You smell that? That is EVERY Leftist, Socialist, Communist, Democrat shitting their pants…what a mess!!
Just When you Thought The Marxist DNC Couldn’t Possibly Be Any Dumber!
There has been a Ballot Sting Operation that is going to give the DNC, China Joe Biden, Token Harris, all Leftist Democrats and all Democrats in general a very rude awakening, due to their criminal behavior. Their rude awakening will come in the form of a Ballot Sting Operation that has been in place since 2018. All LEGITIMATE ballots have been marked so that they can easily be differentiated from counterfeit ballots. Much like the way money has anti-counterfeit elements, so do legitimate ballots.
You smell that? That is EVERY Leftist, Socialist, Communist, Democrat shitting their pants…what a mess!!
When the Chinese Embassy was was kicked out of Houston Texas, they were burning A LOT of documents, that could have been information concerning Chinese spies. It could have also been related to counterfeiting ballots?
China Joe Biden Voter Fraud – Ballot Sting Operation
There have been hundreds of thousands of counterfeit ballots used to put China Joe Biden in the lead miraculously overnight in the battleground states that President Trump was leading in, the night before the information came out The next day China Joe caught up. The text in the tables below is from the above image for Michigan “results”.
Voter Fraud In Michigan
President Trump Leads
President Trump
China Joe Biden
The next day, somehow China Joe Biden pulled ahead. It must have been that van load of ballots that were delivered at 4 am, November 4th that were ALL FOR CHINA JOE BIDEN & TOKEN HARRIS! It is statistically IMPOSSIBLE for over 130,000 ballots to be 100% for China Robiden Child Hunter & Token Windy Harris. They are VERY guilty of voter fraud
“This Felt Like a Drug Deal!” – Asian-American Ballot Observer in Detroit Describes Mysterious Van Dropping Off 61 Boxes of Ballots at 4 AM
On Tuesday night President Trump was leading significantly in several swing states including Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
President Trump had a significant lead in Michigan late last night.
Then all of the sudden Joe Biden jumped up 200,000 votes and has the lead over President Trump. 200,000 VOTES!
Wait until the Biden Campaign is notified of the Ballot Sting Operation, they are going scurry like cockroaches when somebody turns a light on in China Joe Biden’s basement!
Voter Fraud In Wisconsin
Voter Fraud in Wisconsin – Massive Dump of Over 100,000 Ballots for Biden All the Sudden Appear Overnight…Again, statistically impossible.
Last night President Trump had a sizable lead in Wisconsin but this morning Sleepy Joe somehow took the lead. Overnight Wisconsin had a huge dump of votes all for Biden, notice the blue line below: Overnight Joe Biden crept to a lead in Wisconsin but one Internet sleuth showed that this was due to fraud.
Keep in mind that this whole election could be part of the COVERT-19 distraction.
You have to keep a ‘Quantum Observation’. What I mean by that is to keep your mind open to ALL possibilities. One of those possibilities is that President Trump is ‘working us like a speed-bag’, and is actually a ‘swamp’ creature. If that were the case, then he should be nominated for an Oscar! Another possibility is he Truly is who and what he says he is.
The same goes for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and all the other Dems. In my opinion though, that is HIGHLY UNLIKELY! If you look at China Joe Biden’s 47 year career politician record, coupled with Token Harris’ Marxist statements and record, you should come to the conclusion that they are on the dark side.
Another coincidence is that we see the same BAD ACTORS involved in these types of situations all the time!
Remember ‘Quantum Observation’, think critically, think logically, STOP WATCHING TV NEWS, Research Everything Yourself!!!
In the future DON’T vote for a person because of their color, gender, religion or what party they belong to! In 2016, a lot of people voted for Hillary Clinton because she is supposedly a woman! Vote for a person because of their character, their merit, their achievements in their time in government. Joe Biden has NO achievements to speak of in his 47 year career as a failed politician. If you voted for him, you wasted your vote.
NEVER vote for a person just because you don’t like the other person, which is what, I’m sure, a lot of you have done in the 2020 Presidential Election. That’s like buying one of those ridiculous Gucci bags that everyone and their mother owns because you think it will make people respect you more because you have no self respect.
The only part of history you’ll be part of, is voting for a crime family and their token, panderous V.P. pick.
China Joe Biden is a creepy individual, as you watch the first video, some of the clips will surely make you cringe. If they don’t, I suspect you were planning on voting for him and are ok with pedophilia, child molestation and child sex trafficking, 3 VERY REAL situations going on right now, often in plain site. Notice how there is a lot happening right now with the Boy Scouts. You should visit Operation Underground Railroad and help out any way you can.
Creepy Uncle Joe, Komrade Aunty Nancy Pelosi, The aunt of Gavin ‘Nuisance’, the governor of ‘Kulifornia’, three peas in a Socialist fucking pod!
The hypocrisy of Nancy Pelosi is mind blowing. She and the rest of her Socialist cohorts repeat their lies so much, they have actually brainwashed themselves. Anytime they speak now it’s a projection. It reminds me of a joke: “How do you know when a politician is lying? Their lips are moving”.
With Nancy Pelosi that holds True…a lot of times she’s playing with her dentures, so that doesn’t really count…it is symbolic though. She plays with her false teeth while spewing false words.
Listen to what she says in both videos. In the above video, she says the exact same thing that President Trump IS doing right now and that is Draining The Swamp. There’s the clip of Senator Coons in TOTAL DENIAL of his “mentor”, Joe Biden being WAY inappropriate with his daughter on national TV…the girl is obviously freaked out. Watch the way she tries to move away as he tries to get closer. He has a tight grip on her arm so she can’t get away. Then he does it again to the young girl in the red dress.
If you want him to be president, ask yourself if you would EVER do the things that he does. The man is not well, he’s a pedophile and he’s in the middle of a cognitive breakdown, an obvious Trojan Horse! When they bump him out of the way, then the hardcore leftist, Black Lives Matter, sympathizer Kamala ‘Token’ Harris (from here on in simply referred to as Token or Token Harris) takes over. Another question to ask yourself: “Are you ok with Token becoming president?”
One Trillion Dollars In Perspective
She has a horrible record from her stint as prosecutor in California. She’s admitted to smoking marijuana, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with that, but when you send people to jail for doing the EXACT same thing and then delay there release date, after they served their sentence, just to use them as SLAVE LABOR, what does that tell you? The woman is BAD for our country as is China Joe Biden. If they were to win by some freak of nature (cheating), Joe Biden has already admitted he would raise your taxes.
They support “The Green New Deal”, which will cost taxpayers TRILLIONS of dollars! One Trillion looks like this: $1,000,000,000,000. Notice the image above giving you another visual perspective. Notice the man at the lower left corner of double stacked pallets of $100,000,000 per pallet.
In February 2019, the center-right American Action Forum, estimated that the Green New Deal could cost between $51–$93 trillion over the next decade. They estimate its potential cost at $600,000 per household. – Wikipedia
If it cost “only” $51 Trillion, that would be 51,000 pallets of $100,000,000. If it were $93,000,000,000,000, that would be 93,000 pallets of $100,000,000. How it the world could the US pay for something like that? Oh, China Joe and Token would raise your taxes on their first day in office, January 20, 2021. If you are a mask wearer, you’re probably trying real hard to justify that kind of money being spent on their Green New Deal.
I’m all for getting rid of the use of Fossil Fuels, nuclear power and Utility companies, but not by tripling or quadrupling the national debt!! The technology is already available. Nikola Tesla Was using Zero Point Energy for his car in the 1920’s. J.P. Morgan and Randolph Hurst pulled all their funding once they couldn’t meter Tesla’s invention. He had WIRELESS ELECTRICITY…ZERO POINT ENERGY! That is the energy that the Earth gives us! I digress…
As of August 31, 2020 federal debt held by the public was $20.83 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.88 trillion, for a total national debt of $26.70 trillion. – Wikipedia Crazy Shite!! The US National Debt would skyrocket towards $100,000,000,000,000 One Hundred Trillion Dollars! When something like that happens, it makes you realize how worthless money really is. One Hundred Thousand Pallets, Each Holding, $100 Million Dollars. Imagine what that money could do for the homeless, the starving, the poor. It’s just paper, toilet paper is worth more. Please don’t be a Pandora
Utterly Insane Nancy Pelosi Hypocrisy
The video below shows Aunty Pelosi as hypocritical as she can possibly be…I have a feeling, sadly, I’ll be proven wrong on that, that she will continue to lie, project and her hypocrisy will reach new highs, it will be higher than Joy Reid!
All these leftist news channels are so “utterly insane” as Chris Mathews says about President Trump. These people have to be possessed…I can’t imagine how anyone could lie so much and be so mean. The left is LOSING their brainwashed minds because President Trump got well after only a couple days and because he went on TV and said, “Don’t let it dominate you…”, they start slinging insults which is what leftists do when they know they’re wrong but the ego has such a tight grip on them, they aren’t able to break free from their ego driven misery.
Leftist News Anchors Named Chris
Chris Cuomo, another leftist news anchor named Chris, he got on TV when he got the Covert and said the same things President Trump was saying, trying to tell people not to be afraid. They said nothing bad about him.
Here’s a short list of Leftist news anchors named Chris:
Chris Cuomo – Chinese News Network
Chris Mathews – MSDNC
Chris Hayes – MSDNC
Chris Wallace – FOX
Chris Jansing – MSDNC
I’m sure there are many more…MSDNC seems to be collecting them. Watch the videos above and Listen to Nancy Pelosi in the interview with Barbara Walters. She says the same thing as President Trump as well.
Are You Having a Pelosi Moment
A possible moment of your own hypocrisy for all those opposed to the death penalty: When President Trump announced he and The First Lady had come down with COVID FLU, many people wished that he would die as if that would solve their daddy issues. If you’re against the death penalty and wished he would die, isn’t that essentially wishing the death penalty on him?
The sad thing is, that WILL have a boomerang effect on you. Maybe you’ll get COVID and die, or you’ll get a drawn out agonizing death by cancer. My point is, NEVER wish bad on anyone, it’s bad Karma and will always come back and bite you in the ass!
It’s like finding a Genie in Bottle, it gives you one wish, you say: “I want to be rich, I’ll show my (insert male figure(s) that hurt you here) that I’m not a loser.” and the Genie turns you into the Night Stalker Richard Ramirez. If you don’t know who that is, Do a search in your favorite Search Engine.
As you’re raping and murdering one of your victims, you ask yourself, “Why did that fucking Genie turn me into this!” It could be because you selfishly only thought of yourself when you made that wish, a Service To Self action, when you had the option to use your wish to help the entire planet and every being on it, Service To Others action. That Genie was your Karma.
Answer The Why
Answer The Why And Free Yourself!
‘Why’ is the question that also holds the answer. If you can answer the Why truthfully to yourself, then you’ll make progress. Nobody else needs to know your why, only you!!
The Biden Gaffes at times are sad, because you can see this man’s mind falling apart right in front of you. He’s not fit to be President nor is Token Harris.
President Trump’s Reelection And His “Standby” Comment
President Trump needs to be reelected, if they manage to steal the election, we are all screwed. Some think that Trump is one of them, a sort of Trojan Horse into our minds. While that is a possibility, I don’t subscribe to that mentality. If I have to choose the “lesser of two evils”, President Trump is most definitely my choice! I don’t see or feel evil from President Trump, if he is, he’s sure doing a lot of good, I think his membership to the Evil Club would get revoked.
When he told the “Proud Boys” to “Stand Down, Stand By”, every leftist was saying, “We got him now”, your Leftist, Marxist minds are in a horrible FOG. Why do I say that? It’s because of your inability to think critically and logically!
Let me explain: If you were walking down the street and some BLM or ANTIFA thug were beating up an old lady and you “stood by” and did nothing. Isn’t it possible that by saying “stand by”, President Trump meant, stand by and do nothing, stand down.
Enrique Tarrio – Leader Of The Proud Boys
How many of you think you know what the Proud Boys are? I bet you’re all saying, they’re a white supremacy group! If that’s what you think, let me ask you this: Would a white supremacy group have any black or brown people in their group? Who Knows Who Enrique Tarrio is? That doesn’t sound like a name of a white man. The man in this photo is Enrique Tarrio, leader of the Proud Boys, He’s a Cuban-American. I may be wrong, but I thought white supremacists didn’t like people that weren’t white? Maybe someone could check Snopes?
China Joe and Token Harris ARE Pandora’s Box
Uniformed Voter Pandora Releasing All The DemoncRats On The World!
If you vote for the Pedophile Joe Biden and his Token, you are taking part in releasing evil unto the world. Just look at Old Joe…look how much he has declined in the videos above. To watch a person’s health decline like that is not a nice thing. His family must be having a very hard time with it, on top of having to deal with their own crimes. I honestly think he won’t be around this time next year. He may have a sudden “heart attack” after November 3rd 2020. Just to be clear, I am NOT wishing that on him, I was thinking more of the Cabal tying up a very loose end.
What Does The Constitution Say About Succession
If he and Token were to get elected, I think he would meet his demise very quickly after January 20, 2021. Then Token Harris would become President. She would then nominate someone to fill her position as V.P.
The 25th Amendment to the Constitution — passed by Congress in 1965 and ratified in 1967 — clarifies the rules of succession to the presidency.
It’s true that if the president cannot serve his or her full term, the vice president assumes the role of president.
“In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President,” Section 1 of the 25th Amendment reads.
The only way Bela Lugosi Pelosi would become President is if the president and vice president both died or were removed from office. Pelosi is 3rd inline. Another way would be if Token nominated her as V.P. and then Token was suicided. Then Bela Lugosi Pelosi would become president and she would choose a V.P.
Incredible time we’re in right now. Remember: “The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.” ~Ronald Reagan
Peace, Love & Blessings To All, Yes even to Jo Biden and his family. It must be tough on them to see their husband and father fall apart like that.