Those Stupid Animals

I’m reminded of movie line from Total Recall: “Quaaade, open your mind, open your mind Quaade.” Don’t be Quade!

Animals Are Sentient Creatures Like You And I

Sentience is the capacity to be aware of feelings and sensations. The word was first coined by philosophers in the 1630s for the concept of an ability to feel, derived from Latin sentientem, to distinguish it from the ability to think. In modern Western philosophy, sentience is the ability to experience sensations.

There are those who actually lack sentience. Are you one of them? Are you one of those people who after being away from an animal for a long time wonders or says out loud, “I wonder if he’ll remember me?” Of course they’ll remember you! Would you wonder if after being away from your family for so long if they would remember you?

Animals Are Sentient
Lions Showing Love

As you’ll see in the video, animals, like Lions, Dogs, Horses, Cows, Mules all animals all remember and show Love to the person they miss. All of God’s creatures are sentient and are in-tune with God, the Earth and are more than likely smarter than all of us. Just because they do things different than us, does NOT make them inferior.

Animals Are Sentient And Plants Are Too

It’s not just animals, it’s plants too. There was a recent study that came to the conclusion that trees have a heartbeat! It’s not just trees though, all plants have to get nourishment to the rest of their bodies the same way that trees do. How does water and other nutrients go from the roots of a plant, up to the stem, branches, leaves? Everything is made from energy, we are all the same, just in different forms. Check this video of the Singing Plants Of Damanhur: It’s pretty amazing.

If you treat a plant badly and give it nothing but hate, it will most likely shrivel up and die. With animals, it’s a bit different, some will attack and try to kill the person that is being hateful. Others, if they know the person, will cower, but then afterward, show you the unconditional Love they have for you.

An example of an animal attacking someone who is definitely treating him badly is in this post of a bull getting back at the matador. In the post I said it was awesome…but really, it’s not awesome, it’s a great example of how not to treat animals. Bull fighting is the most COWARDICE “sport” on the planet. Anything like it is equally as cowardice!

  • Bull Fighting
  • Chicken Fighting (My friends in Mexico know all about that and it’s illegal there.)
  • Dog Fighting
  • I’m sure there are many more, but if you go to or participate in anything like this, YOU ARE A COWARD!!!!

Obviously, if you’re bad to a Lion, you’re going to be in trouble. Watch how the Lions in the video remember the people who took care of them. They remember who they are and show their Love for the person. Is that unaware? Do they not remember? Are they not conscious of themselves and the world around them?

Are You Bad With Plants? Plants Are Sentient Too

I think when people say “I’m bad with plants” It’s because they have no relationship with plants. They give no Love and think all they have to do is water them. You have to talk to them, wipe their leaves off if they’re dusty, let them know you Love them. If you open your mind, you’ll find that the plant communicates with you. You’ll know when the plant needs water, you’ll know what part of the house they like and when they need a bigger pot. How do I know this? If you ask anyone who knows me well, they’ll tell you.

Animals Are Sentient, Plants Are Sentient
If You Don’t Believe They Have Souls, You Haven’t Looked Into Their Eyes Long Enough!

It’s the same with animals. If you have a dog and never show him Love, how do you think that dog would be? Miserable I bet! We really are all the same. If you took your hand and put it under an electron microscope and then took a dog’s paw and put it under the same electron microscope, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the two unless you were trained to know what each looks like.

As it says in the image “If you don’t believe they have souls, you haven’t looked into their eyes long enough.” Very True! If you have a dog or cat, or have friends with dogs or cats, spend time with them, look into their eyes and you’ll see what they’re thinking. You’ll also pick up subconsciously what their body is doing and the energy that they are giving off.

I’m reminded of movie line from Total Recall: “Quaaade open your mind, open your mind Quaade.” In this context it should say: “Quaaade, open your mind, animals are sentient.

Would You Eat Your Friends

Now if you realize that animals are sentient like you and I, how can you eat any of them? They think, they sleep and dream, they smile when they get happy, they get sad, they know if they’ve done something that they shouldn’t have. Just because they do things differently than us, does not make them inferior. In fact, if you think that way, it makes you out to be the inferior being.

You can argue that point all you want, it just shows that maybe you are the one who is unaware of your surroundings, the one who is insentient, the one who lacks consciousness? I doubt that you are like that but, due to the indoctrination that we’ve all had shoved down our throats, for some reason you haven’t seen through it yet.

Again, “Quaaade, open your mind, open your mind Quaade.” Don’t be Quade!

The first half of the video shows animals remembering people and showing their Love for them. The second half shows animals saving other animals. The last scene in the video shows a cow, coming up to a complete stranger, kneeling down and showing Love to the man. The man was resting on the ground and the cow saw something in him, that most of us have closed off in our minds or guts, she kneels down and enjoys the mutual Love. Next time you’re going to eat a burger or steak, Please remember that part of the video.

Animals Are Sentient Creatures Like You And I

There is only one real Truth and that is Love.

Peace, Love & Blessing To All!


A Message From A Spiritual Leader From The Andes

“When we feel negatives energies, we must realize that it’s not ours and is simply the energy of others, which is coming towards us so that we can transform ourselves into catalysts of that energy, we transmute it, and we release it again, converted into light.”

She is speaking in Spanish, but it is translated into English and French. When she comes onto the screen, the translations will be English on the right side and French on the left. It’s a very important message, please watch…I also transcribed the English and tried to correct the translation as much as possible without changing the meaning of what she was saying…time to shine light into the darkness…

This message was recorded in Los Angeles at the end of March 2020, at the beginning of the lock-down imposed in California due to the projected risks associated with the propagation of the Corona Virus. This recording is intended for the spiritual leaders of the Cordillera of the Andes.

However, the teachings here can be put into practice by any individual awoken or walking the path of awakening. While all gatherings, religious included, have been forbidden almost worldwide, today each and every one of us, all of us, wherever we may be, have the opportunity and responsibility to convert ourselves into a channel of Peace, Love, and Light, from the intimacy of our hearts.

Very good day to you all my brothers, a very good moment to all the beings on Earth.

This is a message I’d been waiting for, for a long time, but even more since the moment we arrived here in Los Angeles. As all of you know, we started this journey from Columbia, to arrive here in this territory in The United States.

The doors have been open to us in a very, very smooth way, during this whole process that we undertook and yet, here we are in this moment of catharsis, in this moment of crisis, in which I asked myself, what is the reason for our presence here?

Well, yesterday, the message I’d been waiting for, for so long, arrived, the message they transmit to all the leaders of the Andes in the Cordillera of the Andes, is that we must remain very quiet.

To begin, we have been very blessed for many years, if not, for our entire lives. Because we’ve been living in a territory where you breathe fresh air, where you breathe the energy of the mountains, the Earth, rivers, waterfalls, and all of us, who are living in the countryside, in the eco-villages, in the mountains, we’ve been charging ourselves infinitely with a great energy, to be able to help during these times, during which humanity has entered in this crisis of manipulation, but which is also a learning experience for each one of us.

Whatever level we find ourselves in the process of life, we are not all on the same level. This is the information the higher guides share with us. We are all in different vibrations, that is why this process that we are living, each one of us will live it in a different way…some with pain, some with fear, others with worries, others with lots, lots, lots of abundance, that is why we, who have been working as light facilitators, we’ve always called ourselves lighthouses.

As these sparkles of light, present here and ready to help humanity, well the moment has arrived my dear brothers, the message they send us, is that each one of us has been sent to a different place on Earth as lighthouses. Each one of us has been placed to the East, to the West, to the North and to the South, and each one of us has been placed there to accomplish his task. The higher guides ask us not to go back home, not to go back to our houses, because through our will, we’ve made ourselves available to the higher energies to be able to help out all our brothers.

I asked what rituals we could do because today is the day we do the rituals and it is with a lot of emotion that I express myself, but with emotions of joy regarding what the older brothers tell us. They say that we did lots of rituals, that we have lit many fires, that we’ve raised many prayers. That is why the fires are already activated all over the Earth. That is why our prayers have been received and our goal reached. They say that now is the moment to maintain ourselves as energy projectors.

Whatever location we find ourselves in this experience. For me personally and the old man the location we’ve been placed in is Los Angeles, California, a place where we are invited to activate, the real light angels. Because currently, the fallen angels and the angels of darkness are doing their task, but is nothing else than to confront ourselves.

If we are Light workers, then we are going to resolve it through light and this light is nothing else than harmony, tranquility and peace, but an internal harmony, tranquility and peace that we carry in our heart.

The message is that we must remain in a state of complete calmness, in complete harmony, and we must observe ourselves, at all times, at night, during the day, in every moment. Observe with whom we find ourselves, with whom we share.

The message is that when we feel on the emotional level or on the mental plane that we receive a certain energy of fear, of worry, of doubts, then we must recognize that this energy is not ours, it is simply the energy of the others which is coming towards us, so we can transform ourselves into catalysts of that energy, we transmute it, and we release it again, converted into light.

They say we don’t have to do any ritual, because it is not the exterior rituals which serve us, but it is the ritual I do inside myself. They say that when my heart is calm, when my emotions are quieted, when my mind is quieted, then my spirit can manifest itself to elevate the higher vibrations among those who are not yet conscious.

That is why they shouted and fought in the supermarkets, because they’ve been taught to think through their stomach. They’ve been taught to feel from the perspective of shortage and deprivation, but we are on another vibration.

Each one of us has been placed in the location appropriate for him. Filled with abundance of protection, filled with health, but above all, filled with consciousness, and that consciousness that we’ve been collecting for so long, it is our contribution to humanity.

Thus, I invite you, wherever you find yourself, be it surrounded by people or be it in solitude, truly transform yourself into a lighthouse. Transform yourself into a catalyst for the energies that our brothers send us, to help catalyze it.

The energies of those who don’t know how to transmute them, who are not conscious, who are still under the vail, we have the responsibility to help take that vail off.

From the highest part of the Spirit, this great mystery, this great Spirit, this great Being whom we invoke so much, invites us to remain in peace, in a state of complete calm and in a state of complete observation.

They tell us that this situation shall pass too and when it shall have passed, our consciousness will have accomplished the quantum jump, which we’ve been looking forward to for so long, for which we’ve worked so much.

They tell us also, that after this catharsis, life will be wonderful for each one of us, for those who will stay in this plane and for those who are going to the other plane, but the moment has arrived, the decision is ours, we unite with the highest vibrations of Love and energy and in compassion, we embrace all our brothers.

A big hug to each and every one of you and a very special salutation to each one of you, we are not alone, we are not alone, all our higher guides, all the masters, all the grandfathers, all the ancestors are already active. Their medicine has already been activated, their memories have already been activated, so that the last thing we have to do is embrace our brothers, and if not with that physical hug, with that energetic hug of Love and of light.

With you all, From Los Angeles, California, Good experience, Good Life

Be Mine…Be My Valentine

petey stands for love

I wrote this ten years ago as the date says…I know it’s not Valentine’s Day, and it doesn’t mean I’m looking for anyone…I’m not…As the song goes, “What the world needs now, is Love, sweet Love…”

Valentine’s Day?

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Be Mine…Be Mine valentine,
I say this with a pure heart,
Not because of a “holiday” made by another,
I say this because without you my heart is not whole, but only half,
I say this hoping that you have the other,
Life would be pointless without you,
Life would be impossible because my heart is not whole,
Be mine, so that we can live complete,
Be mine so we can live together,
Be mine so we can finally live as one
Happy Valentine’s Day!