Hunter Biden Smoking Crack

Hunter Biden began dating his brother’s widow while recovering from a week spent buying crack from a homeless encampment in Los Angeles, according to a new report.

The Boy Is Sick

Hunter Biden Smoking Crack on a Zoom call! Do you see what that stuff does to a person’s mind?? I want to thank Greg Kelly of NewsMax, a real journalist, for posting this video. If you want another REAL NEWS source, NewsMax is the place to go.

Hunter Biden In Beau Biden's Funeral Procession
Hunter Biden, Hallie Biden, Joe Biden And Family In Beau Biden’s Funeral Procession.

When you watch the video, you’ll see this image here of the family in a funeral procession for Hunter’s brother Beau. Notice what creepy uncle Joe is doing. Apparently Hunter Biden and his dead brother’s widow, Hallie, according to Kathleen Biden, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, started having an affair before his brother Beau died. According to him it as after Beau died…who would you believe…either way Hunter…

Hunter Biden began dating his brother’s widow while recovering from a week spent buying crack from a homeless encampment in Los Angeles, according to a new report.

He says he became close with Hallie after a 2016 trip with her to the Hamptons. He had already moved out of the house that he and his wife Kathleen lived in. The really sad thing is that he says he and Hallie had specific grief that they shared and that he wanted to move in with her so he could help her with her kids. That’s funny seeing as how he totally ignores the child he had with Lunden Alexis Roberts. Why is he even reproducing??

The Artist Formerly Known As Crackhead Biden

Or should that be the crackhead who now gets paid exorbitant amounts of money for his “art work”? You know that’s a way for the Biden Crime Family to take bribes and launder money don’t you?

Hunter Biden Artwork
Hunter Biden Artwork

Here are some of his “paintings”. They’re ok, BUT NOT nearly worth the money he’s getting for them. It’s sad that a traitorous, crackhead is able to put a few paintings together and then sell them for as much as he is. The chances of his customers being legitimate art collectors is VERY slim. Why do you think they don’t want to say who’s buying them? Do you think that maybe people are giving him money, so again, he can use his criminal father’s name and his position as a “legal” way to give him bribes, or maybe it’s a money laundering scheme?

The boy started poking his dead brother’s wife before his brother Beau died, according to his ex-wife Kathleen. What blows me away is that he’s married again and not to Hallie. He is now married to Melissa Cohen, a woman from South Africa who is also a documentary film maker. I have a feeling I know what her next documentary will be about.

Hunter Biden Artwork
Hunter Biden Artwork

It’ll be like that movie The Fighter, a film Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale were in. Mark Wahlberg plays the character Micky Ward a fighter and his half brother, Dicky Eklund, played by Christian Bale, who was also a fighter, fought Sugar Ray Leonard and knocked him down, his 15 minutes of fame. He has a documentary film maker want to make a documentary about him. Dicky (Christian Bale), thinks they’re making a documentary about his “comeback”. What they are really doing is making a documentary on how a good fighter turned to CRACK and ruined his life. That must be what Melissa Cohen is planning on doing!

Hunter And Pops, At It Again

I think once again, Hunter Biden is involved in a scam with “Pops”. Does anyone else see this or are you too snugly with your security blanket in a state of complacency to notice what is actually happening all around you? I hope that’s not the case. If we sit down, do nothing, see nothing or say nothing, we deserve everything the Marxist government does to us…but we can still forgive and send Love to these people.

Maybe it’s time for a revolution and I’m not talking about the kind Nancy Pelosi let happen on January 6th, 2020. Yes, it was Nancy Pelosi’s fault, not President Trump’s. She vetoed the National Guard for that day, which left the Capitol police unprotected from the hired leftist mob that stormed the Capitol building. She was fine having the National Guard afterward to protect the Capitol Building…all for appearances. Nancy Pelosi and her criminal husband will be a post for another day.

Hunter Biden Smoking Crack While Talking to Hallie Biden

Peace, Love & Blessings To All, Especially Hunter Biden And The Others.


Jerry Nadler Asshole Of The Millennium

Truther: “There’s violencec across the whole country, do you disavow the violence from ANTIFA, that’s happening in Portland right now?”
Jerry Nadler: “That, that’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington DC.”
Truther: “About ANTIFA in Portland?”
Jerry Nadler: “Yes”

Jerry Nadler Is Losing His MKULTRA Mind

Maybe he’s lost his human mind and has been switched over to his MKULTRA mind, that would make sense out of all the crazy things he says like when asked about ANTIFA being involved in the Portland, Oregon riots: “That, that’s a myth being spread only in Washington DC.” The Truther then asks in disbelief: “About ANTIFA in Portland?” To which Jerry Nadler replies: “Yes”, before he waddles over to his car. As Sean Hannity says: “Crazy Alert”

When he was speaking with Attorney general William Barr, he was exhibiting a classic case of projection, just like all his cohorts do when speaking about something President Trump did in their MKULTRA minds. If you’ve ever watched ANYTHING they’ve talked about and you thought what they said was true, you may be one of them.

A perfect example of their projection is when they made the Russian collusion story up about President Trump. They didn’t actually make it up, they just changed the names to protect the guilty. Honestly, I don’t understand how a lot of people aren’t seeing this. After spending $30+ MILLION DOLLARS of tax payer’s money and over 2 years doing absolutely nothing except trying to cover their own tracks, I don’t understand how people aren’t going after, Nadler, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer and all the other MKULTRA Leftbots with pitchforks, torches and nooses!

They are all detached from reality. An incredible example of that is when Nancy Pelosi was interviewed in the kitchen of her house and she opened the freezer to show that it was FULL of gourmet ice-cream, while the general public is at home, broke, out of work and a lot probably hungry…who does she remind you of in “World History”…”Let them eat cake” – Marie Antoinette

Jerry Nadler’s Permanent Scowl

It shows how good a job they have done at programming people. All you have to do is look at their eyes, listen to what they’re saying and how they’re saying it and you can tell they’re lying! Jerry Nadler has a permanent scowl on his face. Here are 3 photos from 3 separate points in time:

The first on the left is Jerry Nadler when Mueller’s 2 year+ $30 million+ “investigation” turned up nothing. The middle photo is him when he received his cut of the $30 million +. The 3rd photo is Jerry Nadler after they couldn’t find a thing on President Trump, so they decided to fabricate a bunch of lies about A.G. Bill Barr. I’m kidding, this his how he looks everyday for every reason. Even though he’s MKULTRA, his sub-conscious comes bubbling up to the conscious and makes him look miserable.

It could be that he is miserable because he knows he’ll be going to jail soon and the fact that he’s a gimp doesn’t fare well for him in prison. When you listen to him…it’s really mind blowing that a lot of people are actually like him, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, her nephew Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, Chuck Schumer, Creepy, Senile uncle Joe Biden and the rest of their Socialist Democrat Ilk! Watch the video below so you can see Jerry Nadler lying to himself and the world.

Jerry Nadler “Antifa In Portland Is A Myth”

  • Truther: “There’s violence across the whole country, do you disavow the violence from ANTIFA, that’s happening in Portland right now?”
  • Jerry Nadler: “That, that’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington DC.”
  • Truther: “About ANTIFA in Portland?”
  • Jerry Nadler: “Yes”…

As Sean Hannity said: “Listen to this psycho.”

Jerry Nadler Asshole Of The Millennium!

Projections Of The Panderous Left

The man Projects his own crimes, he and his socialist buddies, like Nancy Pelosi, project their crimes onto others and then pander to the people they committed crimes against. A Great example of their pandering is when they all did their pathetic, panderous 8 minute 46 second kneel for George Floyd. If you’ll notice, Jerry Nadler did not kneel. If he really cared about what he was doing, he could have accomplished a kneel by sitting in a chair and putting one knee down.

He didn’t do it, because he didn’t care about George Floyd. George Floyd was a political tool. Just like all the riots and all the “mandates”, like mask wearing, staying locked-down and everything else…ALL ILLEGAL & UNCONSTITUTIONAL! People are just taking it without question.


I guess everyone is happy because they still have their MKULTRA handheld programmers.

For those who doubt MKULTRA exists, do the research. You can go to the CIA.GOV website and download a bunch of PDF files to start your research.

Their newest lie is that mail-in voter fraud does not exist. Mail-In Voter Fraud Is Alive And Well in the United States and around the world for that matter. The Socialist Democrat Party has failed at every attempt to remove President Trump from office. This is not publicized by the media, but there have been no less than 25 attempts on President Trumps life! Those 25 attempts were from the time he got elected until the time he was sworn in and took office. That was almost 4 years ago. I’m sure there have been more since then.

Evil People And Their Handlers

These are not nice people…Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Gavin Newsom, Lori Lightfoot, Kate Brown, Jenny Durkan, Gretchen Whitmer, Tim Walz, Jacob Lawrence Frey, Eric Garcetti. Eric Garcetti’s agenda is focused on creating a safe, livable prosperous city…FAIL!

All their handlers are much, much worse. These are EVIL people, that just want to keep you enslaved and under their thumbs. It won’t happen if everyone starts to see, from the mess that is happening now. Jerry Nadler would have you think that the riots were starting to wind down, but then President Trump stoked the fire by sending in Federal Troops to Protect Federal buildings to get political footage for campaign commercials. He is doing his job. President Trump is not at fault for protecting federal buildings.

The street lights are on, time for all the kiddies to go home before they hurt more people with their stupidity!

Peace, Love & Blessing, Especially To Everyone Listed Above!


Nancy Pelosi, A Moment Of Hypocricy

“If you subscribe to the premise of ‘All Lives Matter’, it’s likely that you live in a predominantly white area and the majority of your social group is white.”

“Here’s the awesome thing. You can totally stop being an ignorant racist right now. This instant. You don’t even have to lift a finger.”

This Just In:

Kente Scarves worn by Democrats in their 8 minute and 46 second panderous display, were historically worn by rich African slave owners and traders!

Congressional Democrats Photo-Op

I could hear most of the rusty wheels moving in the heads of everyone who was kneeling…they were saying, how long are we supposed to be on our knees. Nancy Pelosi was thinking, I’ll keep my face down and wait for the cameras to stop clicking.

Nancy Pelosi Moment Of Sleep
Nancy Pelosi, A Moment Of Sleep

The Opening & Closing Titles Say:

  • Nancy Pelosi, A Moment Of Hypocricy
  • Jerry Nadler, Still Standing Because He Just Doesn’t Care
  • Cut! Back To One, Schumer Forgot His Mask


On Monday, June 8th, 2020, many Congressional democrats joined a pander-fest and knelt for 8 minutes and 48 seconds to honor the death of George Floyd, the black man who was high on Fentanyl and Meth when he tried to buy cigarettes with a counterfeit bill, who then died as a result of former police officer, Derek Chauvin kneeling full body weight on George’s neck, which then sparked nationwide riots.

This was a pander-fest in which democrats draped themselves in African scarfs and introduced a bill that would effectively dismantle every police department in America. The version of the video that shows Nancy struggling to get up is about 10 minutes long and shows a bunch of people struggling to stay kneeling for so long…and those fucking scarfs, the taxpayer money they spent on those, could have been used for a much better purpose. Like giving it to the business owners that were looted…oh wait, but that would mean you actually care more about another human being than your “pander-fest” Photo Op! How many more times can I use pander-fest?

I wonder if Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler and the rest of them think they’re fooling us with their Kente Scarfs and their 8 minute and 48 second kneel tribute to the Meth Head George Floyd?

I hope everyone who reads this really sees what is going on here…wait for it…here at this Kente Scarf wearing Pander-fest. I would absolutely Love it if their sentiment were legitimate…all you have to do is watch the video and analyze how the different people are going through it.

The lady behind Nancy Pelosi, on her right, is more concerned with her vagina…she thinks she’s giving the camera a Beav shot. Chuck Schumer looks like he’s reading his papers…I don’t know What Jerry Nadler’s deal is? I think he’s just showing everyone how much he cares about the whole thing.

There does seem to be a few people that legitimately do care about what they’re doing, but the 3 Chiflados, Nancy Pelosi, Chucky Schumer and Jerry Nadler, definitely don’t care.

Nancy Pelosi, A Moment Of Hypocricy

Chucky Schumer, Like Nadler, Just Doesn’t Care

The line about Schumer is TV & Movie set jargon. The Director, Nancy Pelosi, might yell Cut…because a Bad Actor, Schumer, forgot to wear his prop. Back To One, means for everyone to go back to where the scene starts, because you’re doing another take.

Chucky Schumer Talks Boys
Chucky Is Featured In This Issue

Chucky Schumer isn’t even feigning interest in what they’re posing for…he’s more interested in whatever he was reading…probably, “Boy’s Life”…he reads it for the articles…haha

I’m so happy ABC was there to get this touching moment…Nancy Pelosi only had one line and she almost flubbed it…I think she had the shakes.

Chucky Schumer looked like he was still reading his papers or notebook.

All Liver Matter Post

If you haven’t seen the All Lives Matter post, go check it out now. Here is some the information:

  • Videos
  • George Floyd 911 Transcript – From the call made by convenience store owner when George Floyd tried to buy cigarettes with a counterfeit bill.
  • An article from The FluffPost written by Jesse Damiani about Black Lives Matter, and if you say “All Lives Matter”, you are an “Accidental Racist“, but he changes his mind after the title…he turned us into ignorant racists. This guy has barely lived…he probably likes to think he has…it seems that he has “Elbassitis” That’s when you can’t tell your ass from your elbow…that’s right, you heard it here first…that’s going to be the next “Plandemic”
    • “If you subscribe to the premise of “All Lives Matter,” it’s likely that you live in a predominantly white area and the majority of your social group is white.”
    • “Here’s the awesome thing. You can totally stop being an ignorant racist right now. This instant. You don’t even have to lift a finger.”

Thanks to Jesse, I now know much fun it is to learn…thanks Jesse!