Free Thinker Bevelyn Beatty
When you watch this video, you might feel some uneasiness, that’s your conscience telling you that the people who were arrested, were done so illegally.
Bevelyn Beatty and the other Free Thinkers, were being harassed by the zombie mask wearers in Cape Coral, Florida. One woman off-camera, obviously a mask wearer, seemed as though she was trying to make fun of the way Bevelyn Beatty was talking. You could hear off camera: “I Love your accent girlfriend.” It sounded like a white woman imitating what she thinks black people sound like.
Law Of The Land – Marbury vs. Madison
They just wanted to go to the city council meeting because they, the city, council, were considering mandating wearing masks. They wanted to get their voice in, but the MK-ULTRA mask wearers, civilians and police wearing masks were preventing them from exercising their rights as American citizens.

“All Laws Which Are Repugnant To The Constitution Are Null And Void.“
Marbury v. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)
Going by Marbury vs. Madison, any mandated mask “laws” are NULL & VOID! By letting “them” tell you that you have to wear a mask and then actually putting one on is like your Gold Star so everyone knows who are.
Bevelyn Beatty
Bevelyn Beatty arrested for not wearing a mask to city council meeting that was being held to decide if they were going to ILLEGALLY mandate wearing masks. It was if the police decided it was law already. There are most definitely going to be lawsuits, many, many lawsuits, after this bullshit is over with.
Watch this video of Bevelyn Beatty, teaching a white woman true Black history.
Crazy Seattle Woman
When you watch this video you will see the service to self, crazy mentality of people on the “left”. This woman wants a man to go home because of some “lockdown order” and when she’s talking, it sounds like at one point she’s speaking in tongues. She ends her psycho-babble with the word “totally”. She wants him to go home, yet she is out without a mask and as VERY typical of these people, DOES NOT care what you have to say and will scream, try to talk over you and not let you get a word in.
This woman is clearly insane! If he asked her why she was out and why she wasn’t wearing a mask, her head would have exploded because she feels that the “lockdown order” that she mentioned doesn’t apply to her. Her eyes would have rolled back in her head, trying to locate the Frontal Lobe, she really would have started speaking in Tongues, then her head would have exploded.
The one and only thing I’m having a bit of a hard time wrapping my head around, is not this clearly crazy woman, but all the people who just put masks on, social distanced and locked themselves down. All a person has to do is research online for 15 minutes and you will find out that:

- The ONLY kind of mask that would work, is the respirator kind.
- Mandating masks is illegal
- Wearing Bandanas is the equivalent of being in Special Ed (Notice in the Bevelyn Beatty video, one of the police officers on the stairs is wearing a bandana. “Yaaaay We’re arresting people illegally, yaaay!” ~ Special Ed
- Wearing a mask increases your chances of getting sick. – The Surgeon General of The United States, Jerome Adams
- Wearing a mask cuts down your oxygen intake thereby lowering the ability of your immune system to fight off viruses effectively.
- If you are not washing your hands continually, every time you adjust your mask or touch your face, you are increasing your chances of getting sick even more.
- If you are not changing your mask when the mask gets wet from the continual exhalation of your breath, you are creating a germ factory that you will continually be breathing in when you take a breath.
- The N95 Mask only stops germs and bacteria 95% of the time…BUT, if there isn’t a tight seal on your face and with your constant adjusting, breathing and touching of the face, that 95% figure is no longer valid, it prob
- Social Distancing – This ALSO falls in the Special Ed class! We NEED Hurd Immunity to keep us healthy. Look how Sweden handled it.
- When you go into lockdown…this falls in the Special Ed of the Special Ed class. A lot of people feel the need to be around people, but when you listen to the BS rhetoric of the media and Deep State governors, you quarantine yourself, bringing undue stress on yourself. You are also OUT OF THE SUN, which kills COVID-19! Lockdown = Weaker Immune System
- Here is some good news though:
- If you fast for 3 days, your Immune System will completely rebuild itself.
- Mandating Wearing Masks IS illegal. Remember The Supreme Law Of The Land, The US Constitution. Remember Marbury vs. Madison (1803) “All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are NULL & VOID.”
- Bevelyn Beatty is going to OPEN THE FLOOD GATES for law suits!!
“The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The (CDC) has recommended that everyone wear masks when in public to curb the spread of COVID-19. But as lock-downs have lifted, many people haven’t followed that advice, and case numbers are rising in some states. ”

Do you see how even a seemingly legitimate source of news is heaving piles of horseshit into your eyes, as in the sentence in Bold above. They are trying to make you believe that another wave of “COVID-Flu” is happening because the “Number Of Cases” is on the rise. Here is where your critical thinking should have kicked in. Doesn’t it stand to reason, that the number of cases are “rising”, simply because the amount of testing has increased dramatically??
President Trump On Wearing Masks
“In response, some states like California have made wearing face coverings mandatory in public (Illegal). But in Nebraska, the governor has blocked city- and county-level efforts to require wearing masks in public. Other states, such as Texas, recommend, but don’t require face coverings in public, though some counties within the state are requiring masks.” If you do a little digging yourself, you’ll find that everything “they” tell you to do is just a recommendation.
This is the same image from above, but this IS VERY IMPORTANT for you to understand that you ARE BEING LIED TO! By Dr Fauci, Dr Birx, The C.D.C., The W.H.O., the Gates Foundation, Nancy Pelosi and her robot nephew Gavin Newsom, Adam Schiff, Chuck Shumer, Jerry Nadler, ALL of them are born and bread SWAMP CREATURES!

“The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the Law Of The Land. The U.S. Constitution is the Supreme Law Of The Land, and any statute, to be valid, must be in agreement. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a law which VIOLATES The CONSTITUTION to be valid. This is succinctly stated as follows: “All laws which are repugnant to The Constitution are NULL & VOID.” Marbury vs, Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)
If you fall into the Special Ed categories from the list above, you really need to take that mask off, go outside, get in the sun, hang out with all your friends at the same time as a form of protest, that would be a good peaceful protest to have. Go to the park with at least 10 people and have a picnic, sit together, smile, laugh, hug everyone, sit right next to each other, Live Life, have fun!! That combined with being in the sun, will KILL ANY COVID BS, will BOOST your immune system way up, thus making you more healthy than before you gathered with your friends.
Invite people at the park that you don’t even know to join you, they can call their friends, their friends can call their friends and before you know it, you’ll have the biggest, most Loving Peaceful protest you can imagine. Be like Jude! Jude hugs everyone goodbye. The little Lightworker shows us how to be! Jude Loves!
“Saturday in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
Saturday in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
People dancing, people laughing
A man selling ice cream
Singing Italian songs
Eh cumpari, ci vo sunari
Can you dig it (yes, I can)
And I’ve been waiting such a long time
For Saturday…”
It starts with you, we need YOU to be healthy, start by throwing that mask away and calling…nay, Go to your friend’s house, to talk and have fun.
Peace, Love & Blessings To All…Especially To Beverlyn Beatty and all the Free Thinkers with her, to The Screaming Seattle Woman, Jude, his parents and the entire Infiniverse!