farrakhan?
Women Are Disproportionately Affected By Modern Day Slavery
71% Of Modern Day Slaves Are Women And Girls.
Women and girls are overwhelmingly more likely to be affected by modern slavery. Significantly, the ILO reports that 71 percent of the people in forced labor are women and girls, primarily in commercial sexual exploitation and domestic work, while the remaining 29 percent are men and boys that are primarily in forced economic exploitation in agriculture, construction, and mining.
One In Four Victims Of Modern Slavery Is A Child
According to the ILO report, children account for:
1 In 4 Children – A Quarter Of All Victims Of Modern Slavery Are Children
37 percent of those in forced marriages
21 percent of those in commercial sexual exploitation
18 percent of those in forced labor exploitation
7 percent of those forced to work by governments
US$ 34 billion saved in construction, manufacturing, mining and utilities
US$ 9 billion saved in agriculture, including forestry and fishing
US$ 8 billion saved by private households by not paying or underpaying domestic workers held in forced labor.
Forms Of Modern Slavery
Modern slavery takes many forms. The most common are:
Human Trafficking: The use of violence, threats or coercion to transport, recruit or harbor people in order to exploit them for purposes such as forced prostitution, labor, criminality, marriage or organ removal.
Forced Labor: Any work or services people are forced to do against their will under threat of punishment.
Debt Bondage/Bonded Labor: The world’s most widespread form of slavery. People trapped in poverty borrow money and are forced to work to pay off the debt, losing control over both their employment conditions and the debt.
Descent–Based Slavery: Most traditional form, where people are treated as property, and their “slave” status was passed down the maternal line.
Slavery Of Children: When a child is exploited for someone else’s gain. This can include child sexploitation, child trafficking, child soldiers, child marriage and child domestic slavery.
Forced And Early Marriage: When someone is married against their will and cannot leave. Most child marriages can be considered slavery.
Organ Trade
There is only limited information concerning the state of global trafficking of persons for the purpose of forced organ removal. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 10% of global transplant activity is constituted by the illegal organ trade.
Some of the countries with reported illegal organ trade activities include China, India, Pakistan, Kosovo, and the Philippines. These statistics are likely to be very conservative, especially as the data on organ transplantation is under-reported.
One of the best examples of such under-reporting is China. While China’s official data states that there are 10,000 organ transplants done a year, research suggests a much higher number between 60,000 and 100,000, including the illegal practice of organ harvesting (forced organ removal). According to the 2018 Global Slavery Index, the estimated revenue of the illegal organ trade worldwide is between $840 million and $1.7 billion.
The 10 Countries Around The World With The Highest Prevalence Of Modern Day Slavery Are:
Africa Represents 50% of the World’s Modern Day Slavery list below:
North Korea – A staggering 104.6 people for every 1,000 is involved in modern slavery in North Korea. It is said that the government of North Korea send workers abroad to work in forced worked situations, including textile factories in neighboring China. The United Nations refers to modern day slavery as one of North Korea’s “crimes against humanity.” Many of the people involved in North Korea are are children. These children may be forced to participate in forced agricultural work. The process of withholding food or limiting food as punishment is not unheard of. The government of North Korea was given a “D” rating when it comes to how well they were responding to modern slavery.
Eritrea – Africa -Eritrea is a country found in the Horn of Africa. It has the world’s second highest ratio of modern slaves, with an estimated 93 people in every 1,000 involved in modern day slavery. The majority of modern slavery in Eritrea is said to be at the hands of the government, who force conscription upon their residents.
Burundi – Africa – Burundi has the third highest prevalence of forced labor in the world, with 40 people in every 1,000 involved. Like other entries on this list, Burundi suffers from an unstable government and a very low quality of life, where many children do not to go school. The HIV infection rate in Burundi is also high, at around one in 15 adults. Much of the slave labor experience in Burundi is said to be imposed by the state.
The Central African Republic – Africa – Unfortunately, the Central African Republic is no stranger to human trafficking. Many of the victims, which are estimated to number 22.3 people for every 1,000, are children. Many of these children are forced into conscription and serve as child soldiers. The efforts of the Central African Republic government to combat trafficking have been criticized as insufficient. However, the government’s resources are limited.
Afghanistan – Afghanistan is both the source and the destination for the illegal slave trade. It is estimated that around 22.2 out of every 1,000 people in Afghanistan are victims. While many people, many of them children, are held within Afghanistan they are also often sent to neighboring countries like Pakistan and India. One prominent form of slave labor in Afghanistan is forced begging, while organized rings force children to beg for money in city centers. Like South Sudan, it is difficult to get an absolute reading on the problem in Afghanistan as the country is still filled with internal strife.
Mauritania – Africa – Mauritania is a country found in northwest Africa. It is also known for being one of the world’s most common source and destination of human trafficking, with an estimated 21.4 out of every 1,000 residents trafficked. Human trafficking occurs in Mauritania in both the urban and rural regions. Unfortunately, there are no formal programs within the country to support victims of the slave trade. There is a phenomenon in Mauritania where forced labor is passed down by generation, causing a cyclical problem.
South Sudan – Africa – South Sudan, one of the world’s youngest countries, is unfortunately also one of the most prone to the slave trade, with around 20.5 people for every 1,000 a victim. For decades, South Sudan and Sudan have been regions ravaged by brutal civil war and genocide. It is said that many people, many of them children, were kidnapped by government-backed militia during the Second Sudanese Civil War. It is difficult to get an accurate view of the situation in South Sudan as the country is still experiencing a heavy amount of internal conflict.
Pakistan – Debt slavery, or bonded labor, is the most rampant form of modern slavery in Pakistan, according to the Global Slavery Index, with the Punjab and Sindh provinces being the hot-spots for such practices. Nationally, 16.8 people out of every 1,000 are enslaved. Poor families become trapped into slavery when they approach an affluent person in need of a loan for an emergency like a sickness. The affluent person adds the entire family into his collection of “property” in return for providing medical financing. The family is forced to work for long hours for low wages, of which half is retained by the affluent person. This loan at times may take a generation or more to be repaid, and, until then, the whole family will still remain the property of the affluent person. In Pakistan, it’s common for wealthy persons to own brick kilns, coal mines, and carpet-making factories, or to conduct agriculture, like the farming of cotton, wheat, or rice, with much of the work being carried out by forced labor. Brick kilns are the factories where much of this slavery occurs.
Cambodia – Cambodia is caught up in the slave trade, with around 16.8 people out of every 1,000 involved. Although the government is clear on their stance of making human trafficking a crime, it remains a large problem in Cambodia, particularly when it comes to the trafficking of children. Women and children in Cambodia are either sold by their families or tricked into forced labor, forced prostitution, forced marriage, and more.
Iran – Modern slavery occurs in Iran, where around every 16.2 people for every 1,000 are affected. Some of the ways in which modern slavery presents itself is through organ harvesting, the smuggling of children, and the enrolling of citizens in involuntary servitude. Women and girls from Iran and sometimes smuggled across the border to be sold in neighboring countries. Iran is also used as a transition area for traffickers working between South Asia and Europe. Although the government technically outlaws slavery, the government’s slow response and lack of resolutions has led to much criticism.
Top 10 States In Africa With The Most Modern Day Slavery 2018:
Top 10 States In Africa With Highest Amount Of Modern Day Slaves.
The first 5 on this list represent 50% of the worldwide list above of top 10 countries around the world with modern day slavery:
Eritrea – 93
Burundi – 40
Central African Republic – 22.3
Mauritania – 21.4
South Sudan – 20.5
Somalia – 15.5
DR Congo – 13.7
Sudan – 12
Chad – 12
Rwanda – 11.6
Dictator Isaias Afwerki
It is common knowledge that Dictator Isaias Afewerki Abraha is the founding father of the modern day slave state Eritrea. The objective evidence for that assertion is overwhelming. He was the designer of the disastrous Ethio-Eritrea war which cost thousands of young people their lives.
He was the main engineer of the slavery camp of SAWA, the CEO of the Eritrean youth exodus, the investor of Eritrean youngsters’ kidney trade in the world market, the leader of Human trafficking in the Horn of Africa, the commander in chief of the death of all the victims in the Mediterranean Sea, and above all he is the founder of all kinds of human disaster and misery in Eritrea.
His record of accomplishments as a dictator of the modern slave state Eritrea is beyond belief. He and his few comrades founded the most notorious communist party (PFDJ) and created a paralyzed society in the post-independence 23 year period.
Isaias Afwerki is still President of Eritrea to this day. I always find it very hard to wrap my head around negatively polarized individuals…I’m grateful for that. I would rather not understand it and have to try to see through their eyes, than to be like that, completely understand it and see everything the same way as they do. He harvests organs from children!!!
My point of this whole post, to shed light on the hypocrisy of individuals like Colin Kaepernick, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan and organizations like Black Lives Matter. I wonder what Black Lives Matter is doing with the millions of dollars that have been donated to them. I know pallets of bricks are expensive…but not that expensive. I would like to see them get audited.
Peace, Love & Blessings To All, Especially To All Mentioned In This Post!
p.s. Kente Scarves worn by Democrats in their 8 minute and 46 second panderous display, were historically worn by rich African slave owners and traders!
Nancy Pelosi Wearing An African Kente Cloth, The Kind That Rich African Slave Owners Wore.