Coca-Cola Propaganda
Coke Too Woke For America…I’ve never liked Coca-Cola, it may have been my instincts that were SCREAMING at me, so I would listen, or it could have been the taste, which I think is like drinking flat soda. I’ve always preferred Pepsi, but I don’t drink that either…the only soda I drink is Club Soda.
Coke, aside from the HUMAN RIGHTS violations they strive to achieve in China, or the obesity and Diabetes they cause WORLDWIDE, is also used to clean rust off of metal. What do you think it does to your insides??
I’ve known that Coke would remove rust from metal for most of my life. When I was younger, I didn’t realize how easily it removes rust from metal. Imagine what it does to the inside of our bodies, it’s the kind of thought that you file away to process at a later time.
My mother, kept me off of soda, or as we called it in Boston, Tonic. She knew that it was a harmful product, just as she especially knew that sugar was a bad thing.
Coke Removes Rust
I’m not sure of how many people are aware of how the name Coca-Cola came to be?
In May 1886, Coca-Cola was invented by Doctor John Pemberton, a pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia, (That’s a bit ironic, after Coke became “Woke“). According to the Coca-Cola Company, Pemberton developed the syrup for the famed beverage, which was sampled at the local Jacob’s Pharmacy and deemed to be “excellent.”
The syrup was combined with carbonated water to create a new “Delicious and Refreshing” drink. Pemberton concocted the famed Coca-Cola formula in a three-legged brass kettle in his backyard.
The name of Coca-Cola was a suggestion given by Pemberton’s bookkeeper Frank Robinson. As the recipe for the syrup called for coca leaf extract (this is the plant that Cocaine is made from) and caffeine from the kola nut.
After Cocaine became illegal, Coke still had something in their syrup sludge that was MORE addictive than Cocaine…PROCESSED SUGAR!
Psychology Today defines a person with addiction as: “[someone who] uses a substance or engages in a behavior, for which the rewarding effects provide a compelling incentive to repeat the activity, despite detrimental consequences. Addiction may involve the use of substances such as alcohol, inhalants, opioids, cocaine, sugar and nicotine, or behaviors such as gambling.”
This definition of addiction, can be applied to many behaviors in life. Dwell on that for a while and you might see what I’m talking about. All behaviors have a root cause, once you find that root cause, it’s easier to deal with whatever “addiction” you might be dealing with.
US Politicians & Others Colluding With The Chinese Communist Party
- Beijing Biden
- Hunter Biden
- The Biden Crime Family
- Eric Swallwell
- Dianne Feinstein
- Mitch McConnell (A post about him and his wife’s business, coming soon)
How To Be Less White By Coca-Cola

To Be Less White Is To:
- Be Less Oppressive
- Be Less Arrogant
- Be Less Certain
- Be Less Defensive
- Be Less Ignorant
- Be More Humble
- Listen
- Believe
- Break With Apathy
- Break With White Solidarity
The funny thing about that list is that it sounds like it was created by some Marxist at Black Lives Matter. It’s a divisive tool and NOTHING more. There’s more:
Confronting Racism
- Understanding What It Means To Be White
- Challenging What It Means To Be Racist
“In the US and other Western nations, white people are socialized to feel that they are inherently superior because they are white.
Research shows that by age 3 to 4, children understand that it is better to be white.”
What a load of horseshit that is! Racism is Taught, LOVE Is Not! Speaking of something being inherent…that is LOVE. Don’t let these “woke” knuckleheads steer you from the correct path.
Be Good, Love All, Forgive All, it’s not hard. Do not worry, it does NOBODY any good. The more you worry, the more you’ll get to worry about.
I DO forgive those at Coca-Cola and all like them, that worship a different god, that would be the god of the bottom line…money. Just because you forgive a company like Coke, doesn’t mean you can’t expose their wrong doing…they are doing wrong, that is an unmistakable fact.
Put your life in the Hands Of God, and you’ll remain stalwart on your path.
This is the driving force behind Coca-Cola’s lack of anything good!

“Pretend To Care About Something Other Than Profit Or Power Precisely To Gain More Of Each” – Vivek Ramaswamy
Coke Too Woke Video Transcription
Now there is new fallout for an iconic American brand, Coca-Cola going all woke, and it’s messaging to Americans, especially concerning Georgia’s voting laws. Now, there’s a new nonprofit calling the company out for hypocrisy. The group is called Consumer Research launching that campaign, pointing out that coke has been silent on human rights abuses in China, even as it takes a far-left stance here at home.
Vivek Ramaswamy is an entrepreneur and author of the forthcoming book, Woke Inc it’ll be out second week in August. Vivek, welcome back here. I mean listen, your entire book is about this concept. What do you make of the push back now?
Well look, I think Coca-Cola, Bill, is among those companies that has mastered the art of blowing woke smoke, that is using progressive values to cover up their actual business practices.
It’s a lot easier for them to talk about voting laws in Georgia than it is to reduce their own reliance on slave labor in China. It’s a lot easier for them to teach their employees how to be less white than it is to reckon with their own role in fueling, a nationwide epidemic of diabetes and obesity by the way, in the black community that they profess to care so much about.
When these CEO’s weighed into politics Bill, they try to have it both ways. They want to force their values down our throats, but without democratic accountability. That’s why I like what Consumer Research is doing, they say you don’t get to have it both ways? If you’re going to wade into politics, then we’re going to hold you politically accountable and not allow you to avoid debate on these contentious social issues.
You know I’ve seen your book, I’ve read it. We’ve had a long conversation about it. Your premise is this: “Pretend to care about something other than profit or power precisely to gain more of each”. Does that fit in here?
That’s exactly right, I mean look. Coca-Cola has a lot of difficult business practices that it would rather not talk about, and we live in this moment where a lot of consumers appear to care about progressive social values at these companies, and so this is just another way for them to make an extra buck, for them to aggregate profits for Coca-Cola and power for its CEO.
But I think that once we see through this charade of Virtue Signaling, consumers aren’t going to fall for the trick any longer. That’s why I wrote the book, but I think that’s also why groups like Consumer Research are doing good work in exposing that hypocrisy, really that fraud for the essence of what it is.
This is, Will Heil, I don’t know if you know him or not, he’s the executive director of this group that we mentioned here, Consumer Research, listen here:
Will Heil:
They don’t lift a finger to criticize the CCP and their human rights abuses in China, but they want to preach to the American consumer, who they should be serving, about political issues that are not germane to their business. Stop cozying up to woke politicians. Focus on your customers.
Um, Is this the push back?
He hits on a pretty important point that very few people have appreciated, which is that the CCP, the Communist Party of China, has weaponized the Woke Pandemic and, in particular, Woke Capitalism to advance their own geopolitical goals. Because what they do Bill, is they roll out the red carpet for any company that criticizes The United States, but they build a great Chinese wall that prevents you from coming in if you criticize the CCP. So It’s now no surprise that every time they’re pressed on their human rights abuses in the Shanjang Province with the weaker human rights crisis.
The first thing that Xi Jinping now says is that Black Lives Matter shows that The United States is no better, and the way they’re able to get away with it, is the two-faced corporations that criticize The United States for injustice, but don’t say a peep in China. So this actually has geopolitical consequences that go beyond the consumer-based hypocrisy.
How about BLM (Black Lives Marxists) embracing the communist government in Cuba, that’s blaming it all in The United States. Vivek, who, who’s, who’s next, who would be the next target?
Well, who would be the next target in terms of which companies are going to…?
Is it MLB, is it Delta, Is it Nike?
I mean look, I think, I think we’re seeing it in the NFL. You were just talking about it in the earlier segment and I think that the private sector used to be one of those places that brought us together, because we live in a divided polity right, we’re politically divided. That depends on certain spaces that can still bring us back together.
Major League Baseball stadiums, NFL stadiums and as each of these institutions and each of these companies go woke. We now lose the ability to come together in those apolitical spaces that used to bring us together as one people, and I think that’s the real loss Bill.
(Oly’s Note: The NFL. MLB, NHL, all professional sports are just another divisive tool to keep us divided. How many times have you been to a bar watching a game or at an actual game and have seen people get into fights. A good example: Bryan Stow, a San Francisco Giants fan, went to see them play the Dodgers at Dodger Stadium on opening day in LA. He was brutally beaten, almost to death, after the game in the parking lot. He is now disabled because he was rooting for the “wrong” team. Having lived in LA for most of my life, I’ve been to Dodger stadium, if your jersey doesn’t say Dodgers on it, you’re asking for trouble.
I was with a group of people once and we were sitting in right field at Dodger Stadium. Nobody had ANYTHING on that would say who we were rooting for, there was a mixed group to our left, by mixed I mean men and women, when all of a sudden, one of the women in our group shouted something toward the field, nothing bad by any stretch of the imagination. One of the “women” in the other group turned to one of the men and said:
“Did you hear what she just said about you?”. He ignored her or didn’t hear her…I happened to be looking to my left and saw the whole thing. I think me and the girl who was trying to start trouble were the only 2 in both groups that were aware of the whole thing. End Oly’s note)
“Pretend to care about something other than profit or power precisely to gain more of each.” These are your ideas they’re in Woke Inc. You can get it very soon, Vivek great to see you, we’ll talk again very soon, thanks.
Peace, Love & Blessings To All!