What Evil Does, Is Just That…Evil
We have been indoctrinated since the day we came into this Being. We have celebrities telling us what to do, like Arnold Schwarzenegger and his most recent revelation “Screw Your Freedom”. We have been slowly indoctrinated to believe that God is not Real, that God is a tool that we use when it is convenient to use. Each day we slip further and further into a chaotic way of thinking, a chaotic way of being. Like Woca-Cola and their psychotic political views…drink Woca-Cola and be less white, but “out of chaos comes order” right? That’s what a certain group of people think…
Do you ever stop to think about the ways you are hurting yourself and how you are really hurting God? God is NOT a mean being, IT has one rule that covers everything: “Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You.” This is known as “The Golden Rule” and is NOT a hard thing for us to realize. To say it plainly: “Be Good!”
The Ego
If you do use this phrase “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, you can’t help but to be Good. Put your life in the hands of God/Jesus and you’ll see a difference in the way things happen in your life. Cut the worry/fear from your life, there really is no reason for either one of those. You’ll think irrationally if you let them into your life. It’s the ego, it wants nothing more than to keep us in trouble.
Wheel Of Karma
Being Good is not hard, your instinct will tell you if you’re doing something that you shouldn’t be doing. If you have to stop, even for a second, to think about whether you are about to do something or not and whether it’s Good or not, the chances are that it’s something that you shouldn’t be doing. Something that will add to your wheel of Karma, something that will keep it spinning, when what we are all trying to do is STOP that wheel from spinning.

That saying, “Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You” is for everybody, no matter what you believe. If you don’t believe in God, do you want people to treat you badly? Probably not, unless you’re a masochist.
Being Good sometimes is not so easy, take the current world situation for instance. Some people get upset when another person doesn’t where a mask. Their argument usually sounds like this: “How can you be so selfish, don’t you care that you’re killing other people” or you can sound like Arnold Schwarzenegger: “Well my freedom is being kind of disturbed here, no, Screw Your Freedom” Can I forgive him? YES! Just because he has said something so career ending, I feel that I should send him Love and hope that the negatives attached to his body dissipate and go back to the ether!
Arnold Thinks You Should Screw Your Freedom!
Evil is As Evil Does…EVIL
Arnold, it seems to me, has been made to say this by his handlers. By that I mean, he was married into the Kennedys, he was Governor of California, he’s involved in Hollywood, all that adds up to him being a Freemason! Besides that it was a stupid thing to say, but the left, will stop at nothing to get what they want…they represent EVIL! If you don’t believe that, go to this post and watch the videos, you might be shocked, but it will make you more aware of what we, as humans, are going through right now on this planet.
As it says above, Evil is As Evil Does…EVIL! We have a fight between Good and Evil, which side are you on? I hope you’re on the side of Good!
Peace Love & Blessings To All, Especially To Arnold And All Like Him!!