Prescription Discounts

“They don’t advertise these things, so you NEED to ask for any prescription drug discount programs your pharmacy might have.”

You NEED to ask for any prescription drug discount programs your pharmacy might have. I posted the information below in 2009, but I believe they are still available…it differs from state to state…I’m in Massachusetts at the moment and they used a discount card that they had for my prescriptions, also at CVS…but you should ask what kind of discount programs are available no matter what pharmacy you use. They don’t advertise these things, so you NEED to ask for any prescription drug discount programs they might have…or they can use their discount card.

Argus Prescription Drug Discount At CVS

At a time like this when a war over health care in this country is at an all time high, I feel it’s important to post things like this.
I just went to CVS today to pick up a prescription, my COBRA expired on March 31st 2010 and my new health plan hasn’t kicked in yet.

Argus Prescription Drug Discount Program.
Argus Prescription Drug Discount Program

I go to pick it up at CVS, and the cute Pharmacy tech rang it up and it was going to be about $35 and I asked, hasn’t my insurance kicked in yet, because I’m with the same insurance company, she said no…then I said how much is it with the Blue Sky discount, and she said that is with the Blue Sky, and I said, what about the Universal discount and it was a bit cheaper, but then she said, let me try one more…she checked on the computer and got one that reduced the cost by almost 50%, my friggin co-pay for my insurance was $20, so this was cheaper! That one is called the Argus Prescription Drug Discount.

So, next time you need to get a prescription filled, get it done at CVS and ask for the Argus Prescription Discount…and if you have insurance, compare, to see which is cheaper.

Blue Sky Prescription Drug Discount

Saturday, May 2nd, 2009

I just got back from CVS where I picked up a prescription, the last time I was there I noticed that the cost was one third of what it normally was so I asked the girl if she charged me correctly, because that’s what you should do…anyway, she said yes, you got the blue sky discount. I didn’t bother to ask what that was, I thought my Cobra insurance had kicked in again, because the President signed a bill saying the government would pay 65% of your Cobra for up to 9 months.

I just got back from CVS and this time I asked what  “Blue Sky Discount” was and the Pharmacist said: “CVS gives discounts to people who don’t have insurance.” He then said, let me try a different discount which was called the “Universal discount” and it was cheaper! It cost me $13 for a prescription that would normally be $40.

Good RX Prescription Drug Discount Propgram

You can go to Good Rx and get a prescription drug discount.
I asked if all pharmacies were doing this and said he thought Rite-Aid was also doing it.
Next time you go to your pharmacy, ask them about the “Blue Sky Discount” and/or the “Universal Discount”.

Remember, a pharmacy is not going to advertise things like this, you NEED to ask for any prescription drug discount programs they might have…I know said that already, but if you don’t have health insurance, you’ll get screwed by Big Pharma.

I have insurance at the moment and have co-pay of $3.65, that adds up if you have to buy meds frequently…and if you have several that you need to buy, then it really adds up.

There are all kinds of prescription drug discount programs that you can find online. You can either print a discount card or it mailed to you.

The media is interfering with prescription drugs too…the CDC lies about deaths from prescription drugs…don’t listen to the CDC…ever!

Just type in Prescription Drug Discount Programs in any search engine and you’ll find a bunch…even if you have insurance ask them use the discount as well and it will be even cheaper. Ask how much it would be with your insurance, ask how much it would be with the discount applied, then ask how much it would be with your insurance and the discount.

Instant Karma

Man Gets Gored By Bull Through Neck and Out Mouth

bulls gores matador

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

This is a Gnarly picture of some idiot getting gored through the neck and the Bull’s horn comes out the guy’s mouth! It’s AWESOME!! To me bullfighting is for cowards, the “men” who do it are complete cowards and one chromosome away from being serial killers!!

The Bull got his revenge on this “man”…I say GOOD FOR THE BULL!!
Bull fighting should be banished from the planet…if they want to make it a fair fight, they shouldn’t drug the animal, and it should be between the Bull and one man…get rid of all the other “men” in the ring that are taking turns stabbing the poor thing, but they don’t want it to be fair because they’re a bunch of pussies!!

People accept Bull Fights as ok, but then frown upon dog fighting or cock fighting…they’re all disgusting.

Be Mine…Be My Valentine

petey stands for love

I wrote this ten years ago as the date says…I know it’s not Valentine’s Day, and it doesn’t mean I’m looking for anyone…I’m not…As the song goes, “What the world needs now, is Love, sweet Love…”

Valentine’s Day?

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Be Mine…Be Mine valentine,
I say this with a pure heart,
Not because of a “holiday” made by another,
I say this because without you my heart is not whole, but only half,
I say this hoping that you have the other,
Life would be pointless without you,
Life would be impossible because my heart is not whole,
Be mine, so that we can live complete,
Be mine so we can live together,
Be mine so we can finally live as one
Happy Valentine’s Day!