By: Jason B. Ingerick –
- Current and Prior Associations:
- Northeastern University Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology1
- Gordon Center for Medical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School2
Understanding Mask Filtration And Breathability
In most cases, we typically see two major methods of the utilization of masks for preventing dissemination of SARS viruses.
- Masks designed to prevent inhalation by the user i.e. N95 respirators.
- Masks designed to protect persons in proximity to the user by limiting the exhalation of particles i.e. surgical masks.
The major components affecting the performance of respirators and medical masks are as follows:
- Filter efficiency – how well the mask collects airborne particles.
- 2. Mask fit – how well the mask prevents leakage around the face-piece.
It’s important to note that the mechanism of filtration of airborne particles is not based on the same principles applied to filtration of a liquid (the filtration model most people build anti-mask arguments on).
The typical model associated with liquid filtration is simple: if the hole in the filter is smaller than the undesired impurity, the impurity is filtered out as the liquid passes through. However, filters utilized by respirators and medical masks must allow the user to breathe and therefore cannot be allowed to clog when particles adhere to their fibers.
To address this necessity, respirators and medical masks are composed of mats of nonwoven, compressed fibers. The resulting product is a labyrinth of fibers that creates a rather tortuous path.
If you consider the micrograph images depicted in figure 1, it should immediately become apparent that maneuvering through a mask filter is not quite as simple as tossing a coin through a chainlink fence.
Further, several mechanisms of filtration result in adhesions of the particles to fibers without blocking open spaces, thus allowing for air to flow through.
Figure 1: Micrograph images of the fibrous layers of a typical medical mask.

In this document, I’ll discuss the following three mechanisms for removing particles from the airstream: inertial impaction, diffusion, and electrostaticattraction.
Figure 2: Visual demonstration of the basic principles of the three aforementioned Filtration Mechanisms.

Inertial Impaction – Aerosol Particles 1 Micron and Larger
Particles of 1 micron and larger have sufficient inertia to be effectively filtered by inertial impaction. In this model, the particles have enough inertia that they cannot easily flow around respirator fibers. Rather than flow around the fibers, the large particles continue on the path that their momentum creates and deviate from the air streamlines causing them to collide with the fibers. When these particles collide with the mask fibers they stick and/or get caught in place.
Diffusion – Aerosol
Particles Less Than 0.1 Microns Aerosol particles less than 0.1 µm and smaller don’t have sufficient momentum to be effectively filtered by inertial impaction. For these particles, we rely on diffusion filtration. These molecules undergo what is called Brownian motion, the process by which the constant motion of O2 and N2 molecules lead to collision amongst smaller aerosol particles.
These collisions lead to a motion aptly described as a sort of drunken wandering. This wandering creates a complex path of movement that drastically increases the likelihood that these smaller particles will collide with a fiber and remain there.
Electrostatic Attraction
Both Large and Small Particles Electrostatic attraction is the well-documented natural occurrence in which oppositely charged entities attract. This type of filtration is facilitated by the incorporation of electrically charged fibers/ granules in the mask. These moieties attract oppositely charged particles out of the air streamline and hold them tightly through Van Der Waals forces.
Due to the principles from which mask filtration is derived, we see that it’s not a question of the relative size for the pores compared to the aerosol droplets. Rather, it is a question of mask efficacy.
As a critical reader, you should now wonder about the efficacy of a medical mask as it pertains to the second component of mask performance — mask fit. It’s true that in this area, medical/ surgical masks concede much ground which is why we as individuals must be actively aware of our proximity to one another. This is the basic premise behind social distancing.
Social Distancing Filtration By Diffusion
While the idea of filtration by diffusion does accurately relay the premise of social distancing, we know that the reason it’s necessary is because these particles are not undergoing filtration at all.
So what becomes of these particles? Well, I’d direct you once again to the idea of Brownian motion. The same process occurs but with a different end. Six feet is about the linear distance that one can expect an aerosol droplet that has been forcefully expelled by a sneeze or cough to travel before it succumbs to diffusion.
It follows that at the time of the sneeze, the concentration of droplets in the person’s immediate vicinity is relatively high but gets exponentially lower as one moves further away.
Understanding Kinetic Molecular Theory As It Pertains To Mask Breathability
We now know and understand that the size of mask pores is not the driving factor of filtration. However, in the discussion of mask effects on the ability to breathe, it is slightly more pertinent.
The total lengths of the linear CO2 and O2 are 232.6 pm (2.326 Å) and 121 pm (1.21 Å), respectively. We are now looking at measurements six orders of magnitude smaller than the micron scale of mask pores and droplets in earlier discussion.
If we consider the pore size range of 81-461 microns1, we see that, while looking at the smallest pores, they are about 350,000 and 670,000 times larger than these gaseous molecules. But to further explain how it is that airflow is unrestricted, let’s take a look at kinetic molecular theory.
Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) KMT
Is a model for examining gaseous molecules and operates under the assumption that we are dealing with ideal gases. While it is true that we are not dealing with ideal gases in actuality, the model has still produced calculations that we built most modern gas based technologies on.
Moreover, a detailed explanation of our case using non-ideal gas laws would be too mathematically cumbersome for our purposes. A look at KMT will illustrate why the differences between aerosol droplets and gaseous molecules are so important.
The Basic Principles Of KMT Are As Follows:
- The volume occupied by the individual particles of a gas is negligible compared to the volume of the gas itself.
- The particles of an ideal gas exert no attractive forces on each other or on their surroundings.
- Gas particles are in a constant state of random motion and move in straight lines until they collide with another body.
- The collisions exhibited by gas particles are completely elastic; when two molecules collide, total kinetic energy is conserved.
- The average kinetic energy of gas molecules is directly proportional to absolute temperature only.
Points 2 and 4 are imperative to understanding that all the mechanisms of filtration for masks have no effect on gaseous molecules. By looking at principle 2, we see that the gaseous molecules are not affected by electrostatic forces and continue on a linear path until they are involved in a collision.
By looking at principle 4, we see the gaseous molecules do not get stuck but strike a fiber and continue with the same momentum. Essentially gaseous molecules bounce. Principle five allows us to gain some perspective by calculating the average velocity of a gaseous molecule.
Velocity Of A Gaseous Molecule, Vrms

Oxygen At Room Temperature

Carbon Dioxide At Body Temperature

It can be seen from this look at kinetic molecular theory, that these gaseous molecules are moving through masks with ease as we breathe in and out. A reasonable individual now understands that the data set of arguments containing the proposition that masks are simultaneously too porous to contain transmission droplets and not porous enough to allow breathing is completely disjointed from the set of logically sound arguments.
Oly’s Note:
A very informative article by my friend Jason B. Ingerick! While I understand the science presented here, I feel that all the science or I should say “deviant science” hasn’t been presented.
Social Distancing is one of the things I am referring to. I understand why “they” say we should do it and I understand why the mask wearers do it, 2 completely different reasons, which I’ll go into here:
Why The Mask Wearers Do It
It can be summed up with one word: FEAR! They have been led to believe that if they don’t social distance and wear a mask, they’ll catch some deadly FLU virus that has 99.9% survival rate unless you’re 72 or above, then it drops down to a deadly 95% survival rate. The only real difference between the Flu and Sars-Cov 2 that I’ve seen in everything I’ve read, is that with Sars-Cov 2, you may have a loss of taste and or smell, everything else seems to be the same.
MOST of the “covid deaths”, were NOT caused by COVID-19, they were caused by people who had co-morbidities already or if a person died in a car crash, for example, cause of death would be listed as COVID-19 to inflate numbers. That has already been proven.
Social Distancing Deviant Science
One of the reasons why social distancing is being RECOMMENDED by the deviants, is because if we are not 6 feet apart, one person can’t be distinguished between 2 people. Enter House Resolution 6666 T.R.A.C.E. which stands for Testing-Reaching-And-Contacting-Everyone. How do you like that number, coincidence right? This is what I say it stands for: Tracking Ratting And Coercing Everyone!
With that bill, they want you to add an app to your phone that will let you know if a person near you has COVID-19 and then rat on them. I think the covid-19 “vaccine” is part of that plan, using nano-technology, but if you’re not 6 feet apart from everyone, you can’t be singled out.
The Science Of Heart And Mind
This part of the equation has been left out by most. We already have the innate ability to fight off all disease, all viruses, all sickness. If you believe you will get sick, you will get sick. If you believe YOU WILL NOT GET SICK, you will not get sick. This is not some kind of weirdo, tinfoil hat wearing, conspiracy theorist idea. This is the power that is innate in all of us. This is the power that “they” do not want you to realize that you have! WE DO NOT NEED a shot full of poison that has already killed more people than it has helped.
Those who impose the mask recommendations disguised as some kind of law, don’t want you to think about the power we all hold in our hearts and minds, because if we all were aware of it all of a sudden, their time would come to an abrupt end. There are NO LAWS saying we must wear masks, not as long as we have the constitution.
Law Of The Land
The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid, must be in agreement. It is impossible for any law which violates the Constitution to be valid. This is succinctly stated as follows:
“All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are NULL & VOID!” Marbury vs Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803).
Why I Never Get Sick
Since the beginning of this, the grandest of all False Flags, I have NEVER Social Distance and I have had a mask on for a total of about 2 hours, all of that time was in hospitals and in the ambulance ride I took from the rehabilitation facility to the hospital for a follow-up with my doctor after I had surgery this past November, 2020. That is how I met Jason and his roommate. They’re both E.M.T.’s.
My point is I don’t get sick. If you think you’re going to get sick if you don’t ridiculous things like social distance or wear a mask, you WILL get sick, simply because you are thinking about it all the time and worrying about it all the time. You lower your vibration to a base level where it’s easier for the bad things to take a joy ride in your meat suit, a.k.a. your body.
This is ALL you have to do to avoid the B.S.-19 These are things I’ve been doing my whole life, which is why I NEVER GET SICK!
- When you are outside, at a store for example and you get an itch on your nose, USE THE BACK OF YOUR HAND TO SCRATCH IT
- Never touch your face with your fingers.
- When you come home, wash your hands.
- When you cough or sneeze, don’t be rude, cover your fucking mouth and/or nose…that’s just common courtesy.
- Something that is really sad is when you go into a store and the employees are wearing masks standing behind those retarded plexiglass barriers, then you hand them your money and they take it in their hands and think nothing of it, but they’re deathly afraid of a virus they think is going to jump on them. A VIRUS IS NOT ALIVE AND CANNOT JUMP ON YOU! It has to be projected onto you just like the media and criminals like Dr FauXci and Bill Gates project fear onto you.
- If you live in fear, you will only get more in your life to fear.
“They” are using our co-creative power against us. They know as long as they keep fear in the news cycle, that people will continue to think at a base level, which makes it easier for them to do things without our objection. In a sense we are giving them permission to do whatever they want to us, like insert a Socialist Government in our Capitalist country, because we do nothing and when they take advantage of that, like when hired agitators stormed the Capitol Building or burned down cities in the Summer of 2020, we did nothing except watch it on the fucking TV “news”.
What does all that have to do with wearing masks? EVERYTHING!! Wearing a mask is a symbol of your submissiveness! They really don’t give a fuck what you put on your face, as long as you cower down and do it. Do you think wearing a bandana around your mug is going to stop anything? I’ll tell you what it won’t stop, that is these perpetual lock-downs and mask mandates posing as laws. This is also a HUGE money laundering scheme, like the $1.9 TRILLION dollar “Covid-19 relief bill” where 9% of it actually went to covid-19 issues.
For $1.9 Trillion, every man, woman and child in the United States could have been given almost $3,000! Instead they felt it was more important to send $ millions to countries like Pakistan for gender studies. WTF!? I’m thinking there must be a large transgender population in Pakistan? WRONG! If there is, it’s an underground movement, because if it surfaces, they become dead.
What’s happening, is the money is sent to foreign countries under the guise of a “humanitarian” effort. It gets to the banks of the countries and then a large portion gets sent to the offshore accounts of the likes of people like Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Commyla Token Harris, Chuck Schumer. Those are the people that knocked you on your ass and then kicked you while you were down.
Here’s How You Can Start To Fight Back:
- Throw your TV in the garbage, smash the screen so nobody else can use it
- Stop watching mainstream media, Vet your news sources…that reminds me of a funny story. When President Trump was running for President in 2016, there was a girl I know, who was liberal, leftist Biden supporter. I sent her a bit of truth one day, that went against what CNN was filling her head with. I sent it on Facebook and she replied with anger and confusion, as is typical of the leftist mind, she said “you have to vet your news sources…”, I replied with nothing. The next day, I sent her another message and said “Hey, I took my cat to the vet today, I told him what I sent you yesterday, and he said it was true…” She blocked me after that! hahahaha! Again, as typical of the leftist mind, they are angry, why, they don’t know? They also have NO sense of humor.
- STOP WEARING MASKS! There was another group of people in the past who also wore something that showed who they are. The difference between them and the mask wearers of today is, they were forced to wear a symbol by a crazy man that thought that they were inferior somehow. YOU have a CHOICE! If you CHOOSE to wear a mask, it’s for one of two reasons…maybe both. 1. You’re living in fear of catching what is akin to the seasonal FLU, and/or 2. You are submissive and roll over easily. Those people were the Jews in World War 2…
- Get up off your knees, take that mask off and LIVE!!! It’s much better to live on your feet than to die on your knees. I would much rather die on my feet than live on my knees!
Take from this post what you will, the truth is out there, it’s up to you to find it.
Peace, Love & Blessings To All!