Candace Owens Scares Those Who Want To Be Like Her
I recently discovered Candace Owens and she quickly became a favorite of mine. Why? Because She is Intelligent, She is Confident, She is Strong and doesn’t take shit from anyone.
One of the first videos I saw of her was the one where Ted Lieu, Democrat, US Representative for California’s 33rd congressional district since 2015. The district serves much of western Los Angeles, as well as Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Bel Air, the Palos Verdes Peninsula, and the Beach Cities.
Figures, he’s West Side…but he played an audio clip of Candace Owens, out of context of course, talking about Hitler and Nationalism. The clip was from a talk she did and was answering a question from someone. The question about Adolph Hitler being a Nationalist. Her response was no, he’s not a Nationalist, if that’s all he was then fine, but he was a homicidal maniac.

I’m paraphrasing…when she replied, she said, “Obviously Mr Lieu thinks black people are stupid and won’t think to search out the entire talk.” Then Jerry Nadler, who was asleep at the wheel, interrupted and accused her of calling Ted Lieu stupid. She said, “That’s not what I said, you weren’t listening to me”. You could hear someone next to him telling him that he was incorrect…no apology, he didn’t care…watch the clip: You can view the post Candace Owens Kicks The Asses Of Ted Lieu and Jerry Nadler
Candace Owens Embarrasses House Judiciary Democrats, Ted Lieu and Jerry Nadler
The reason why I wanted to create this was for her defense, she doesn’t need defense, but when I see Propaganda being posted about her, I had to act. First there is another clip that was posted by a Female friend on FB. It was a very short clip cut from her show when she had Dennis Prager on as a guest. She was talking about ancient indigenous people in North America and other parts of the world being cannibals, and again, it was cut to make her seem racist.
You Like Candace Owens? Check out the “All Lives Matter” post.
Being a Digital Nomad for almost 23 years now, I see things that others won’t. Like the others that are scared of her because of her strength and intelligence. That project their insecurity, passive aggressively. By that I mean, it’s done by posting a clip that the creators intentions were obviously, purely for propaganda purposes…like something you would see on The Young Turks show on YouTube.
Here Is The Propagandized Clip From The Candace Owens show, That Was Cut With Bad Intentions, Candace Has Dennis Prager On:
The whole interview is about an hour long and very informative. Like anything online, you have to be discerning and willing to search for the truth. Take the information you know in your heart to be true, and get rid of everything else.
Here is a bit from:
Setting The Record Straight About Native Peoples: American Indian Cannibals
Q: Were Native Americans cannibals?
A: Not for the most part, no, but there were some groups who were. The Aztecs were notorious for ritual cannibalism (warriors would eat a strip of flesh from enemies they had slain in combat). Some people dispute this, but the Aztecs’ own written and oral histories seem to support it as the truth. The Karankawa tribe of southeast Texas was also said to practice ritual cannibalism on defeated enemies.
There were a few Amazonian tribes who practiced funerary cannibalism (family and friends would eat part of a dead tribal member’s body as a religious ceremony at the funeral). Finally, the Carib people of South America were said to kill and eat prisoners of war, though it’s been pointed out that the Spaniards who made this claim were lining their own pockets by doing so (Queen Isabella had forbidden her subjects from selling Africans, or Indians, as slaves unless they were cannibals).
The Iroquois, for example, are well known for their incessant warfare and their training of males to be immune to pain. They are also well known for their merciless treatment of prisoners of war. Captives were forced to run a gauntlet, their fingernails were pulled out and their limbs hacked off, and they were finally decapitated or roasted alive at the stake – after which their remains were consumed in cannibalistic feasts.
Marvin Harris, Cannibals and Kings: The Origin of Cultures, Glasgow, 1978, p. 69.
Conclusive Evidence Of American Indian Cannibalism Found
Sep 7, 2000
Thomas H. Maugh II
Los Angeles Times
The first unequivocal evidence that American Indians practiced cannibalism has been discovered by researchers studying a small Anasazi settlement in what is now southwestern Colorado that was mysteriously abandoned about 1150 A.D.
As many as 40 sites scattered around the Southwest contain human bones that show distinctive evidence of having been butchered and cooked – signs consistent with cannibalism. Until now, however, most archaeologists have shied away from conceding the evidence proves cannibalism – favoring explanations such as ritual burial or the execution of people believed to be witches.
That’s just from the first three websites I found after searching: Which north American Indian tribes were cannibalistic? Don’t be lazy, do the research yourself, don’t just watch a 1 minute clip that was shown out of context, and let the propagandists rattle your cage. If it upsets you, figure out why. RESEARCH IT! Everything you want to know about is on the internet…and I mean EVERYTHING!!! You have to be discerning about everything you look at too.
This Is The Entire Video Of The Candace Owens Show, With guest Dennis Prager
You can always tell when you’re dealing with the uninformed, they always seem to have a lack of self-understanding…you can tell that because they are very quick to attack and are usually intimidated by the person they are attacking. Attacks are nothing more than cries for Love, but you can’t accept Love until you Love yourself.
This is a comment I made on one of the Young Turks Candace Owens bashing videos:
“You knuckleheads, Uygur, you and your girlfriend Ana, talk about Candace Owens only caring about one color…Green…you’re projecting to the world that you do exactly what the Demoncrats do…you’re all part of their Disgusting deception, like the CoViDeception#19.
Did you kneel with Nancy Pelosi wearing a Kente pander scarf…I know your handlers won’t let you tell the truth and you’re only allowed to say what they tell you to say…it’s why you’re all full of hate…it’s not too late to wake up and tell your handlers to Fuck Off…until you do that, you fall under the Pathétique, Պաթետիկ, Pateties, Pathetic category!
Take The Red Pill wipe the bullshit out of your eyes…so that you may see. I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to see ANY of you debate her on any subject…all of you could be on a stage with her and she would destroy you. The reason why people like TI…what is that Terribly Insecure??…I think it is…the reason why he wouldn’t let her speak, is because she’s intelligent, he’s not and by letting her speak would be the same as him taking a knife and cutting his balls off right on stage.
He, like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson is an extortionist….they use situations like George Floyd’s crimes that led to his murder to extort the emotions from black people, then they lift him up as if he were some kind of hero…they are ENERGY VAMPIRES, they feed off the suffering of people….they need to keep black people down and stupid or else they loose their meal ticket. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton know their target audience…people like TI…and all of you apparently…”
There is a lot of information to get to everyone…the information has always been available to all of us, but everyone was too complacent, lulled into a Zombie like state of satisfaction.
Those who sing the lullaby are facing their own extinction, because every move they’ve made has failed…they cut their own throat a bit more every day. Pretty soon their heads will fall off and it’ll be done…we can finally start to move forward.
Watch the whole Dennis Prager interview on the Candace Owens Show…
Peace, Love & Blessings!