Bill HR 4980 By Ritchie Torres Will Make You Get The COVID-19 Vaccine In Order To Travel Within The United States By Air
It’s true, Bill HR 4980 will prevent YOU, from traveling by air freely in The United States. Here is a SHOCKER, Ritchie Torres is FROM NEW YORK!!! we can add another Marxist to the list of N.Y. Marxists that are trying to destroy the FREE World’s way of living. The Marxist makes “rules for thee, that don’t apply to me”. The “me” being Marxists like:
- Ritchie Torres
- Andrew Cuomo
- Bill de Blasio
- Leticia James
- Jerry Nadler
- Chuck Schumer
- Chris Cuomo
- All CNN Anchors and all people and politicians like them.

Ritchie Torres, nobody gives a fuck that you’re gay, what people care about is your idiotic support of the Marxist Black Lives Matter bullshit to defund the police. Are you a Marxist Ritchie? It appears that you are!
I have a question for you Ritchie, you may want to sit down for this because it’s bound to tax your little Marxist brain: Why would there be a “slow down of policing?” The answer is, because, I doubt you answered correctly, the answer is because idiots like you, make laws to defund the police. You can’t see the forest through the trees can you Ritchie?
You make crazy laws in order to satisfy your handlers. You want to make it mandatory for people to get a DEADLY “vaccine”. It has killed well over 50,000 people already. This 22 year old kid, Maxime Beltra, died 9 hours after getting the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine!
In 9 hours he went from being a healthy 22 year old man to getting the DEADLY Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and being a corpse! Richie Torres, their is still time for you to stop the negatives from ruining your life. Karma is a bitch Ritchie, if you want to have innocent blood on your hands, go forward and push bill 4980 through! Not only will you have killed young Souls like Maxime Beltra, but Souls of all ages.
Ritchie, Karma does NOT take vacations, it does not take breaks, it does not have days off, it just IS and will move you up on the list if bill 4980 gets passed into law and you do nothing to stop it. Do a clearing Ritchie, tell the negatives to leave, tell them they are not allowed to attach themselves to you. Do it Ritchie, before it’s too late!!!
NY Nadia
Nadia IS NOT one of NY Marxists, she made this video in order to help fight the Marxists that are greedy and are trying to destroy our country and turn it into a Marxist nightmare!
Information To Help Stop this Bill
Bill H.R. 4980 is going to committee soon; it will require vaccination for domestic travel within the United States, preventing unvaccinated Americans from traveling freely within their own country. But there IS something that you can do to prevent this bill from becoming law. Please listen to the video and refer back to this section for links.
CONTACT your Senator(s) HERE:
Template For Your Email:
Dear _________,
I have recently become aware that Bill H.R. 4980 is coming up to committee soon. I am opposed to this bill because it infringes of the civil rights of unvaccinated Americans from traveling within their own nation; and because vaccines do not prevent spread, H.R. 4980 also violates the Fifth Amendment. I ask you to please vote this bill DOWN in the event that it should be presented to your office. Thank you for your time.
New York Nadia
#MaximeBeltra, #RitchieTorres, #bill4980, #pfizercovid-19vaccine, #deadlypfizercovid-19vaccine, #covid-19shot, #covid-19vaccine, #HR4980fulltext, #elliotmanagement
Peace, Love & Blessings To All, Especially Ritchie Torres