This Boy Is Crying For Love
Racism Is Taught, Love Is Not…this is not a new concept and the racism aspect of it has been used over and over and over against the entire human race. It has been used as a “divisor” (sic) against us. Humanity / Race = Racism
That equation makes absolutely no sense, it’s illogical…it’s what we’ve been PROGRAMMED to believe. It’s illogical because Race / Race = Race or 1 / 1 = 1! There is but one race and that is the human race!
The word Racism itself has always been a weapon used against us…if there is one race, the Human race, how can there be racism…it’s just hate that is being fed to us by the “Lords of Hate”. We’ve been programmed or tricked into believing things like this exist because it’s TAUGHT to us in schools, by Hollywood and all corporate media. They wouldn’t do that would they? Yes, they absolutely would and have been since our beginning.
Another phrase that has George Soros, who funds both ANTIFA & Black Lives Matter, and has the Deep State written all over it is: “Reverse Racism”…wouldn’t that mean that there was no racism?? It’s a term used by white people when another person that isn’t white says something or does something racist to them. THAT’S JUST RACISM…THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS REVERSE RACISM!!
All these little things are wedges “they” use to drive us apart! Their plan? To Divide And Conquer! There has never been a better time to say “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”. The thought of all of us all of a sudden being unified, scares the fuck out of them. Where We Go One We Go All!
Roger Highfield Science Editor of the Daily Telegraph and Science Director at The Science Museum Group says: “All humans are 99.9 percent identical and, of that tiny 0.1 per cent difference, 94 per cent of the variation is among individuals from the same populations and only six percent between individuals from different populations.”
The Sports Industrial Complex
Their goal is to keep us divided in as many ways as possible…they’re experts at it. One of the biggest ways is done by The Sports Industrial Complex! If you’ve ever been to a professional sports game or any athletic competition for that matter, there are always fights, people even get killed.
Brian Stow Attacked At Dodger Stadium

In April 2011, Brian Stow and some friends drove down to Los Angeles from San Jose, to see the San Francisco Giants play the LA Dodgers at Dodger Stadium for the Dodgers’ home opener. After the game he was attacked, knocked unconscious, hitting his head on the ground and then was kicked in the head by his attackers…why? Because he was wearing a San Francisco Giants Jersey…he was wearing the wrong color. I’m happy to say he was awarded $18,000,000 in a court case against The Los Angeles Dodgers LLC.
The Word Soccer And Soccer Hooligans
What about Soccer!? “Soccer Hooligans”…I know Football or Futbol for my Mexican brothers and sisters. The word soccer was created in England and NOT the US as many believe. The word soccer comes from an abbreviation for Association (from Association Football, the ‘official’ name for the game) plus the addition of the suffix –er. This suffix (originally Rugby School slang, and then adopted by Oxford University). Here’s a paper written by Stefan Szymanski, in 2014, on the topic.
See, even what to call a sport has divided people…and then people started saying the word was invented in “America”. The official name for Soccer is Association Football, as it says above. They took the Soc from Association then added the “er” suffix, but in order to make it “proper”, they added another “c”, forming the word Soccer…they, the English, add the “er” suffix to form a lot of words, Soccer, Rugger (Rugby), Cupper, apparently used for World Cup matches or any match involving a Cup.
I don’t follow ANY sports anymore…being from Boston, you’re “Born Into It”, it was a bit difficult to cut the Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics and Bruins completely out of my life, but not nearly as hard as someone from Boston would think…but I digress…
A Progression/Regression From Hate To Love, Love Conquers All!
I put this video together because these clips started to show up or I started noticing them. The one of Jude I saw quite a while ago…when you watch the clip of the Police Officer driving to work, you’ll see what I’m talking about. Watch all 15 minutes so you’ll see the natural progression, or maybe I should say regression? I think all the clips were being shown to me for whatever reason. Maybe just to post on here to show those who are supposed to see them. Why that would be is up to the individual that is supposed to see them.
WARNING: The opening clip is rough…if you watch from beginning to end, you’ll feel better. Make sure you look at the photos below the video.
Nobody Is SCREAMING About A Dozen Black Boys, Beating And Robbing A 15 Year Old Black Girl! Where Are The Extortionists Now!!!???
The images below are very disturbing, they’re from one of the clips. About 15 boys attacked a 15 year old girl. Wait until you see it. It’s like an episode of some animal show, where a bunch of Hyenas come running to the kill. The two I highlighted are the first 6 images. The first are of the kid who yanked her Air Jordan sneakers off as a prize. The second 4 are of a kid that runs over to her, jumps up and comes down on her…he has the backpack with what looks like a shark…the images with the red arrows. The big image is of the kid who stole her sneakers.
I need to clarify the reason for these photos a bit more. These boys attacked a 15 year old Black girl…they targeted her for some reason…they all seemed to have come out of the woodwork Like in the well known Agent Smith fighting Neo (Keanu Reeves) scene in The Matrix
If anyone knows any of these kids…please report them to the Brooklyn police.
Peace, Love & Blessings!