Shouldn’t this Sheepbot, Todd Goulston, be charged with assault with a deadly weapon??? Or are guns not deadly weapons anymore???
There is no depth to which a “liberal” will not go to protect themselves from having to reconcile with Truth!
The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. THE US CONSTITUTION IS THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, and ANY statute to be valid, must be in agreement. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a “law” which VIOLATES THE CONSTITUTION TO BE VALID. This is succinctly stated as follows:
“All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null & void.” Marbury vs, Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)
What is happening today (July 9, 2020) that makes this relevant? All the tyrant governors who have let a little power go to their fat heads and have mandated wearing masks in public and “social distancing” as “law”!!! Like Charlie ‘Chucky’ Baker of Marxistchusetts. Look what Chucky has been up to with your tax dollars.
Do you see how complacent the general populace has become? People have AN ENTIRE world of information available to them 24 hours a day right at the tip of their finger via “smart” phones. Now I understand why they are call “smart phones”, because the users have had their minds circumcised!
Instead of using them to actually learn what is being done to you, you use them for the bullshit you would rather learn, like building a farm on Facebook or wasting your time playing any of the other mind-numbing games they want to program you with. It’s the same thing for ANY AND ALL video games you play ANYWHERE. They are used to desensitize you and program you to act accordingly.
How is it that video games like Car Jack or whatever it’s called, how are they legal? You can learn how to carjack and murder someone, but a woman can’t breastfeed in public!!?? I’m sure The Law Of The Land protects women on that one too. That is the real virus. It should be mandated for anyone to have a child, they have pass a parenting class first.
Fun Fact: Today’s cell phones are MORE powerful than the room full of computers that sent Cmdr. Neil Armstrong, Col. Edwin Eugene “Buzz” Aldrin and Lt. Col. Michael Collins to the moon on July 16, 1969. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed the Eagle on the Moon on July 20, 1969…51 years ago as of July 20, 2020.
Sheeple Of The New Normal
Sheeple New Norm For Mask Wearers!
Satellite Tracking
Reason Blocker (Increases Fear)
Chip Implant (COVID 1984)
Social Distance Sensor
Removed Gender
Endless Vaccines
Muzzle Mask (By Wearing A Mask, You’re Showing Your Obedience, Virtue Signaling And Letting “Them” Know You Will Do What They Tell You To Do, At The Expense Of The Rest Of Humanity.)
Rubber Spine (It’s More Like A Wet Noodle Spine)
Mandatory Programming Device, Smart Phone
Vaccine ID
Travel License
Social Score
Digital Wallet
Massachusetts Sheepbot, Todd Goulston, Pulls Gun On Maskless, Free Thinking Man Outside Walgreens
His license to carry a firearm and his guns were seized by officers
A Massachusetts man was arrested after police said he pulled a gun on a 30-year-old man outside a Walgreens because the alleged victim was not wearing a face mask inside the store.
Crocheted Condoms Protect You As Well As Surgical Masks
Todd Goulston, 59, of East Bridgewater, was charged with multiple offenses following the alleged incident that occurred amid the state’s coronavirus mask order. His license to carry a firearm and his guns were seized by officers, police said.
“Goulston allegedly pulled out a gun from his vehicle and pointed it at the other man, who had not been wearing a face mask in the store,” according to a news release by the Bridgewater Police Department.
Police responded to Walgreens Pharmacy in Bridgewater around 5:20 p.m. on Friday after the manager called to report an argument between two men in the store. The altercation dragged into the parking lot, which is when Goulston allegedly pulled out the firearm, police said. He then got into his car and left the scene.
The 30-year-old was not injured during the incident, police said. Goulston was later arrested at his home.
Upon being placed into custody, police said the suspect complained of a medical issue and was transported to a local hospital.
Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker issued an (Illegal) emergency coronavirus order back in May requiring face masks or cloth face coverings in public places where social distancing was not possible. The order, which is currently in effect, applies to both indoor and outdoor spaces.
Goulston was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon, disorderly conduct, and disturbing the peace, the department said.
Immutable Truth
Head Up Ass With Mask, So Your Oxygen Intake Is Cut Way Down, then you do stupid shit like Todd Goulston!
Shouldn’t this Sheepbot, Todd Goulston, be charged with assault with a deadly weapon??? Or are guns not deadly weapons anymore???
There is no depth to which a “liberal” will not go to protect themselves from having to reconcile with Truth!
Justice Gorsuch and cronies in Bostock v. Clayton County decides women are not defined by biology.
“A woman is not defined by her biology! A woman’s sex and gender are not confined to the antiquated categories of male and female.
No! Such intolerant thinking cannot be tolerated. We will not permit your bigotry!”
Supreme Court Rules Women Are Fantasies!??? WTF!!??
Everything that is happening on this timeline is interconnected with all other timelines. What if Derek Chauvin only had his knee on George Floyd’s neck for 4 minutes instead of 8 minutes and 48 seconds, and George lived? I know “Baptist Minister” Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Black Lives Matter would have had to wait for the next deep state event to be in the spotlight to spew their poison, that uplifts and turns a criminal into a martyred hero! A lot of Black communities would still be intact and George Soros would have to wait for the next event to unleash ANTIFA to riot, loot and burn down communities.
Scared, Submissive Little Puppy
The Supreme Court Rules women are fantasies are things that happen while the public is being hypnotized by the media to do their bidding.
They tell you to wear those stupid fucking masks, and you do, no questions asked, that only shows them how easily manipulated you are and like a little puppy, how scared they can make you. If you only looked as cute as a puppy while you were “Social Distancing” with that mask that really, protects you from nothing In fact, wearing a mask increases your chances of getting sick…don’t believe me? How about the Surgeon General?
Governor Of Marxistchusetts, Chucky “Those Orange Arrows Match My Hair” Baker
Deep State Puppet, Governor of Marxistchusetts Chucky Baker
Governor Of Marxistchusetts, Chucky Baker
If you were wondering if being “forced” to wear masks was legal, I don’t believe it is. In places like Marxistchusetts, where MK-ULTRA Governor Charlie Baker, says it’s the law, you have to wear a mask in public!! First of all Chucky, GO FUCK YOURSELF, try reading the Constitution sometime and STOP wasting the tax-payer’s money by painting orange fucking arrows on the sidewalks…what an asshole…your days are numbered Chucky! Look at Chucky’s eyes, they are the same as MK-ULTRA Mayor Jenny Durkan’s! She’s the Mayor of Seattle, but is she also Mayor Jenny Durkan of Chaz??
As I was saying, while you’re being distracted (programmed) by the latest “deadly” disease and riots caused by white MK-ULTRA police officers killing Black convicts, that cause MK-ULTRA Hollywood types to emote their “white guilt” in absolutely ridiculous videos like “I Take Responsibility” and “Imagine”, shit like the Supreme Court ruling by a 6 to 3 vote, that a woman is not real, but just a fantasy. While everyone was wearing masks, some even bent over further grabbing their ankles with their latex gloves, that like the masks they wear only get them kudos from the deep state for being so extra submissive.
Submissive Sheeple, Don’t Be A Sheeple! Do you want the country to take a GIANT step backward By 20 Years?No, Then Vote For President Trump In November!!
Did you think by putting on gloves that ANY viruses would magically be killed? Lets say, you go to the store, you touch the door with your hands, thank God you have those gloves on.
You get your shopping cart that everyone else has touched, with or without gloves, then you start putting things in your cart that others have definitely touched.
You get to the check out line and “socially distance” yourself from the person in front of you like a good little MK-ULTRA robot, good thing they had tape marks on the floor that were 6 feet apart, otherwise it may have been a little tough figuring it out.
Your turn at the register, you greet the person behind the clear plastic sneeze guard, you take the things out of your cart, then you then pull out your wallet, wearing the gloves that have touched all those things.
You then either pull out money that God knows who has touched, give it to the cashier, who is also wearing gloves by the way, and handling EVERYONE’S money for his/her entire shift, they give you your change, other people’s money.
Some person went to the bathroom, didn’t wash their hands, because they had gloves on, so they didn’t need to, they then went to the same store before you got there, went to the same cashier and lucky you, you got their money as your change, you have gloves on so there’s no need to worry.
If you used your credit/debit card instead, it’s the same thing, except you touched the card machine that everyone has touched, even the person who wiped their ass with their gloves on.
Now, you get home, still wearing your gloves, take your keys out, unlock your door, unload your car, get inside and start putting things away, with or without your gloves, it doesn’t matter because everything you bought, you touched with your gloves.
Now, you never got the dreaded COVID-19, was it because you did what you were told to do by Deep State “doctors” like Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx? NO!!! It’s because you were still getting the germs NECESSARY to boost your immune system and if you were out in the sun, that’s what killed the virus if you even had it, which is VERY DOUBTFUL! Herd Immunity is necessary to keep us healthy, they know that, which is why they SUGGESTED social distancing.
The masks lower your oxygen intake, the lower the oxygen level in your blood is, the weaker your immune system is, they also know that too. By you following all these ridiculous recommendations, just shows them your submissiveness, how easily manipulated you are and makes it easier for their their next “event”! STOP BEING SO COMPLACENT! USE CRITICAL THINKING AND COMMON SENSE!!!
While everyone was freaking out over the virus, they pass shit like House Resolution 6666, introduced by Bobby Rush, who is, in my opinion, Definitely a Manchurian Candidate… Part 2 to HR 6666 is here. Look at the fucking number! Who the fuck would name anything with a number like that.
Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death! I Would Rather Die On My Feet, Than Live On My Knees!
All that bullshit happens, just think of the things we’re not hearing about as they whittle away our liberty! It’s time to say enough bullshit. They are gaslighting everyone with Joe Biden as the “apparent” Demoncratic nomination…talk about MK-ULTRA…holy shit. They are going to nominate someone who isn’t even running…when Joe all of a sudden has a “heart attack” and dies, they whip out Michelle Obama with Hillary Clinton as her VP…Jesus Christ Monkey Balls…this is why YOU MUST tell them to shove their mail-in ballots up their asses!!! I would much rather DIE on my feet than live on my knees!!
This past Monday, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled by a vote of 6-3 that a woman is not real.
Writing for the majority, Justice Neil Gorsuch announced, “The six of us on the Court who are clearly smarter than the dissenting three, and, likewise, much brighter and wiser than the hundreds of millions of you deplorable rubes across the land who still believe in biology and genetics, have decided, by god-like fiat, that as of June 15, 2020, a female is no longer a fact, but a fantasy.”
The Sovereign One continued after using the Bill of Rights as a napkin to wipe the tears of postmodern joy from his eyes.
“Therefore, on this grand day of enlightenment, we proclaim that throughout the land, all subjects of the United States of America must now bow in submission to the Rainbow altar and its golden calf. You must pay homage to our Cult of Feelings. You must deny reality and cast all reason aside.
Fantasy Woman!
“How foolish of you think that there is a God and that He created man as a binary male and female. How naive of you to think a female is a fact. She is not!”
“In our day of gnosis, we know that nothing can be known and, therefore, we know that a woman is little more than a fantasy and a fabrication. We are sure that nothing is sure, but of this one thing we are sure … Being a woman is a social construct and not an objective reality.
“A woman is not defined by her biology! A woman’s sex and gender are not confined to the antiquated categories of male and female.
“No! Such intolerant thinking cannot be tolerated. We will not permit your bigotry!
“So, in keeping with our superior knowledge, beginning immediately, any dysphoric male who wants to play dress-up and make-believe is declared an actual woman.
“Therefore, those of you who still cling to your antiquated belief that you are a female because of your physiology must immediately cease engaging in such micro-aggressions, and you must henceforth, give up your bathrooms, give up your showers, give up your scholarships, give up your sports, and give up your jobs, to those men who pretend to be what you truly are.
“You must also give up your identity. It is ours to define, not yours.
“And you must give up your dignity. It is ours to grant. It is ours to take.
“Reason and logic are dead.
“This court proudly works (with a hat tip to BLM) to ‘dismantle cisgender privilege. We believe in building a space that is free from sexism. We seek to disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure as we foster a queer-affirm network.’
“We will not be satisfied until the last heteronormative Neanderthal is strangled by the entrails of the last cisgender retrograde.
“We shout with Joe Biden, ‘We believe in truth (our truth), not facts!’
Supreme Court of the United States ruled by a vote of 6-3 that a woman is not real
“We have deconstructed the Bible. Why wouldn’t you think we would do the same with the Constitution. We have dismissed the teachings of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Why wouldn’t we do likewise with Madison and Jefferson?
“We laugh at your Creator.
“There are no unalienable rights.
“Original intent is the opiate of the masses.
“Self-evident truths are little more than intersectional power.
“All hail the god of feelings.
“Facts be damned!”
C.S. Lewis, in confronting the arrogance of the oligarchy of his time, said, “We simply found ourselves in contact with a certain current of ideas and plunged into it because it seemed modern and [woke] … We were afraid of a breach with the spirit of the age, afraid of ridicule …. Having allowed [ourselves] to drift, unresisting …, we reached a point where we no longer believed [in truth].”
Drifting, unresisting, afraid of ridicule, reaching a point where we no longer believe the truth …
When six people in black robes who fancy themselves our betters actually start telling us that a female is not a fact, that our human identity is nothing more than the sum total of our base inclinations, and that a man is defined by his libido and not his Lord, it might be time for us to remind these smart folks that there is a God and it is not them.
When “conservatives” on our Supreme Court arrogantly presume to write law based on what is “modern and woke” rather than what is right and real we might want to point to the words of someone who reportedly was a bit wiser than them: “There is a way that seems right unto man but the end thereof leads to death.” — Solomon.