President Donald J. Trump Is Our President
The time to write about OUR President Donald J. Trump is now. Some of the comments I read online are really hard to wrap my head around. Those trigger points, that just make you react and reply, because there’s that flash of WTF!!?? Where the synapses fire and you can’t call back the command to react. Wait, who called out the command?
The Ego, that’s who! The ego wants nothing more than to keep us in trouble. The Deep State run media knows this and they use it against us. Until we all realize that, they’ll be able to keep driving wedges between us. Divide & Conquer is their weapon of choice and they’ve used it well!
When there is a post about President Trump, there, you will see a “temporary divide” and within the divides there will be divides…etc…I say temporary because one way or another, one group will be the one disseminating Truthful information to everyone, the Truth will be known to all. Be very careful of your thoughts, because they are in fact, things.
Never wish bad on anyone, no matter what, because that thought will Boomerang and come right back to you in some way. If it were to go in a negative direction, by, I don’t know, maybe by mail in VOTER FRAUD, our battle for freedom continues. When President Trump gets re-elected, and he will, our freedom gets a RESET!
A lot of people don’t like President Trump…it seems to be mostly women. Regardless, ask yourself why you don’t like him? Is it because he’s an Alpha male with a Frat-boy attitude? The second question you can ask yourself after you’ve truthfully answered YOURSELF is “What does this have to do with the United States, does it have anything to do with his administration?”

Next question you can ask, “Would I really cut off my nose to spite my face? “Would I vote for a much lesser candidate just because I don’t like President Trump’s personality?”
Last One: “Which candidate could do the same things President Trump has done for the US?” I don’t believe there is one. Joe Biden, if he were to get nominated, would not be a good choice. Mr “I take truth over facts” Handsy, Grabby, Creepy Uncle Joe. The man is a pedophile, he’s right at the beginning of Alzheimer’s, having him anywhere near a launch button would be very bad. Even though all nukes have been made inoperable…that’s another story, for another time, but I think it would put A LOT of people at ease.

Vote For Creepy Uncle Joe
And Watch The Missing Children
Numbers Sky-Rocket!
Look what the media is trying to start now, 1. More Russian BULLSHIT! Russia did NOT pay terrorist to kill American soldiers, that was Iran! Remember, the country Obama gave millions to? You remember, it’s the country John Kerry was going to, to commit Treasonous acts. He admitted negotiating with Iran behind President Trump’s back, in order to save the nuclear deal. That’s a violation of the Logan Act! Every time I see the media accusing (projecting) President Trump of colluding with Russia (That was Hillary Clinton, not President Trump), I always think of that episode of the Brady Bunch, where Jan, the middle daughter gets a bit jealous of Marcia, and says the famous line Marcia, Marcia, Marcia! Only I hear Russia, Russia, Russia!
The Logan Act
The Logan Act is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government’s position
Q, The Plan To Save The World
I grabbed this video from Joe M. on YouTube.
The Deep State Democrats are NOT going to give Joe Biden the nomination, they’ll wait until the last minute and give it to someone they think would stand a chance against President Trump, Probably Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama.
Joe Biden will “come down” with Alzheimer’s or go totally MK-ULTRA on President Trump and try to kill him during a debate…but President Trump’s security force will turn Joe Biden into Swiss cheese before he can pull the trigger. That would be horrible, but it’s not out of the realm of possibilities.
Scary to think that BOTH Hillary and Bill Clinton would be in the White House again or Barack and Michelle Obama… all 4 would be involved in stripping US citizens of all freedoms and liberties. We would be at war with Russia and or China so fast. Luckily many people are waking up and seeing how corrupt our government is.
What President Trump is doing is letting the Deep State slit their own throats, so the public can see, it’s the only way this could work. President Trump could just tell everyone, but the media would spin it say he’s lost his mind…just like they did when he told the World that his campaign was being spied on. What happened? He was right.
Here’s a response to some silly comments from one of my Facebook posts:
“Do none of you research anything??? Where We Go One, We Go All – WWGOWGA was on the Honey Fitz, JFK’s Presidential Yacht. The boat was named after his grandfather. It was also on the boat in the movie, The White Squall. ******, 4 chan hasn’t been used in a long time, 8 chan was used after that.
“But then after the Deep State hacked into it, they renamed it and rebuilt it. RESEARCH, PRESENT EVIDENCE, INSTEAD OF PROJECTING YOUR MISERY and WHINING.(That is for the regurgitators and the “Too woke to bother” crowd.) I ask you to present evidence, not as an argument, but because I want to know…my mind is the antithesis of those with Myopia! “
What Do These Four Presidents Have In Common? Presidential Assassinations And Attempts
They all wanted/want to FREE America from the very corrupt hands of the Cabal and the Rothschilds. The owner of Comet Ping Pong, James Alefantis, is a Rothschild, which explains how became one of the most powerfully corrupt people in DC. He’s a real sick fuck!
President Ronald Reagan’s Assassination Attempt
Ronald Regan was almost assassinated, one of the reasons was, he wanted to let the world know of the Extra Terrestrial presence that the Military Industrial Complex had been aware of and aware of the technology that had been reverse engineered. I’m only 99% percent sure of that one. There have been no less than 25 attempts on President Trumps life as I said. Why would anyone want these men dead? Because they were and are exposing those who want to keep us in chains.
President Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination
On the evening of April 14, 1865, John Wilkes Booth, a famous actor and Confederate sympathizer and white supremacist, assassinated President Abraham Lincoln at Ford’s Theater in Washington, D.C. The attack came only five days after Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his massive army at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, effectively ending the American Civil War.
Booth been plotting for months to abduct Lincoln and give the Confederacy another chance. But three days earlier, hearing the president talk of his plans to bring the nation together, in particular, Lincoln’s plans to grant some Black men the right to vote, that pushed him over the edge and that’s when he decided to murder him instead.

It seems that John Wilkes Booth couldn’t have acted alone. President Lincoln, his wife and guests sat in the Presidential Box at Ford’s Theater. How did Booth gain access? How was he able to get past President Lincoln’s security?
This from, go there and read the whole article. I found it during my research on President Abraham Lincoln being part of the Illuminati or Mason. I read an article a while ago about him going to one of the burial mounds, I believe in Ohio, that had one of the “Giant Builder Race” beings in a stasis sarcophagus. There were signatures in there of all the Illuminati that had been there, the President Lincoln’s was one of them. Do the research.
Here’s the Veterans Today piece:
“President Lincoln needed money to finance the War. The loan shark-bankers wanted 24% to 36% interest. Instead, Lincoln got Congress to authorize the printing of 450 million dollars worth of “Greenbacks” debt and interest-free money. It served as legal tender for all debts, public and private.
“The House of Rothschild recognized that sovereign governments printing interest-free and debt-free paper money would break their power.
“Lincoln’s assassin, John Wilkes Booth, was a member of Pike’s Knights of the Golden Circle. He was in New Orleans during the winter of 1863-64 and conspired with Pike, Benjamin, Slidell and Admiral G.W. Baird to assassinate Lincoln.
“Baird later identified the body of Captain James William Boyd as Booth’s. (Boyd was in fact a Confederate spy who resembled Booth and was used as a patsy. His body was dumped into an Arsenal Prison sinkhole used to dump dead horses.)
“Eustis says her father emphasized that most Masons below the 3rd degree were good hardworking people. The Illuminati-Skull and Bones used the Masons as a disguise. Those who rose past the 33 degree level did so by participating in the “Killing of the King” ritual. The lower levels did as they were told without realizing their part in the ‘Killing of the King’.” The Bush Clan was part of Skull and Bones…
There’s another interesting story about President Lincoln’s assassination, that suggests that his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, was the one who shot him. This is from the story: “The term “Break a leg” used in the theater comes from “Booth’s” (the fake one) flying leap into the third act of “Our American Cousin” performed at Fords Theater on April 14, 1865.” You can read read the full article.
Of Course, keep in mind that it could be pure propaganda, but due to everything that’s happening now, who’s to say? It’s very interesting, we will learn our true history soon.
President Trump Headless Eagle American Flag Hats

I just read this line at the end of the Veterans Today piece, where it lists the more than half the US Presidents who were Masons. For the last President it says “…and probably Trump.” Then the very last line says: “The US is a nation decapitated, a headless giant led by demons.” Something clicked in my heart…there is a hat that President Trump has in his campaign store. It’s a hat that has the Stars and Stripes on it, with a HEADLESS Eagle on the front.
The Never-Trumpers, quickly go the negative root, and say, “Look at the stars, they’re upside down pentagrams, and what’s with the headless Eagle”. After I read those comments, I thought, I guess they could be upside down pentagrams, but what I saw was the Stars forming V’s for Victory. The Eagle looks like a V as well. I wasn’t sure about the headless eagle until now. I think really, the comments are classic Leftist projections. Here are a few more shots, turned in different directions, to see if it looked any differently…it doesn’t.
I also added the American Flag, so you could see that a person with a warped vision sees two completely different things. You look at the American Flag and you see it as normal, you see the Positive, but those PROGRAMMED by TV news and the very Anti Free America media, see the Negative, when they look at President Trump’s “pentagram, headless Eagle hats”.

The only stars that the leftist media, many politicians and those who want to keep humanity enslaved, are interested in, are these:
President John F. Kennedy’s Assassination
JFK was assassinated for several reasons, one because he signed Executive Order 11110(look at that number) Executive Order 11110 was issued by JFK on June 4, 1963. This executive order amended Executive Order 10289 by delegating to the Secretary of the Treasury the president’s authority to issue Silver Certificates under the Thomas Amendment of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended by the Gold Reserve Act. He wanted to put the Rothschild owned, Federal Reserve out of business.
This Executive Order has NEVER been repealed, amended, or superseded by any subsequent Executive Order. In simple terms, it is still valid, which is how President Trump will be able to put us back on the Gold Standard.
When President John Fitzgerald Kennedy signed this Order, it returned to the United States federal government, specifically the Treasury Department, the Constitutional power to create and issue currency, money, without going through the privately owned Rothschild Federal Reserve Bank.
Federal Reserve
A myth that all Americans live with is the charade known as the “Federal Reserve.” It comes as a shock to many to discover that it is not an agency of the United States Government.
The name “Federal Reserve Bank” was designed to deceive, and it still does. It is not federal, nor is it owned by the government. It is privately owned.
President Kennedy’s Executive Order 11,110 gave the Treasury Department the explicit authority: “to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury.”
Executive Order 11,110 gave the U.S.A. the ability to, once again, create its own money backed by silver and realm value worth something.
Just five months after Kennedy was assassinated, no more of the Series 1958 “Silver Certificates” were issued either, and they were subsequently removed from circulation.
President Trump, John Trump, Julian Assange
President Donald Trump and Julian Assange, may possibly be cousins. That might be tough for some to wrap their head around. If you think that’s a tough one, President JFK and President Jimmy Carter are half-brothers.

Look how much John Trump and Julian Assangr look alike! Every thing, the eyes, ears, nose, mouth. John Trump must be his father. That means that President Trump and Julian Assange are cousins.
There’s another weird one that is hard to refute and that would be Chester Bennington, singer for Linkin Park and John Podesta. This may explain why Chester Bennington was suicided. He died by hanging. His mother supposedly had an affair with a neighbor who also molested Chester. That neighbor appears to have been John, soon to die by hanging, Podesta. Very Strange. Chester Bennington knew too much and had to be taken out.
Here is a quote from Julian Assange, I thought was relevant:

“Question: What has been your biggest disappointment?
Julian Assange
Answer: Learning that even intelligent people can be cowards and that courage is a much rarer attribute than intelligence.”
John Podesta and Chester Bennington really have nothing to do with this article, I came across a story about it in my travels. When I found out about John Trump and Julian Assange, I remembered Jimmy Carter and JFK and Chester Bennington and John Podesta. It’s one thing to have a Doppelganger, but this is just about absolute.
President Trump has had no less than 25 assassination attempts – Dr Rashid Rashid Buttar.
Failed Assassination Attempts
If you haven’t seen any of my posts with Dr Rashid Buttar, you should go to his YouTube channel or type in Dr Rashid Buttar in the search box. There is one thing that he said that rings so true”…they can’t control he doesn’t go along with the status quo, so they want him out. Quote from Dr Buttar: “Anyone who is that much of a threat to the status quo, must be doing something right.”
Part Two Coming Soon , President Donald J. Trump, 3.5 years of successes!
Peace, Love & Blessings To All!