New York Times Propaganda

“Southie” & Ibram Henry Rogers Media Deception

Oly’s Note:

I’m leaving everything the way The New York Times printed it, to show you the brains behind the bullshit. Maybe they don’t bother to proofread it because they know it IS bullshit.Oly

My last post was about Ibram Henry Rogers a.k.a. Ibram X. Kendi (His wife’s more African sounding last name). In it, I touched upon a photo that appeared on the cover of Time Magazine, that is the perfect case of The New York Times Propaganda MEDIA DECEPTION.

Here’s another piece of media deception from the New York Times, surprise, surprise, more BULLSHIT out of New York and their PROPAGANDA RAG, but first here are THREE factual cases of their propaganda:

How Do I Know This Is New York Times Propaganda?

  • First of all it’s in the New York Times written by some Propagandist named John Kifner.
  • Secondly, The event took place in South Boston, Massachusetts
  • Thirdly, and this is the clincher, my sister was at Ist beach, sitting on the wall and SAW THE WHOLE THING!!!

Bible Salesman?

Two weeks earlier a halfdozen visiting black Bible salesmen were assaulted by baseball‐bat wielding whites in battle on the beach. On the following Sunday a mysterious leaflet saying that blacks were planning to take over the beach brought out crowds of white youths armed with clubs and rocks.

If they were Bible salesman, I’m not sure what kind of Bibles they were selling, maybe it was Baseball and Basketball Bibles?? Because they had a basketball and baseball bat with them, singular. John Kifner, is probably a Yankees fan, and obviously had to write what his handlers told him to write, and seeing as how it was the propagandist rag New York Times, he behaved like a good little slave robot.

The piece started off in Chicago in 1919, I guess he was trying to charge the racism in everyone, I deleted paragraphs having to do with Chicago. The funniest thing is that he explains the protest at City Hall Plaza that I mentioned in my last post, EXACTLY how I said the media would explain it, to brainwash the unsuspecting. It’s kind of like believing the pedophile Beijing Biden got 81 MILLION votes, more than any president…EVER. I’m going to leave it EXACTLY the way it was printed. That should give you an idea of the brain power behind garbage like this.

Lori Beetlejuice Lightfoot

Chicago might have some things in common with South Boston…but what Kifner is comparing, took place almost 50 years ago, half a century. South Boston has gone to the other side of the Universe, comparatively speaking. I moved to California when I was 18, 39 years ago.

If I left and had no communication with anyone or anything about the town, then came back today, I would almost wonder where I was. The town has taken such STRONG strides to evolve to where it is today…it’s very nice. The sad thing is Lori “Beetlejuice” Lightfoot is letting Chicago become worse than it ever has been, so for John Kifner to write such garbage, is rather insulting.

South Boston has NEVER been as bad as Chicago. If we don’t come together and stand as one bright light, then it is possible for the town to devolve…although I don’t think will ever happen.

Over 70 People Shot In Chicago

Emonte Morgan, Eric Morgan, cop killers
Emonte & Eric Morgan Killed Ella French

Over 70 people were shot in Chicago last weekend and at least 9 have died. That city is out of control. To compare it to South Boston, even in 1974, when John Kifner wrote his propaganda, is absolutely ludicrous. One of the people that was killed in Chicago was a cop, Ella French, murdered by these two thugs, Emonte Morgan and Eric Morgan, both on probation, for other felonies the 2 committed.

This is what happens when you do what “Satan” asks of you, Lori Lightfoot. South Boston has NEVER been as bad as Chicago, the size of the two locations, makes a difference, but for John “The Propagandist” Kifner, to compare the two, is like saying black is white and white is black. I think John Kifner and Lori Lightfoot have the same lord.

Ella French Gunned Down By Emonte and Eric Morgan
Ella French Gunned Down By Emonte & Eric Morgan in Chicago

Lori Lightfoot has proposed an $80 million dollar cut from the police budget. Meanwhile Chicago taxpayers pay for her private security. Like the Marxist Raphael Warnock in Georgia, he has spent $350,000 of his campaign funds on private security. This is why the Georgia “elite” don’t want to lose power. This is also why the left doesn’t want to lose control of the country, and why they hate President Trump so much, because he was going to lock them all up. People like the Morgan thugs and Lori Lightfoot kill the innocents like Ella French who want to help people.

New York Times Racial Propaganda Piece

(Remember, everything by the NY Times has been left the same way it was printed, except Oly’s Notes and links)

The Incidents have been ominous. A young black lawyer is beaten with the staff of an American flag In front of City Hall by white youths who have left school to protest busing; “I was just walking [by] in my three piece suit,” he says later. A white auto mechanic is pulled from his car by black youths and his head battered with a concrete block; he has been in critical condition for weeks. In the subway, white toughs try to drag a black off at South Boston stop; other whites rescue him, On the edges of black neighborhoods, whites hurrying home to the suburbs are stoned as their cars pass by.

Oly’s Notes:

The man WAS NOT beaten with the flag pole. The man holding the flag was waving it back and forth and the person who took the photo, made up his own story. The man holding the guy, was trying to move him away from the area so nobody would harm him. Notice how Kifner took a quote from the guy in the 3 piece suit and added it OUT OF CONTEXT: “I was just walking [by] in my three piece suit,” It says NOTHING of him being attacked…WHY? BECAUSE HE WASN’T!!! – Oly

The center of the oonflict, of course, Is the schools. The Federal court that ordered them desegregated traced a decade of racial discrimination by the all‐white, elected school committee. In ethnic Boston, the schools are the focal point of the neighborhood, the symbol of a way of life challenged by outside forces and a changing society. But the conflict takes other shapes, as well. Isolated blacks living In white neighborhoods have been harassed by stoning!, and blacks are moving out of the public housing project in heavily Italian East Boston after firebombings, beatings and complaints of lack of police protection..

Whites In the ethnic neighborhoods complain that the blacks are being hired preferentially by the telephone company and by the police and fire departments, which have been strongholds of the Irish. But blacks see a white‐run city with a police department that Is only three percent black after several years of concerted effort at special recruitment. Blacks, complaining of father‐son union discrimination, are demanding jobs on construction sites in black neighborhoods. After a clash at one site, about 2,000 white workers gathered at City Hall to complain that Federal monies were being spent to put them out of work.

Boston Police Try to Halt Racial Pelting of Motorists

But the tensions—which the police and city officials and black and white neighborhood eaders link to the passions of a court‐ordered busing for school desegregation — have been building in a series of incidents in the city’s neighborhoods all summer.

Last weekend a demonstration was called by a coalition of black leaders after two Sundays of violence at Carson Beach, which is on the edge of South Boston, the blue‐collar neighborhood that was the heart of antibusing sentiment last year.

Oly’s Note:

The bold text in the next paragraph talks about “the Bible salesman”, my sister was there that day and saw it the other way around. It was one of the black kids with the baseball bat (singular). I remember when all this was happening, I was young, maybe about 10, I was at the beach the day “black people came to take it over”. The funny thing is, I remember no violence, there were no police forces like John Kifner describes two paragraphs below.

Black people stayed on one half of the beach and white people on the other…just like those involved with this divisiveness planned. Their strongest weapon is racial tension. The “writer” of these New York Times articles, was put to the task of pouring gasoline on the racial tension caused by Judge Garrity’s, Forced Busing. His claim ( Judge Garrity’s ), was that the Boston School Committee, created TWO school systems, one for white kids and one for blacks. – Oly

Last Sunday, 800 policemen were on hand to keep blacks and whites away from each other. The local, state and Federal authorities used horses, boats, a helicopter, end amphibious craft and a “cherry picker” crane to keep watch on the beach.

“That’s the only way they’ll swim here,” said a red‐haired woman, as the blacks arrived last Sunday. “But when the police and you people [the press] leave, we’ll get them.”

Oly’s Note:

While the above paragraph may be true, I can’t say for sure. There were a lot of stupid people then, like the stupid people who read PROPAGANDA RAGS like The New York Times or watch TV news and believe it all to be true. To borrow a cliche from today put into the context of that time period: “If it’s on TV, it must be true.” The sad thing is, that especially applies today as well. The cliche borrowed: “If it’s on the internet, it must be true”.

The next paragraph, I put in to show the lack of proofreading The NY Times has. – Oly

over’ the pastyear, ??? housini officials have moved many nrinorit4) families’ ota of pristects ??? white neigliboilhoods. In Hyde’Park, two black families have had their homes Vandalized by:tangs’ of white youths.

John Kifner New York Times

Final Thoughts

As I’ve said before, I too was caught in the racist bullshit, thanks to older people unable to think everything through clearly…but also, as I always say, we all have the ability to make choices. I thank God that we do and that we live in societies, that allows that to take place. But, we are treading a very thin line right now. I made a comment on an SNL video on YouTube, that walks on that thin line:

I.R.O.N.Y – Irrefutable Reality Of New York… It is ironic that you would have legitimate politicians in New York, trying to REFUND the police, bring tourism back and STAMP OUT BLACK LIVES MATTER, why have the good guys when you can have Andrew Cuomo, his brother Chris Cuomo (just as good as a NY politician), Chris is his CRIMINAL brother’s media outlet. Chris is complicit in his brother’s crimes for spewing that poison on the Communist News Network.

Then there’s your Socialist Mayor Bill der Blowser…I mean de Blasio, we also have Leticia James, suing de Blasio and NYPD for excessive force during a Marxist Black Lives Matter, Defund The Police “protest”, way to fuck your city even more Leticia! Then there’s everyone’s favorite actress portraying the part of NY congresswoman whose ideas are All Originally Communist and of course Anthony FauXci, not a politician, but he lies like one.

How do I know when Anthony FauXci lies? His lips are moving! All of them have ropes waiting for them at their new temporary Island home, GITMO! “Socialism has one goal, Communism!” – Vladimir Lenin
Feel free to use any of this in your “comedy” skits, because the show SUCKS!!!


Socialism, Marxism & Communism DO NOT WORK!!! If you’re in The United States playing communism dress-up, the only reason why it seems to work is because you go to your Capitalist job afterward.

If you’re at the top of a Marxist organization, like, um, lets see…Black Lives Matter, you can take all that money and go on a home buying-spree, like Patrisse (Khanman) Cullors did in Florida.

I saw the light at 10 years old, we can all become the light of Reason, Responsibility & Morality for the world and put the dark out for good. It’s not hard, you just have to choose to stop infringing on Universal Laws put in place by The One Infinite Creator, God… or don’t, then ask yourself why you have so much fear, if you have the courage to face your fears that is.

When you live in fear, the lawn on the other side of the fence TRULY is greener. LIVE IN THE HERE AND NOW!!! There is no past, and the future is NOT set, so STOP worrying, it does nothing for anyone, especially you!

Peace, Love & Blessing To All, Especially To Those Trying To Implement a Marxist society in the US and around the World. They would probably want to rename The United States of America, “the united Marxist states of our confusion.”

Andrew Cuomo Has To Resign

I just heard, Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo must resign in 2 weeks. I thought that was a good happy note to end on.


Every Pandemic Has A Silver Lining

A funnel is the future of the internet for ALL business owners…no matter what business you’re in, you need a sales funnel.

If You Can’t See The Path…
You’re Looking In The Wrong Direction
Think Outside The Box

I’ve been in the online space since 1998, I had a bad motorcycle accident that radically changed my path. It was as if my guides gave me a boot in the ass and a slap across the face and said “Look stupid, pull your head out of your ass, clean the shit out of your eyes and SEE!” I was a happy bartender before then, slinging poison to the DownTown LA locals one minute and the next I was laying on a highway near death. My right arm was paralyzed as a result of the accident, my bartending days were over, I had to figure out what to do.

The accident happened on April 23, 1998, I was going to Laughlin Nevada for the Laughlin Run, a Harley Davidson event with about 50,000 Harley Riders…I never made it.

I was going through a little interchange from the 5 freeway to the Pear Blossom Highway in Los Angeles, I was slowing down and the back wheel locked up, It took me 20 years to figure that out, I crashed, was unconscious and was airlifted to a hospital, where I was put into an induced coma.

The last three things I remember before crashing, were Leaving Denny’s, we stopped for breakfast, afterward around 7:30 am we got to the interchange…I don’t remember the crash, but afterward I was laying on the ground and my friend thought I was dead. Before I completely passed out, I remember looking to my right and seeing a very big Oak Tree and fog on the ground…I also remember hearing the helicopter that came to get me…and then it was lights out.

I had a Pierre Cardin watch on that a ex-girlfriend gave me, that disappeared…I was wearing gloves and a leather jacket that covered my wrist completely…It could have popped off, but my instincts are telling me that one of the paramedics swiped it. One thing I’ve learned since then is that my instincts are always right.

I brought that up because I want you to realize that your instincts are ALWAYS trying steer you in the right direction, but we listen to the brain and ignore them. We all have that power. I’ll prove it to you…how many times have you been thinking of someone or something and then the phone rings or someone comes to the door and it’s exactly the person or thing you were thinking about. Maybe you were waiting for a package to arrive and then “ding dong”…it’s the mailman or UPS guy with your package. You have that power right now, start listening to it…try to discern your instincts from your brain and the ego.

Notice that I said “The Ego” and not your ego. There is but one ego in the universe, we all share it…just as there is one consciousness that we all share. We are eternal beings having a human experience. Our piece of the one consciousness is not limited to our current incarnation, just as we share the one consciousness, our many incarnations share our piece of consciousness.

Everything we do in every incarnation, affects the consciousness of all our incarnations. Whether it be human or any other type of being. Once we have achieved the human level, we never regress back to plant or “animal”. There are animals, however, that we have all encountered that will be human in their next go-around. That could be why some humans act like animals?

After a month in the hospital, I got to go home and some time later we, my fiance and I, went to the site of our “accident”. I looked where I saw the tree and there was nothing but rocks.

I most definitely had a course correction and was now on the correct path. Head traumas tend to change people…I have to agree with that wholeheartedly! Emotionally I was like a child again…not in a bad way, it was just that ALL the walls, all the indoctrination that I was programmed with was GONE!

Everything I did was as if it was my first time, where nobody said “You can’t do that!” or “what will people think!” My response to those kinds of statements was and still is FUCK YOU!! Time for you to pull your head out. I was going through emotional puberty. As time went on, I learned that you can catch more flies with sugar than you can with vinegar, cliche as that sounds, it’s true. Lead by example is the way…sometimes people do need a jolt to the system, they need a paradigm shift. In cases like that leading by example rarely works…I got a jolt!

People get so programmed, so indoctrinated from the day they are born, it becomes scary and almost life threatening for them to change. We are in a time right now where our consciousness needs a major jolt, a major paradigm shift. It’s VERY hard for me to believe that ANYONE would consider voting for Joe Biden…the man is a pedophile, he’s in China’s back pocket and he and his family are criminals.

There are major investigations going on right now to find out why Hunter Biden got $1,000,000,000 from China, why he got a million dollars from the wife of the ex-mayor of Moscow and why he was on the board of Burisma when he new nothing about energy and didn’t know how to speak Ukrainian.

It’s the same for people who voted for Hillary Clinton…I think most voted for her because they wanted to be part of electing the first woman President. They never bothered to consider her criminal background. They would also regurgitate the propaganda that the media spoon fed them about President Trump…very sad.

Promises Made, Promises Kept

Promises Made, Promises Kept! Trump 2020
Think Outside The Box
President Trump – Promises Made, Promises Kept

I heard a great analogy about President Trump: “Say you have a house and you need a watch dog, would you rather have a Pitbull or an ankle biter guarding your house?” The idea that a President should be “stately” and refined, no longer works. President Trump is a Pitbull, exactly what this country has needed for a very long time. If you disagree, tell me why, let me know why you think President Trump is a bad President, present your evidence, my mind is wide open.

Send a message through the form on the right and subscribe, so you’ll get updates of new posts. There’s a phrase that is so right on, I’m not sure how someone could read it and disagree. When is the last time we had a President that this has applied to: Promises Made, Promises Kept!

Last Rights

I was given last rights while in the hospital because they didn’t think I would make it, I’ve had 6 of the 7 Sacraments…A friend of mine said I flat-lined at one point, but I’m not sure about that. I was in the hospital for a month. The first two weeks in the induced coma were a trip! I think I discovered my Animal Totem…the Polar Bear, there were 3 of them, I felt no fear or danger.

They were about 10 feet away from me, minding their own business. I also became the Godfather of my fiance’s child, in an odd ceremony where some of my skin was grafted onto the baby. When I was brought out of the induced coma, the first thing I said was, “How’s the baby?” Everyone in the room was puzzled. My fiance had no children.

 When I was brought to the hospital, they did an MRI and saw a clot on my brain, so they cut a large piece of my skull out on the left side, wiped the clot away and induced the coma. Two weeks later they brought me out of it and neither of my arms worked, thankfully the left one started to work again, but the right is still paralyzed 22 years later.

I found out later that 1 person in 10 survives a clot on the brain. I was supposed to get married that June, my fiance was on the back of the bike, she broke some bones, had some road rash, but thankfully recovered fairly well, aside from maybe some emotional scarring.

You Can Read About My 2nd Near Death Experience Here

We postponed the wedding until June 1999, we got married in Ensenada, Mexico. She left me a year later…she wasn’t listening to the priest when he said for better or for worse. She said I changed, to which I always replied, no kidding.

In the time we were married, a friend gave us a computer with Windows 3.1, the first time I got online, it was as if the clouds parted and a light shone down on what lay ahead of me. I taught myself HTML to an expert level which bled into SEO, it was before Google and before it was called SEO (Search Engine Optimization). It’s funny to hear some people use it in a sentence incorrectly…they’ll say: “SEO Optimized”…don’t say that.

For my first online business, I was a reseller for a hosting company and eventually I moved to solely doing SEO. I made a lot of money doing that and moved to Mexico in 2011, being the Digital Nomad that I am. I then opened a Sushi restaurant while down there in a great location, because I Love sushi, but it was on the 2nd floor…everyone was too busy looking at their phones to notice…I sure could have used a funnel then.

plato verde header
Plato Verde Sushi, San Pancho, Nayarit, Mexico
philadelphia roll
Philadelphia Roll, Plato Verde Sushi
San Pancho, Nayarit, Mexico

Question: How many of you are thinking, Sushi in Mexico? One of the things that made our sushi better than all other sushi restaurants I’ve been to in Mexico, is that we made it California style. In Mexico, nearly all sushi restaurants, use cream cheese to hold the rolls together, because they don’t cook the rice properly. The only rolls we used cream cheese in were the Philadelphia Roll and our own Tropical Judy Roll, both awesome!

Nishiki Sushi & Oriental Food
Nishiki Restaurant
San Pancho, Nayarit, Mexico

On another note, I’m very happy to say, my chef went on to open his own restaurant called Nishiki, it’s a cross between Sushi and Asian food…it’s VERY good. If you’re ever in San Pancho, go to Nishiki, you won’t be disappointed!

We were 5 star rated in Trip Advisor and were getting customers because of it, but not enough to sustain us though. The restaurant kept me very busy and as a result, I lost a lot of my SEO clients. Eventually I moved back to the states (Boston, December 2019) I’m rebuilding my online biz and learning Funnel Hacking and Affiliate marketing to round off my internet skills.

Death Of My Siblings 2020

Fast forward to August 3rd 2020, my sister died of Cancer, I’m happy she finally got to leave her broken down meat-suit prison…fast forward to September 20, 2020…my brother died VERY unexpectedly, he had a “massive cardiac arrest” and dropped dead, he was very physically fit, always worked out…but that guarantees nothing, he just turned 57 September 6th…in this incarnation, he was a year and 3 months older than me.

The difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest is this, a heart attack happens when the hearts valves get clogged up with plaque from the shitty food you’re eating, like ANY meat, processed foods or processed sugar, which has been scientifically proven to be more addictive than cocaine, the heart tries to pump the blood, but it can’t, so the valves of the heart start to die and that’s when a heart attack occurs. Cardiac Arrest is when there is an electrical short in the heart, you get an irregular heartbeat and then it just stops. If you don’t get help immediately, you die within minutes…he died in his sleep, no pain.

If you’re into numerology, here’s something interesting: My sister died on 8/3/2020, 8+3=11 the year is converted into 22 because you drop the zeros, you don’t add the 2’s together because it’s a master number, as is 11, thus 11/22.

My brother died on 9/20/2020, 9+2=11, again you drop the zeros. It’s the same as if you added 9+20=29, 9+2=11, 2020=22, so both of them died on days that gave them the same master numbers. Now whenever I see 11:11 or the number 22, I’ll think of both of them and take a deeper meaning from it.

Rebuilding Once Again

It Doesn’t Phase Me Anymore, I’m Grateful For My Failures

Here I am on September 21st, 2020 a day after my brother’s death, starting the ClickFunnels 30 day challenge. If you don’t know what Click Funnels is or what a sales funnel is, click the link and check it out. A funnel is the future of the internet for ALL business owners…no matter what business you’re in, you need a sales funnel.

I Do Not Consent

Failure is a gift, if you are afraid to fail, you are afraid to live, you are afraid to change, you are afraid to grow, you are afraid to stand up and say Fuck You, I don’t GIVE A FUCK, what you think of me, your judgement is not a prerequisite for me to LIVE! I will NOT be corralled like a farm animal waiting to be sent to slaughter! I WILL NOT BE SILENCED OR TOLD HOW I SHOULD LIVE BY CORRUPT POLITICIANS WHO ARE LEADING LAMBS TO SLAUGHTER!!! We are LITERALLY being tested right now…

Before you start judging, remember this quote: “As You See Him, You See Yourself”. If you live your life that way, it should lead you to a non-judgemental life and there, helping to stop your wheel of Karma from going faster. There is another quote, when coupled with the first, is like having ABS brakes on your wheel of Karma: “You Are Never Angry For The Reason You Think”. Let those two sink in for a minute or 2. I was talking to my other brother about this very thing, when I started talking about Good Karma vs. Bad Karma, he said he had never heard of Good Karma before. He has always thought when you used the word Karma, you were referring to something bad. Does anyone else think that way?

I understand death more than most after having 2 near death experiences, I now fear nothing because of them, belief in myself is very strong, don’t misunderstand me, after my accident, I felt like half the person I was before it happened, I think that was the Ego trying revive itself…again, don’t misunderstand, I’m VERY GRATEFUL for everything that has happened to me since April 23, 1998 and in my entire life for that matter!

The amount of time I’ve had alone since the accident has been nothing but INCREDIBLE! The 8 years in Mexico was VERY mind opening to say the least, so many things…I’ll be returning home very soon! As I said above, We are Eternal Beings having a human experience. We are here to experience and to learn from those experiences.

Do You Have The Spirit?

I’ve always been an entrepreneur even as a child. I remember when I was very young, maybe about 7 or 8, somebody had thrown a red wooden box in my yard, it had no top and was put together with 2 x .5 pieces of wood, I took one of them off, nailed it across the top and made a shoeshine box and started shining shoes.

My father, then bought me a real shoeshine box…then I was really in business! hahaha. I went out one day and made about $20, that’s a lot for a little kid in the ’70’s. Then when I was about twelve I had a paper route with about 70 customers. I had to go collect money once a week…I was making about $25 – $30 a week. One Christmas, I made $200!

Then I worked as a dishwasher in a restaurant, then a $0.05 & $0.10 or Five & Dime or 5 & 10. After that I worked in a supermarket as a bag boy, I got a “promotion” to the dairy department, I also helped stock shelves at night…I was about 15 or 16 then.

My point of all that is, I’ve always had an Entrepreneurial Spirit, I’ve always believed in myself. Before I moved to Mexico in 2011, I had a couple $100,000 years from my ventures online…ALL SELF TAUGHT. The point of the title of this post is, this “pandemic” is forcing you to stay home…that’s the silver lining. What have you been doing to better yourself? What are you doing while “stuck at home”? You can learn so much from the internet…everything you want to know can be found online. I’m working on a new website that will be dedicated to teaching you how to make money online.

When I think about Love, I feel it all around me, no matter where I am or what I’m doing and I know you can too. I feel it right now as I type these words, I feel it when reading an email from someone, I feel it when I’m watching a movie because words are powerful things, whether they are vocalized, written or thought of they have power! something I really started thinking of when I was living in Mexico, learning the language, is that Love transcends all.

You can go to another part of the world, know nothing about the language see someone that you are attracted to and whether you realize it or not, you are transmitting Love, some may feel it and respond in a like manner, it’s as if you were attached to the other parson, like a quantum entanglement, that is especially true when you are speaking with someone on the phone that you care deeply about. You feel every word.

A person could just speak gibberish, but with intent. The intent is what gives words power. Try it, say Fuck You, with Love as the intent, then hate as the intent, then with the intent of laughter. Even when you get into a heated discussion with someone and you get pissed at the other person and say Fuck You to them, the Love you feel for that person will be transmitted and the person will receive your Love wrapped in temporary anger.


The anger will be dissolved by the underlying Love, the person it was directed at will feel that and hopefully be attuned (To bring into a harmonious or responsive relationship) to what just happened. Even when you’re not fully aware of these things, you will still feel it and act in a manner conducive to the way you both feel. I wanted to see if I used the word Attuned correctly and that is the definition I found. That is why I Love the internet, speaking of Love.

All I did was type the word attune into the address bar, not the search box, but the address bar of Firefox and the definition comes up instantly. I use Duck Duck Go in FireFox. If that doesn’t work in your browser, just type in “Define: Your Word Here” without the quotation marks and replace Your Word Here with the word you want defined.

You may laugh because I told you to replace Your Word Here with the word you want defined, but there are people who are still learning how to use the internet. You would be surprised how many people I’ve spoken with that don’t know what a browser is! They know how to use one, but they don’t know what it’s called. Therein is a good chance to practice Love, by not laughing at them and just understanding where they are in their internet experience.

Speaking of Love, I would very much Love to help you to start making money online, whether it be something you want to do full time, so you have more time to spend with your family, or you just want to make some money to supplement your income…I want to help. This is my path. I’m not going to tell you it’s easy…not at first…it does require a bit of work, but eventually you’ll have something that works for you 24 hours a day, does not complain, and never asks you for a raise. I’m not trying to sell you on a get rich quick scheme, because they are non-existent.

All I’m asking in return is for you to start being more aware of Love and to put your email address in the subscribe box at the top on the left, so you’ll get updates when I post something new. More importantly, you’ll be notified when I launch my new site, that will be dedicated to teaching you how to make money online. Is that OK? Is that a fair trade? Just go to the top of the page next to the header nmage on the right and subscribe. I’ll send you everything below.

Subscribe And Get…

If you’ve been thinking about going back to school, DON’T, everything that ANY SCHOOL teaches people is antiquated and does one thing and one thing only! Do you know what that is? Take full advantage of this time or get left behind! Put your email in the subscribe box on the top right and I will send you:

  • A notification when I launch my new website, that will be dedicated to helping YOU make money online.
  • A document explaining what is happening to EVERY SINGLE PERSON that is in any school, From Harvard all the way down to kindergarten and what they are actually teaching you. If you already know that’s awesome.
  • A document listing ALL the FREE tools that I’m currently using for my online ventures, with links to their download pages.
    • It will contain a free photo editor, comparable to Photoshop
    • A video editor, to create videos and two other programs it uses for animated titles that are already created. You can learn to make your own, but to start, there are a bunch already created, all you have to do is click.
    • A video editor that creates incredible animated Intros and Outros
    • A screen recorder/live streamer
    • A program that reduces the “weight” of videos. Example: If you have a video that is 100 megabytes, this can reduce it down to about 20 megabytes or less without noticeable loss of quality. I’ve had videos that were 6 gigabytes (gb) and it reduced them to 100 megabytes (mb). 6 gigs is 1,000 megabytes, just as 1 megabyte is 1,000 kilobytes (kb)
  • And you’ll get a digital copy of Think And Grow Rich, by Napolean Hill

Our time is our most valuable asset. What is your time worth? I charge $150 an hour to consult or teach. How much time would you spend finding everything on the list above? Think and Grow Rich has a value of about $25! I have the licensing to give it to YOU for FREE! How much time would you spend researching to find everything in the list above? Put your email in the subscription box at the top right and you’ll get everything for FREE!

Final Thoughts

These are thoughts I had while reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, if you haven’t read it, I suggest you buy it today and read it. The words in quotes below are quotes from the book.

“The lack of money is the root of all evil” It’s not the other way around. People say ‘Money is the root of all evil’ because:

  • They are afraid of it
  • They don’t realize the power of money or how it works…get the book and you’ll find out.
  • They are afraid of failure
  • They don’t understand that failure is a gift
  • We need failure to learn and grow
  • They’re lazy and don’t want to work on themselves, because they’re afraid of change.
  • They are so indoctrinated into the slave culture that they think it’s impossible for them.

Money is just a friendly tool that can help break the chains that hold you down. “The subject of money is taught at home, not in school.”

I remember arguing with my mother about something…it may have been about school or money…but at one point I said to her “I don’t want to grow up to be like both of you”, meaning her and my father. I do regret ever saying that. I am EXTREMELY grateful for everything I’ve learned from the two of them…I am who I am at my core because of them.

“Being broke is temporary, being poor is eternal”

Money is power and the power of your thoughts need to be considered,
you need to be aware of your thoughts and how you carry yourself.

“If you want to learn to work for money, then stay in school” where you’ll be indoctrinated into the slave culture.

Most people simply roll over and learn to be submissive because it’s easier to let fear control their lives.

“Passion is anger and Love combined” Find something you are passionate about and do it! Make it work for YOU!

Stop pointing fingers at non-existant problems, there’s a word for that, it’s called PROJECTION, look within, you have the entire Universe at your disposal, remember that quote from above: “As You See Him, You See Yourself”

A friend of mine once said, “Money is only good if you know you are not going to die tomorrow” That is mostly true, you can’t be a slave to money. I think when you realize that you are protected, break the chains of your indoctrination, see that money really means nothing and you give without ever expecting anything in return, you’ll find that it boomerangs for you and comes back in beautiful ways.

You have to tell the truth, to everyone, but especially to yourself, this applies to everything in your life.

Face your fears, watch your reactions and projections, tell YOURSELF the TRUTH!
Forgive yourself for being afraid, but don’t use fear as an excuse or a crutch, figure out the why! Face your truth, accept it, forgive it, move on with the knowledge that you’ve learned and grow wiser and realize that your fears are unfounded.

When you don’t tell yourself the truth, you react to your emotions and fail to think, your emotions override logic and critical thinking when you let fear(the ego) keep you enslaved.

“Intelligence solves problems and produces money, money without financial intelligence is money soon gone.”

I see the path in front of me very clearly…how about you?

My message to anyone reading this, the only thing preventing you from doing ANYTHING you want to do is YOU!!! Look within, face your demons (the ego) and tell them to fuck off! Remember this: The obstacle IS the way!

Peace, Love & Blessings To All!!!


Racism Is Taught, Love Is Not!

This kid helped beat up and rob a 15 year old girl. He yanked her Air Jordan Sneakers right off her feet and walked off with crime trophy.

This Boy Is Crying For Love

Racism Is Taught, Love Is Not…this is not a new concept and the racism aspect of it has been used over and over and over against the entire human race. It has been used as a “divisor” (sic) against us. Humanity / Race = Racism

That equation makes absolutely no sense, it’s illogical…it’s what we’ve been PROGRAMMED to believe. It’s illogical because Race / Race = Race or 1 / 1 = 1! There is but one race and that is the human race!

The word Racism itself has always been a weapon used against us…if there is one race, the Human race, how can there be racism…it’s just hate that is being fed to us by the “Lords of Hate”. We’ve been programmed or tricked into believing things like this exist because it’s TAUGHT to us in schools, by Hollywood and all corporate media. They wouldn’t do that would they? Yes, they absolutely would and have been since our beginning.

Another phrase that has George Soros, who funds both ANTIFA & Black Lives Matter, and has the Deep State written all over it is: “Reverse Racism”…wouldn’t that mean that there was no racism?? It’s a term used by white people when another person that isn’t white says something or does something racist to them. THAT’S JUST RACISM…THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS REVERSE RACISM!!

All these little things are wedges “they” use to drive us apart! Their plan? To Divide And Conquer! There has never been a better time to say “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”. The thought of all of us all of a sudden being unified, scares the fuck out of them. Where We Go One We Go All!

Roger Highfield Science Editor of the Daily Telegraph and Science Director at The Science Museum Group says: “All humans are 99.9 percent identical and, of that tiny 0.1 per cent difference, 94 per cent of the variation is among individuals from the same populations and only six percent between individuals from different populations.”

The Sports Industrial Complex

Their goal is to keep us divided in as many ways as possible…they’re experts at it. One of the biggest ways is done by The Sports Industrial Complex! If you’ve ever been to a professional sports game or any athletic competition for that matter, there are always fights, people even get killed.

Brian Stow Attacked At Dodger Stadium

Brian Stow, Victim of "Sports Racism"
Brian Stow

In April 2011, Brian Stow and some friends drove down to Los Angeles from San Jose, to see the San Francisco Giants play the LA Dodgers at Dodger Stadium for the Dodgers’ home opener. After the game he was attacked, knocked unconscious, hitting his head on the ground and then was kicked in the head by his attackers…why? Because he was wearing a San Francisco Giants Jersey…he was wearing the wrong color. I’m happy to say he was awarded $18,000,000 in a court case against The Los Angeles Dodgers LLC.

The Word Soccer And Soccer Hooligans

What about Soccer!? “Soccer Hooligans”…I know Football or Futbol for my Mexican brothers and sisters. The word soccer was created in England and NOT the US as many believe. The word soccer comes from an abbreviation for Association (from Association Football, the ‘official’ name for the game) plus the addition of the suffix –er. This suffix (originally Rugby School slang, and then adopted by Oxford University). Here’s a paper written by Stefan Szymanski, in 2014, on the topic.

See, even what to call a sport has divided people…and then people started saying the word was invented in “America”. The official name for Soccer is Association Football, as it says above. They took the Soc from Association then added the “er” suffix, but in order to make it “proper”, they added another “c”, forming the word Soccer…they, the English, add the “er” suffix to form a lot of words, Soccer, Rugger (Rugby), Cupper, apparently used for World Cup matches or any match involving a Cup.

I don’t follow ANY sports anymore…being from Boston, you’re “Born Into It”, it was a bit difficult to cut the Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics and Bruins completely out of my life, but not nearly as hard as someone from Boston would think…but I digress…

A Progression/Regression From Hate To Love, Love Conquers All!

I put this video together because these clips started to show up or I started noticing them. The one of Jude I saw quite a while ago…when you watch the clip of the Police Officer driving to work, you’ll see what I’m talking about. Watch all 15 minutes so you’ll see the natural progression, or maybe I should say regression? I think all the clips were being shown to me for whatever reason. Maybe just to post on here to show those who are supposed to see them. Why that would be is up to the individual that is supposed to see them.

WARNING: The opening clip is rough…if you watch from beginning to end, you’ll feel better. Make sure you look at the photos below the video.

Nobody Is SCREAMING About A Dozen Black Boys, Beating And Robbing A 15 Year Old Black Girl! Where Are The Extortionists Now!!!???

Racism Is Taught Love Is Not!

The images below are very disturbing, they’re from one of the clips. About 15 boys attacked a 15 year old girl. Wait until you see it. It’s like an episode of some animal show, where a bunch of Hyenas come running to the kill. The two I highlighted are the first 6 images. The first are of the kid who yanked her Air Jordan sneakers off as a prize. The second 4 are of a kid that runs over to her, jumps up and comes down on her…he has the backpack with what looks like a shark…the images with the red arrows. The big image is of the kid who stole her sneakers.

I need to clarify the reason for these photos a bit more. These boys attacked a 15 year old Black girl…they targeted her for some reason…they all seemed to have come out of the woodwork Like in the well known Agent Smith fighting Neo (Keanu Reeves) scene in The Matrix

If anyone knows any of these kids…please report them to the Brooklyn police.

Peace, Love & Blessings!
