Animals Are Sentient Creatures Like You And I
Sentience is the capacity to be aware of feelings and sensations. The word was first coined by philosophers in the 1630s for the concept of an ability to feel, derived from Latin sentientem, to distinguish it from the ability to think. In modern Western philosophy, sentience is the ability to experience sensations.
There are those who actually lack sentience. Are you one of them? Are you one of those people who after being away from an animal for a long time wonders or says out loud, “I wonder if he’ll remember me?” Of course they’ll remember you! Would you wonder if after being away from your family for so long if they would remember you?

As you’ll see in the video, animals, like Lions, Dogs, Horses, Cows, Mules all animals all remember and show Love to the person they miss. All of God’s creatures are sentient and are in-tune with God, the Earth and are more than likely smarter than all of us. Just because they do things different than us, does NOT make them inferior.
Animals Are Sentient And Plants Are Too
It’s not just animals, it’s plants too. There was a recent study that came to the conclusion that trees have a heartbeat! It’s not just trees though, all plants have to get nourishment to the rest of their bodies the same way that trees do. How does water and other nutrients go from the roots of a plant, up to the stem, branches, leaves? Everything is made from energy, we are all the same, just in different forms. Check this video of the Singing Plants Of Damanhur: It’s pretty amazing.
If you treat a plant badly and give it nothing but hate, it will most likely shrivel up and die. With animals, it’s a bit different, some will attack and try to kill the person that is being hateful. Others, if they know the person, will cower, but then afterward, show you the unconditional Love they have for you.
An example of an animal attacking someone who is definitely treating him badly is in this post of a bull getting back at the matador. In the post I said it was awesome…but really, it’s not awesome, it’s a great example of how not to treat animals. Bull fighting is the most COWARDICE “sport” on the planet. Anything like it is equally as cowardice!
- Bull Fighting
- Chicken Fighting (My friends in Mexico know all about that and it’s illegal there.)
- Dog Fighting
- I’m sure there are many more, but if you go to or participate in anything like this, YOU ARE A COWARD!!!!
Obviously, if you’re bad to a Lion, you’re going to be in trouble. Watch how the Lions in the video remember the people who took care of them. They remember who they are and show their Love for the person. Is that unaware? Do they not remember? Are they not conscious of themselves and the world around them?
Are You Bad With Plants? Plants Are Sentient Too
I think when people say “I’m bad with plants” It’s because they have no relationship with plants. They give no Love and think all they have to do is water them. You have to talk to them, wipe their leaves off if they’re dusty, let them know you Love them. If you open your mind, you’ll find that the plant communicates with you. You’ll know when the plant needs water, you’ll know what part of the house they like and when they need a bigger pot. How do I know this? If you ask anyone who knows me well, they’ll tell you.

It’s the same with animals. If you have a dog and never show him Love, how do you think that dog would be? Miserable I bet! We really are all the same. If you took your hand and put it under an electron microscope and then took a dog’s paw and put it under the same electron microscope, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the two unless you were trained to know what each looks like.
As it says in the image “If you don’t believe they have souls, you haven’t looked into their eyes long enough.” Very True! If you have a dog or cat, or have friends with dogs or cats, spend time with them, look into their eyes and you’ll see what they’re thinking. You’ll also pick up subconsciously what their body is doing and the energy that they are giving off.
I’m reminded of movie line from Total Recall: “Quaaade open your mind, open your mind Quaade.” In this context it should say: “Quaaade, open your mind, animals are sentient.“
Would You Eat Your Friends
Now if you realize that animals are sentient like you and I, how can you eat any of them? They think, they sleep and dream, they smile when they get happy, they get sad, they know if they’ve done something that they shouldn’t have. Just because they do things differently than us, does not make them inferior. In fact, if you think that way, it makes you out to be the inferior being.
You can argue that point all you want, it just shows that maybe you are the one who is unaware of your surroundings, the one who is insentient, the one who lacks consciousness? I doubt that you are like that but, due to the indoctrination that we’ve all had shoved down our throats, for some reason you haven’t seen through it yet.
Again, “Quaaade, open your mind, open your mind Quaade.” Don’t be Quade!
The first half of the video shows animals remembering people and showing their Love for them. The second half shows animals saving other animals. The last scene in the video shows a cow, coming up to a complete stranger, kneeling down and showing Love to the man. The man was resting on the ground and the cow saw something in him, that most of us have closed off in our minds or guts, she kneels down and enjoys the mutual Love. Next time you’re going to eat a burger or steak, Please remember that part of the video.
There is only one real Truth and that is Love.
Peace, Love & Blessing To All!