We left the last one off with the House Resolution 6666 that was introduced by Demoncrat, Bobby Rush from Illinois…I still didn’t really get to my dose of Red Pill from Collective Evolution on Youtube.
What I started saying was that we can change the collective path that we are on…we are on a good path for the most part, but we’re swerving left and right trying to avoid the potholes. We ALL need to take part in straightening out this mess that we’re in…we can’t just sit on our asses in lockdown, wearing those stupid fucking masks…I’ve used this Bob Marley quote before, that’s because it’s very relevant: “Get Up, Stand Up, Stand Up For Your Rights!” If we all tell those that keep trying to keep everyone locked down in fear, that WE ARE NOT TAKING THIS ANYMORE! We MUST stop wearing masks…Watch this video, “FUCKING FREEDOM!!!” This guy Man Handles these cops for violating his rights!!!!
Please go to the link below and sign the petition, these fucking masks that they want everyone to wear WILL MAKE YOU SICK! They want us indoors, wearing masks for a few reasons:
- The Dark Ones want us wearing masks because most people won’t handle them correctly. Read this post with information from the World Health Organization on wearing masks and how to handle them. Normally I wouldn’t tell anyone to take what the World Health Organization says seriously, because they are “owned” by Bill Gates, ever since President Trump, cut them off…Bill Gates is their biggest “donor”. Wearing a cloth mask or bandana as a mask, or ANY kind of mask for that matter, will do nothing except show your submissiveness and make you sick. It will make you sick because you’ll constantly be touching your face while re-adjusting it throughout the day and it will get wet from your breath and become a breeding ground for germs and because you’re staying inside, you are not getting sun and fresh air, The Surgeon General, Jerome Adams, has also said wearing masks will increase the risk of getting sick…I KNOW you are not a submissive little dog, The Dark Ones think you are because you obey them, but once again, like 9/11, they have woken the Sleeping Fucking Dragon…this time, we are NOT going back to sleep, now is the time to show the world, whatever part of the world you’re in, that we are ONE , we are UNITED, we will NOT take their abuse any longer!!
- 66% (Nice Number…very fitting for HR 6666) Of all new cases of COVID-19 are from people that have been staying in Lock-Down…why? Because one person will be sick and infect the rest of the family, you are also most likely getting deliveries from places like Amazon or getting groceries delivered, do you sanitize all of that? The germs you interact with on a daily basis, help make your immune system stronger, your children play outside with friends, in the dirt, touching everything…it IS A NECESSARY PART OF LIFE!!!
- The Dark Ones don’t want us to go out in the sun, because that will KILL the virus. We NEED vitamin D from the sun. How do people get skin cancer? NOT FROM THE SUN…when you put on sunblock, it blocks the essential vitamins you NEED, like vitamin D, that you get from the sun, to prevent skin cancer…of course, don’t be an idiot and stay out until you fry yourself. Use organic unrefined Coconut Oil and bring some aloe…actually from a plant, not store bought, mix it with the coconut oil.
- The Dark Ones don’t want us to go outside because then we’d be able to talk with each other, exchange ideas, give each other the truth, lift up the hearts of those in fear, get together in large groups and FLEX OUR GOD GIVEN MUSCLE!
- The Dark Ones are in their death rattle, they know if we get together en masse, as one body, they know they are DONE, because the power we have scares the shit out of them!!!
- Please click the link below and sign the petition to prevent House Resolution 6666 from getting passed!!!
I wrote part 1 and then saw the video below of Alex Jones on Info Wars….keep your judgements about Alex Jones to yourself and remember this quote: “As You See Him, You See Yourself”…he absolutely nailed it in this video:
Alex Jones was de-platformed, by Google, FaceBook and YouTube, which is owned by Google…they deleted ALL his content at the same time, much like they did to Mike Adams, The Health Ranger…why, because they both were giving too much Red Pill to everyone…so in their Fascist Censoring manner, they booted Alex Jones and Mike Adams from those platforms…lets face it, Google, FaceBook (LifeLog) and YouTube know much better than us what information we should receive and from whom!! We can’t stand for this any longer!!!
We are not alone, many doctors are speaking out like Dr Rashid Buttar and Dr Judy Mikovits, who has a documentary coming out called Plandemic…she also has a book called Plague Of Corruption where she talks about how crooked Dr Anthony Fauci is…there are Police Officers starting to post videos to let everyone know that they are standing by the oath that they took when they were sworn in as Police Officers…like this Police Officer, Michael, Sini? I couldn’t make out the last name, if you know what it is, please leave a comment below, but he saw the video of Officer Greg Anderson of the Port of Seattle police force that made a similar video and was put on administrative leave pending termination for speaking out and urging other officers to do the same…two Heroes!!!??
There are some that think the video off Officer Greg Anderson is a Psy-Op, watch both of the videos below of Officer Anderson and you decide…this is where Critical thinking comes into play…you should be using critical thinking for this whole COVID-19 MESS!!!
The two below are from HighImpactVlogs on YouTube…go checkout his channel.
The first is after he was put on administrative leave, the second goes over the possibility of it being a Psy-Op (Psychological Operation)…remember…critical thinking…that’s why I’m showing both possibilities…this is a great opportunity to use your gut instinct…clear your mind of any pre-judgements, watch and LISTEN to what your body is telling you…don’t be fooled by “the ego”.

This is the comment I left on this video on his channel: “I just watched the first video after watching this one…this one is very interesting by the way…helps to shake out any sleep the eyes may be accumulating. Here are my thoughts: 1. Watching officer G. Anderson…the G kind of struck a cord after watching this video…but watching him speak, watching his eyes, I felt he was telling the truth or is an incredible actor. 2. I didn’t hear him use the word Anarchy…maybe I missed it. 3. the part about the 3’s and Free Masonry…very interesting take…no pun intended on my part using that as my third point. 4. Could it be that the comments that were made saying it’s a Psy-Op were made by Trolls trying to perform their own Psy-Op and discredit him??? One thing I also wanted to say about the 333’s…in numerology, the 333 represents ascended masters.”
Here are two videos, the first is Dr Ivette Lozano talking about treating COVID-19 patients because they were being told to go home and “quarantine yourself for 2 weeks”…and how she did what President Trump recommended and that is using HYDROXYCLOROQUINE!
This next video is from a Nurse in Raleigh North Carolina…if anyone knows her name, please leave it in the comments. She talks about how the media is lying.
I think that’s it for Part Deux (That’s 2 in French and is pronounced ‘Der’), I’ve been putting this part together for about 13 hours…so, I hope you read and watch everything…research it all yourself…fact check me PLEASE! I’ll start on Part 3 tomorrow.
I”ll end with this cartoon, it’s funny because it’s TRUE!

P.S. If you are like the woman in the cartoon, you really are asking for an extremely RUDE awakening…better to take a little at a time. Another analogy is being a virgin and having John Holmes take your virginity…better to take it slowly, than to take it all at once!