Be Mine…Be My Valentine

petey stands for love

I wrote this ten years ago as the date says…I know it’s not Valentine’s Day, and it doesn’t mean I’m looking for anyone…I’m not…As the song goes, “What the world needs now, is Love, sweet Love…”

Valentine’s Day?

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Be Mine…Be Mine valentine,
I say this with a pure heart,
Not because of a “holiday” made by another,
I say this because without you my heart is not whole, but only half,
I say this hoping that you have the other,
Life would be pointless without you,
Life would be impossible because my heart is not whole,
Be mine, so that we can live complete,
Be mine so we can live together,
Be mine so we can finally live as one
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Take The Red Not The Blue

sunflower green earth

Roses are Red,
The Earth should be green,
If you believe in this virus,
You need to wean,
Yourself from fake “news”,
Fake “news” on radio, newspapers and TV,
Take the Red Pill, Not the Blue,
Take the Red and you’ll see what is TRUE,
No longer will you take the Propaganda and shit spoon fed,
No longer will you listen to those like Bill Gates and Henry Kissinger who want you dead,
No longer will you social distance or wear silly masks,
That steal your oxygen intake…that’s a fact,
No longer will you be in lock-down mode,
You’ll no longer stay indoors,
You’ll go outside and play in the sun,
You’ll breath in fresh air and fill your lungs,
The New World is upon us,
But not that of the elite,
It’s ours, the Golden Age,
Where we Forgive and Love,
Become aware that we are one,
All parts of The One Infinite Creator,
It makes us complete!

Wacko – Cause ‘N Defect

This is the last film I was in before my motorcycle accident. That is my real hair…it was down past my shoulders, I cut it shortly after the film. It was a lot of fun, the dialogue is all scripted, I memorized it, and then would just repeat it over and over then faster and faster until it was second nature.

Oliver Bodnar As Wacko In Cause ‘N Defect