Dr Judy Mikovits – Lies and Deception – Interview On The Good Intentions Show

“By any standard, Dr. Judy Mikovits was among the most skilled scientists of her generation.”

“The CoronaVirus outbreak has been carefully designed by the use of vaccines.”

Dr Birx says: “The government is classifying all deaths of patients with CoronaVirus as COVID-19 deaths, regardless of cause.”

Plague Of Corruption

Dr Judy Mikovits

Dr Judy Mikovits PhD is an EXPERT Molecular Virologist and Biologist who has had her life turned upside down and her career just about ruined by…wait for it…“Dr” Tony Fauci!

Plague Of Corruption by Dr Judy Mikovits
Plague Of Corruption – Restoring Faith In The Promise Of Science

She has written a book called “Plague Of Corruption – Restoring Faith In The Promise Of Science”. She also has a documentary coming out called: “Plandemic, Lies And Deception”, that further exposes the corrupt medical system and corrupt people like Anthony Fauci and Dr Birx.

Excerpt from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.‘s Foreword in Plague Of Corruption

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Moral Courage and Our Common Future 
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“And yet, it moves!” Galileo whispered those defiant words in 1615 as he left the Roman Inquisition tribunal before which he repudiated his theory that the earth—the immovable center of the Universe according to contemporary orthodoxy— revolves around the sun. Had he not recanted; his life was forfeit.

We like to think of Galileo’s struggles as the quaint artifact of a dark, ignorant, and tyrannical era where individuals challenged government-anointed superstitions only at grave personal risk. Dr. Judy Mikovits’ story shows that stubborn orthodoxies anointed by pharmaceutical companies and corrupt government regulators to protect power and profits remain a dominant force in science and politics.

By any standard, Dr. Judy Mikovits was among the most skilled scientists of her generation.

She entered professional science from the University of Virginia with a B.A. degree in Chemistry on June 10, 1980 as a protein chemist for the National Cancer Institute (NCI) working on a life-saving project to purify interferon.

c At NCI, Mikovits began what would become a twenty-year collaboration with Dr. Frank Ruscetti, a pioneer in the field of human retrovirology. While heading up the lab of Robert Gallo in 1977, Rusectti made scientific history by co-discovering with Bernie Poiesz, the first human retrovirus, HTLV-1 (human T-cell leukemia virus).

A retrovirus is a “stealth virus” that, like HIV, enters the host without alerting the immune systems.

It may then laydormant for years without causing harm. Before killing a person, a retrovirus will usually destroy their immune system. As a result, many retroviruses cause cancer. With an escalating under- standing of retrovirus behavior, the Ruscetti/ Mikovits collaboration and Mikovits award-winning PhD thesis from George Washington University in 1991, changed the paradigm of HIV-AIDS treatment, turning the disease from a death sentence into a manageable condition.

From the outset, the most daunting obstacle to Mikovits’ career-advancement was her scientific integrity. She always placed it ahead of personal ambition. The first in her blue-collar family to attend university, Judy Mikovits never meant to wade into a public health turmoil. She never considered herself a renegade or revolutionary. Judy’s relatives mainly worked in government or law enforcement. They believed in bedrock American principles of hard work, respect for authority, and above all, telling the truth. That backdrop made it impossible for her to abandon her high natal standards of honesty and integrity even when they became a hindrance.

After leaving NIH, she worked a stint for Upjohnleading a project to prove the safety of the company’s blockbuster Bovine Growth Hormone. When Mikovits discovered the company’s formula could cause precancerous changes in human cell cultures, she refused direct orders from her boss to hide her discoveries. Mikovits’ revelation suggested that the ubiquitous presence of the hormone in milk could lead to breast cancer in women who drank it. Her refusal to back down precipitated her departure from Upjohn and her return to NIH and graduate school. Judy’s war on BGH eventually led to Upjohn abandoning the product.

In 2009, now in academia, Mikovits and Ruscetti, who was still at NCI, led a team that discovered a strong association between a previously unknown retro- virus and myalgic encephalomyelitis, commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Predictably, the retrovirus was also linked to certain blood cancers. Collaborators had named it Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Related Virus (XMRV), when they first detected in DNA sequences in prostate Cancer a few years earlier.

The medical community had dealt with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which strikes mostly women, in bad faith since its appearance in the mid-1980s. The medical establishment derided ME/CFS as “yuppie flu” and attributed it to the inherent psychological fragility of career women pursuing professions in high pressure corporate ecosystems. Mikovits found evidence for the retrovirus in approximately 67 percent of women afflicted with ME/CFS, and in a little less than 4 per- cent of the healthy population.

On October 8, 2009, Mikovits and Ruscetti published their explosive findings…

in the Journal of Science, describing the first isolation of the recently discovered retrovirus, XMRV, and its association to ME/CFS. Her revelation about ME/CFS immediately triggered angry reaction from jealous cancer power centers, stubborn; resistant to science that attributed cancer and neuroimmune diseases to viruses…

She was falsely arrested for refusing to retract her paper on xmrv mouse retroviruses that were found in the cells of people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and contaminating the blood through vaccines…Read about how COVID-19 is caused by vaccines.

Plandemic – Lies And Deception Interview

There’s a lot of information that she’s giving us…I urge everyone to watch both videos and share them with EVERYONE, especially those who believe Dr Anthony Fauci trustworthy…as a doctor or person…Dr Anthony Fauci is a criminal and will be charged with crimes against humanity when the world finds out that he had a major part in letting the AIDS/HIV virus spread throughout the world. He could have prevented it, but because of his avarice and service to self mentality, he chose to try and better his career and bank account.

Dr Judy Mikovits, Plandemic, Lies And Deception Interview – Part 1

“The architect of Sweden’s controversially lax coronavirus response says he thinks it’s working and the capital city is already benefiting from Heard Immunity!”

Dr Judy Mikovits, Plandemic, Lies And Deception Interview – Part 2

Plague Dr Judy Mikovits’ First Book

One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases

On July 22, 2009, a special meeting was held with twenty-four leading scientists at the National Institutes of Health to discuss early findings that a newly discovered retrovirus was linked to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), prostate cancer, lymphoma, and eventually neurodevelopmental disorders in children. When Dr. Judy Mikovits finished her presentation the room was silent for a moment, then one of the scientists said, “Oh my God!” The resulting investigation would be like no other in science.

Plague Book Cover
Plague by: Dr Judy Mikovits

For Dr. Mikovits, a twenty-year veteran of the National Cancer Institute, this was the midpoint of a five-year journey that would start with the founding of the Whittemore-Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease at the University of Nevada, Reno, and end with her as a witness for the federal government against her former employer, Harvey Whittemore, for illegal campaign contributions to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

On this journey Dr. Mikovits would face the scientific prejudices against CFS, wander into the minefield that is autism, and through it all struggle to maintain her faith in God and the profession to which she had dedicated her life. This is a story for anybody interested in the peril and promise of science at the very highest levels in our country.

More Posts With Dr Judy Mikovits

Conspiracy Theories

“Hospitals are getting paid $13,000 for each COVID#19 patient and $39,000 for each COVID #19 patient on a ventilator”

“Ventilators are killing patients!”

“You MUST wear a BLUETOOTH ARMBAND To Prove You Received The COVID-19 Vaccination.”
Wilhem Tore

Update 5-7-20: These are no Conspiracy Theories! USA Today is showing the same amount of money that hospitals are getting from saying they have COVID #19 patients and the amount they get for putting them on ventilators!


  • n. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
  • n. A group of conspirators.
  • n. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action
All Seeing Eye Pyramid

Conspiracy Theory, a term coined by the newly formed (September 18, 1947) C.I.A. after the Roswell “crash” that occurred around June 14, 1947. It was created so if anyone ever spoke of it or of flying saucers, or questioned the “official government stories”, like the story of the lone bullet in the JFK assassination, they were made fools of by everyone. The term actually may have been created after the JFK assassination, research it yourself.

Now, because of the Ridicule Factor, a lot of people are afraid to come forward with information that SHOULD NOT be withheld from the public. If you say something is a conspiracy theory or call someone a conspiracy theorist, you are using the term incorrectly, unless you are using it as defined by The Merriam Webster Dictionary above.

The C.I.A., in creating that term, created a conspiracy against the world…much like the latest flu scamdemic. The lies are piling up…one of the biggest lies is how hospitals are “war zones”…that was disproven pretty much IMMEDIATELY by citizen journalists taking videos of EMPTY HOSPITALS!

Now we also know why the numbers in places like NYC are so high…I knew they would get more federal money if they kept their numbers up, but I didn’t realize how much they would be ripping the “American” taxpayer off…if a hospital takes in one patient who thinks they might have COVID #19, they’re going to say yes, you have COVID #19, and the federal government pays the hospital $13,000!

If they put one of these people on a ventilator, and this is why all of them were saying “We need ventilators”, this is also why Governor Cuomo of NYC was hording them, if they put one patient on a ventilator, the federal government pays these criminals $39,000 of your taxes!!!

NYC Ventilators Are Killling Patients

Because of the greed of these politicians and hospital administrators, A LOT of COVID #19 patients were being murdered by ventilator…because it was the WRONG treatment…that serves a second purpose…it inflates the number of COVID #19 deaths which helps further the vaccine agendas of those like the “medical expert” Bill Gates and his ilk, who stand to make BILLIONS if not TRILLIONS of dollars on bullshit, microchip injecting vaccines!

"You MUST wear a BLUETOOTH ARMBAND To Prove You Received The COVID-19 Vaccination."
Wilhem Tore
You MUST wear a BLUETOOTH ARMBAND To Prove You Received The COVID-19 Vaccination.

I keep saying that all that is happening is going to be hard for A LOT of people to wrap their heads around, especially when they have someone who is working in one of these locations like NYC, is being told the same lies and if they try to buck the narrative, they will be fired or have their medical license revoked or be thrown in jail for some ridiculous thing!

Dr Judy Mikovits

Take Doctor Judy Mikovits, one of the most accomplished scientists of her generation, whose 1991 Doctorial thesis revolutionized the treatment of HIV AIDS. She published a paper in the Journal of Science that created a tsunami of hate from Big Pharma and the scientific “community”, as it revealed the common use of animal and fetal tissues were unleashing devastating plagues of chronic diseases.

Plague Of Corruption - Restoring Faith In The Promise Of Science - By Dr Judy Mikovits

Big Pharma went after her, destroying her good reputation, career and her personal life, she was even jailed without being charged for a crime. She was called “A fugitive from justice”. She was put on a gag order for five years, and when that expired, she wrote a book called Plague Of Corruption, where she names names! “Dr” Anthony Fauci, being one of those names. Watch this 26 minute interview/documentary with Dr Mikovits to hear everything.

Do your own research, find trustworthy news sources…do not watch TV news, unless you just want to hear the latest lies they are spewing from their festering gobs! Vet out your sources…that reminds me of a funny story…

During the 2016 Presidential election, there was a girl that lived in San Pancho when I was living there and she was a “NeverTrumper” for some uninformed reason. One day we were discussing something about him on Facebook, she thought I was wrong and using an unvetted news source…I let it go until the next day, I was chatting with her on FB and I told her: “I took my cat to the vet today and asked him about what we were discussing yesterday…he said I was right.” Apparently she didn’t think it was as funny as I did and she blocked me right away! HAHAHA! She took my virginity…she was the first person to cut me lose because of President Trump…she wanted Hillary Clinton to win…holy shit, can you imagine what kind of mess we would be in right now!

That’s it for now, stay strong, stay positive, do not fear, be more Forgiving, more Loving toward everything and try to start understanding the magnitude of the situation the planet is in.

Join the Prayer Wave at 11:11 am and or pm, and especially at 6 pm in your timezone for all three.

Peace, Love & Blessings!
