Is President Trump Racist?
If you think President Trump is a racist, keep reading…
Number One, you watch TV news and believe their propaganda or you read propaganda RAGS like The New York Times (surprise, another piece of shit out of New York), LA Times or The Washington Post.
Number 2, it’s a CLASSIC case of PROJECTION! You know, it’s what the leftist does when confronted on a subject and asked to produce facts. They never have facts because they push propaganda to further their own agendas.
When pushed further, they hurl insults and more propaganda, like when they call President Trump racist or any of the other slanderous, libelous things that they PROJECT onto President Trump…and it IS projection!!!
Dr Ben Carson
Watch this video and hear Dr Ben Carson list some of the “racist” things that President Trump has done! One of the crazy “women” on The View, Whoopi Goldberg, thinks Dr Ben Carson is also racist! He must be a white supremacist too. “@WhoopiGoldberg actually they were sold by black slave traders.” The WHORE, Whoopi Goldberg, is not that intelligent, lets face it, her, like “Colon” Kaepernick, seem to forget that slave trading is ALIVE AND WELL IN AFRICA, to this day. Blacks being sold by blacks…what’s worse is that a lot of black MUSLIMS are doing the slave trading and a lot of them own slaves…this goes against their “religion”!
Definition Of Whore:
- A prostitute
- A person considered sexually promiscuous
- A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain.
I digress, it’s a short video, open your heart, open your eyes and your heart and watch the video.
Dr Ben Carson Video Transcription
so many people say the President is a racist, he’s a horrible racist and everything he does, well, you know it seems to me like some years ago,
- Jesse Jackson actually gave the President an award in New York city because he opened so many opportunities for black people, is that what a racist does
- and then, when he moved to Palm Beach, he was right on the forefront to fighting the clubs who were not admitting Jews and Blacks? Does that sound like what a racist would do?
- He is the one who finally got the Second Chance Act done. Does that sound like what a racist would do?
- When he took office, he brought the office of HBCU’s to the white house, who could get appropriate attention more money than ever!
- Opportunity Zones so that people could take this money and direct it to the places where people did not have opportunities before.
- An economy where you have the lowest unemployment rates for black people in history
– and it goes on and on and on. Let me tell you something: if he’s a racist he’s, an awfully bad one. He need, he needs to go, get a lesson from the real racists. The people who look at somebody like you and me, and they say because your skin is a certain color, you have to think a certain way and if you don’t, there’s something wrong with you and they start calling you names. Those are the real racists. (end transcription)
A lot of people aren’t sure what this word means, in this context, it means thrusting your own faults, issues and bad feelings onto another human being or thing as a means to try and remove them from your own psyche.
Example: Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization and they don’t care about Black Lives unless they can make money off of them…wait, that’s a bad example…because it’s all true.
Good Example: You call somebody a racist, like Whoopi Godlberg called Dr Ben Carson a racist, because he said slaves that were brought to the US were immigrants, remember Whoopi Goldberg is a psychotic leftist and that’s how they think. It’s a good example because Whoopi Goldberg is the real racist.
The Spirit side of her mind is in a battle with the ego side of her mind, the ego wants nothing more than to keep us in misery and likes to place blame, projection, on others, which is what she was doing when she called him a racist…
Let those with ears hear and those with eyes see…
Wasted Taxpayer Money (Laundering)
Robert Mueller spent over 35 million tax payer dollars and 2 years trying to dig up ANY dirt on President Trump, he found NOTHING, he knew he would find nothing right from the beginning, so why did he go through with it? Do you ever wonder how people in government retire MUCH wealthier than when they started? 2 words: MONEY LAUNDERING

I CHALLENGE ANYONE to produce any facts that would confirm any claims you have against President Trump!!!
I KNOW nobody can do it, because “you’re too busy to put the information together”.
Here’s a giant list of President Trump’s accomplishments that was on the White House website, but was taken off by the PEDOPHILE, Joe Biden, as soon as he was placed in the White House…by the way, it also lists the PEDOPHILE, Joe Biden’s fuck ups…I mean accomplishments.
How did you get the information that you are spewing in the first place??? This brings me back to my first point, you watch too much TV news and believe their propaganda, you resonate with their bullshit, because they are talking about YOU! In order to try and get their crooked information out of your psyche, you project! STOP WATCHING TV NEWS!
In an effort to justify your transgressions, you’re projecting onto other people and things around you.
It’s not too late for you…
GOD Is Watching!
Peace, Love & Blessings To ALL!!!